Chapter 10: Quidditch and Mudbloods (Year 2)

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A couple days had passed and Parkinson hadn't mentioned anything about you and Draco since that night. You did happen to mention it to Draco in which he had just responded with a scoff and a reminder for you to be careful around her. You stayed weary of her but tried your best not to show your suspicion.

Flint had announced to the Slytherin Quidditch team that there would be practice tommorrow early in the morning. You were excited for your first Quidditch practice but also your stomach was flipping over its self with nerves. Even though you were still unsure about the whole thing you did not show it, instead you tried your best to display the confidence Draco had. 

Everyone had headed to bed leaving only a couple people left in the common room, noticing the absence of everyone you too went up to your dormitory. You wanted to get as much sleep as possible because you were going to have to get up hours earlier than usual. Parkinson was already asleep so you had avoided the awkward talks you always had right before falling asleep. You lay in bed for a bit anxiety rushing through your body before eventually you were able to actually fall asleep. 

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"Hey, Y/N, wake up. We've got to get to practice, don't be lazy." You looked at where the voice had been coming from as you felt someone shaking your body awake.

"Right..." You said groggily letting your eyes focus on who it was. "Draco!? What are you doing in here? This is the girls dormitory! You can't be in here!" You frantically whisper yelled at him trying your best not to wake the other sleeping girls.

"Oh, yeah, you're welcome for getting your lazy arse up." Draco said sounding annoyed.

"Right, sorry. I'm up- I'm getting up." You said pulling your bed sheets off of yourself and standing up next to the boy. "Now get out before anyone notices that you're here. I'll be down in a second." 

"You better, L/N. Don't make us look like thick headed idiots." Draco said only half joking.

You made your way down to the common room and when you entered you saw Draco, alone and waiting for you. A smile crept across your face as you made your way towards the boy leaning against a table.

"Did everyone else already leave?" You questioned with a worried tone.

"Yeah, only a few moments ago though. If we go fast we can catch up to them before they make it to the pitch." Draco stated before turning to leave the room with you following close behind. 

"Draco-" You were about to say something about forgetting to grab your broom but he was a step ahead of you as you noticed he was holding two brooms. 

"Yeah?" He asked still walking.

"Nothing, nevermind." You smiled to yourself, what would you do without this boy?

You both finally caught up to the rest of the team and walked behind them as if you were there the entire time. Once you made it to the changing rooms you all began changing into your Quidditch robes, you tried your best not to notice that you were the only girl there. Flint ushered the team out of the changing rooms and out towards the Quidditch stadium. Confusion washed over you when you also saw the Gryffindor team approaching. You recognized the boy that was storming up to Flint as Oliver Wood, the Captain of the Gryffindor team. 

"Draco? Why are they here? I thought we booked the field?" You side whispered to him not removing your eyes from the two captains.

"Don't worry about it, Flint said something about making sure they know we've got the best brooms out there." Draco said smugly, tightening his grip on his broom. 

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