Chapter 5: Quidditch and Bickering (Year 1)

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You were furthering into the first term and Halloween had just passed, and as Draco hadn't been interacting with Harry a lot and he had been a lot nicer and less git-ish. 

Although, you and Pansy Parkinson hadn't been getting along and she had been yelling at you in the Slytherin common room one morning. You sat staring at her and you could feel your face heating up, she was yelling at you in front of a few people that had already gotten up and were there. 

"I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO SHARE A ROOM WITH YOU!! GOD YOU THINK YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO JUST PRANCE AROUND AND ACT LIKE YOU AREN'T THE MOST IDIOTIC PERSON IN THIS HOUSE! I MEAN COME ON YOU HAVE NO RIGHT BEING A SLYTHERIN!" You honestly didn't care about what she was saying you were just annoyed she had been doing this in the common room. You stared blankly before coolly talking back to her.

"And I can't believe how insufferable you are, yet here we are. I really don't understand why you're so bothered by my presence when clearly nobody else is. I mean honestly, have you got nothing better to do? Are you really that obsessed with me?" Pansy seemed to be getting angrier by the second you could tell it upset her that she hadn't been getting to you. Before you knew it she was making her way over to you and raised her hand, then before you could do anything you felt her cold hand smack you across the face. 'Damn that hurt like hell' You clutched your face and stared at her a bit of aftershock still in your eyes. 

"Pansy! What the bloody hell is wrong with you!" You both turned and saw Draco standing at the bottom of the entry to the boys' dormitories. He made his way between the two of you facing Pansy, it seemed like he was trying to protect you even though you had already been injured. He was glaring daggers at Pansy, you were grateful of what he was doing for you even if you were a bit embarrassed by the fact that he probably thought you couldn't handle yourself.

"Dracoo... But she started it, she was egging me on." Pansy whined, it was obvious that she had a crush on Draco but clearly he didn't reciprocate it and gave her a disgusted look.

"How? By being able to mind herself, unlike you?" Draco spat his words in Pansy's pug-like face which made her take a step back, she glared at you from over Draco's shoulder before scoffing and leaving the room. You and Draco watched as she left before Draco turned back to face you, "Y/N? Are you alright? That little brat needs to get a handle on herself. I'm sorry I didn't come down sooner or I could've prevented you getting slapped..." This was a side of him you hadn't seen before there was no sign of rudeness in his voice, he had actually been caring. You just stared at him for a second before finally responding to him.

"Y- yeah. I'm fine still stings a bit though, nothing to worry about. She hasn't been that angry me until now, like I knew we didn't get along but I didn't expect her to start yelling at me out of nowhere-" As you were speaking you felt Draco's hand cup your cheek as his thumb ran over where you had been slapped. You looked up at him and he seemed a bit dazed and a blush crept across your face. "Ha. We should go get breakfast." You laughed nervously and got up  from where you had been sitting and sped walked towards the passage to get to the dungeons. Draco though surprised by your sudden actions followed along shortly behind you.

Pansy hadn't bothered you since the whole ordeal that happened in the common room, in fact she didn't dare look at you even when you were in your guys' dormitory. Draco had made you keep him up to date on things that happened between you two, this made you happy because even though your roommate hated you it caused you and Draco to become closer than you were before. You had been spending more time in the common room at night after dinners talking to Draco, just the two of you as most of the time he had made Crabbe and Goyle leave. You started to realize more and more that his attitude was mostly a front he put up, he was still a bit of a git at heart but not as much as he put off.

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