Chapter 6: Forbidden Forest (Year 1)

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A week had passed and Draco's bruises from is encounter with Ron had finally almost completely faded. The blonde boy did seem to be more nasty to them afterwards though, he wouldn't leave them alone he listened in on any conversation he could trying to get dirt on them. He had even resorted to following them at times, you tagged along with him those times to make sure he wouldn't get himself in trouble. 

The two of you were sitting next to each other in the Great Hall as usual, after Draco had just sat down. He seemed to be deep in thought, you guessed that he heard something Harry or Ron said. You got closer to him and tapped on his arm lightly causing him to look up suddenly with wide eyes that relaxed when they met yours.

"Draco, what's up with you? You keep getting lost in your thoughts, please tell me you're not scheming against Potter?" He looked at you and got a bit annoyed.

"I'm not scheming... It's just that- Potter and his little blood traitor and mud-blood friends were talking about something that happened to peak my interest." His annoyance had disappeared and he was now wearing a crooked smile on his face, you knew he was up to something and it couldn't be good.

"Oh, yeah? And what might've been this thing that so curiously peaked your interest." You teased while poking his arm.

"Never mind that, they're going to that oaf's hut during class time. And you're going to come with me." He said while stopping your finger from poking him.

"What, why do I need to be there?" You questioned.

"To keep me company of course." He had a grin on his face now, you looked at him and let out a sigh knowing that even if you protested you would be going anyways. 

The three had left the Great Hall and you and Draco watched as they left, before getting up your selves to follow them. Eventually you came upon the three students making their way to Hagrid's hut, you and Draco followed them but from a bit away so that they had no chance of seeing you.

"Draco, what's so interesting about them sneaking off to Hagrid's? I mean... Don't they go there all the time?" You whispered at Draco because he still had yet to tell you why this time was different for the other times the three had gone there."I overheard them talking, alright?" He whsiper yelled at you, but then continued. "Something about a dragon..." He was smiling maliciously, you tried your best to show him a meschivious grin back but you were actually pretty worried about what would happen. Finally you make it out and have view of Hagrid's hut, both of you have your eyes glued on the three as they knock and enter the giants house. Slowly and carefully Draco leads the way, occasionally hiding behind things, towards a window that looks into the hut. Your eyes widened as you peered through the window and they fell to an egg on the table right in view, there were cracks all over it as if it were about to break open. Then almost as if the egg read your mind it popped open exposing a newly born dragon, you and Draco look at each other shocked even though you both saw it coming. Right as you looked back Harry had noticed you two spying on them, a gasp escaped yours and Draco's lips as you both quickly began running back to the castle. As you were running you heard Harry run out the door of the hut but you and Draco just kept running without looking back. "Bloody hell, I don't know what I was expecting, but it sure wasn't that I reckon. Potter saw us though, do you think he'll say anything?" You said while panting, it felt as though you had just run a marathon, not only were you surprised by the dragon but then you had to flee the scene as quickly as possible."But don't you see now L/N, now we have information and they can't stop us from exposing it." Draco was also breathless but sounded excited rather than shocked like you."Well, maybe, but wouldn't they realize that if we know about it that they'll have to get rid of it as soon as possible? They probably know our intentions... Maybe there was no point in finding out at all now that we've been caught." You were acting disappointed but in reality you were trying to steer the boy away from giving up the information that Hagrid's got a dragon."We'll tell a professor but also be on the look out for them talking about getting rid of the dragon." It seemed as though he was thinking out loud, but he also made a face that read that he thought it was brilliant. You let out a quiet sigh, shaking your head slightly.

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