Chapter 15: An End to the Chamber (Year 2)

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I woke up with a dreadful feeling at the center of my stomach, as much as I didn't want to admit, I was worried about Harry, Ron, Hermione, and even the Weasley girl that was perhaps still trapped in the Chamber of Secrets. Everyone else in my House hadn't really bat an eye to this whole situation, but how could they not? Students just like them had been being attacked all year, even if they thought they were safe being pure-bloods... The Weasleys are pure-bloods, so why aren't they a bit more concerned?

I went to the Great Hall for breakfast without bothering to wait for anyone, I wanted- I needed- to see if Harry and Ron would be there. 

They had still been gone. 

Where were they?

Were they okay?

The air in the Great Hall seemed thick and tense, suffocating almost. Most of the students in the other houses were on edge which I would assume to be the cause of the heavy atmosphere. I sat down at my respective table. I wasn't hungry, my appetite had vanished as I saw the Weasley twins sitting across the Hall. They had dark bags under their eyes, and they were not smiling and laughing brightly as they did every other day.

I was only sitting there for maybe a couple minutes but the time had passed so slowly that it felt like hours. My friends finally showed up, Draco walked to sit down faster than the rest.

"What happened? Why didn't you wait for us?" He asked fairly concerned. I looked at him, his eyes met mine, my anxiety washed away for a small moment.

"Since when am I supposed to wait for you?" I smirked. He pushed my arm slightly letting himself chuckle a bit. The others sat down around us. They all went about their breakfast as if nothing was happening, I couldn't blame them though. We were all being brainwashed, essentially, at only the age of twelve. We are told we hate Gryffindors, and told blood status matters. Blood status doesn't matter though, does it?

I felt someone nudge my shoulder forcing me out of my own head, "Y/N, are you not going to eat?" Draco whispered in my ear, he didn't face me but I heard the troubled tone of the quiet words.

"I already ate - Before you all got here." It was a lie, yes, but if it meant easing his mind just a bit it couldn't hurt. The truth was I felt like I wouldn't be able to eat until I saw all the Weasleys reunited again.

I didn't want to care, but that didn't stop me from doing so.

»»————- ✼ ————-««

The day continued on and I was still riddled with anxiety, the end of the school year feast was just tonight. Yet three students were still missing and the students that had been petrified were still not recovered. 

Draco's father was still on school grounds which stopped Draco from wanting to wander through the corridors with me. I just wanted to clear my mind a bit, maybe try to ease the anxiety.

I found myself walking through a dark corridor, no one else around, just me and feint footsteps heading my way-

Wait. Foot steps heading my way.

I spun around on the heels on my feet walking fast in the other direction. I didn't want to run into anyone, especially not a teacher. 

"Mr. Malfoy!" I stopped at the voice, it was Harry! He was okay. I peered around the wall looking back to the corridor I had just left. "I've got something for you-" Harry was out of breath - where had he come from? Draco's father turned to face Harry who shoved a... a sock? Into his hand. I squinted my eyes slightly trying my best to see better, the sock had been covering Harry's notebook from earlier this week. What's he doing?

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