Chapter 11: Friendly Competition (Year 2)

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Your first Quidditch match was approaching very fast, the Slytherin team was practicing a lot but not as much as the Gryffindor team. It was a bit worrying for you to be going against Harry but luckily you weren't seeker so there would be no direct conflict. Draco seemed a bit too cocky in your opinion, you knew he was good but so was Harry.

Speaking of Harry, as you were walking down the corridor you get pulled into a closest, you whipped your head around to find Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Bloody hell! You scared me!" You shouted with a slight hush in your voice glaring around at the three of them.

"Sorry-" Harry spoke shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look, Y/N, we need a favor from you." Ron said cutting off Harry's apology.

"We think Malfoy is the one that opened the Chamber." Added Hermione, you stared at the three of them in disbelief.

"You're joking right? Draco only knows what his father has told him. Just because you don't get on with him doesn't mean he's the one who opened it. Have more faith in him." You snapped angrily glaring around at them. "I mean come on. Get a load of yourselves. He doesn't even know where the Chamber is, let alone how to open it."

"All right- Just asking." Harry muttered raising his hands up wearily.

"No need to get defensive, Y/N" Ron sneered at you, causing your eyes to roll instinctively. Hermione didn't say anything just looked at you with a sorry expression on her face.

"Whatever, just trust me, he's not the one that opened it. And don't let me hear you falsely accuse him of something again." They all looked at you with a slight tint of fear in their eyes at your threat. With that you exited the closet letting the door slam behind you, stomping through the corridors you run into Draco.

"Hey, Y/N, there you are!" He calls excitedly a smile forming on his face as he approached you.

"Hey." You responded trying not to show the anger that was still boiling inside of you but it was no use, it was showing.

"What's wrong with you?" He said, his smile fading into a frown.

"Nothing, just ran into Potter and his pathetic friends. No brains in that bunch, I'll tell you." A snarl escaped your mouth as you spoke.

"Yet another reason to mop the floor with the Gryffindors tomorrow." Draco now had a smirk plastered on his face. You, too, had contorted your face into a sly smirk as well, thinking of beating Harry sounded more than pleasant right now.

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The next day had rolled around, Saturday, the day of your Quidditch match against Gryffindor. Grey clouds were filling the sky displaying a slight drizzle over the castle grounds, it wasn't the preferred weather for your first Quidditch match but it wasn't too bad. You had forgiven your Gryffindor friends by now for their wild assumptions, but you were still going to give Harry your all. After all some friendly competition never hurt anybody.

You were gathered with your team in the changing room before the match started. You all dressed into your Quidditch robes, the Slytherin team got to sport the green and sliver that matched the House colors. Once everyone had their robes on (and you, your hair fastened in a low pony), Flint stood tall in front of the team. Flint began to ramble about how you were going to beat the Gryffindors and reminded you that is no such thing as playing dirty.

You followed your team out on to the field, your eyes wandered around the the stands before landing on the Gryffindor team. You locked eyes with Harry, who gave you a small nervous smile, you smiled brightly back and gave a quick thumbs up. Your team was now facing Harry's and the air drew thicker as the tension built up between the two. Madam Hooch, who was going to be refereeing the match, stood between the teams before making Flint and Wood shake hands.

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