Chapter 2: Journey to Hogwarts (Year 1)

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You are alerted by the sound of your mother walking into your room, wearing her usual bright smile on her face. It was the day you would finally be arriving at Hogwarts, with your mother's presence you jump out of bed and gave your mother a big grin and hugged her before she left your room. You get ready to leave which wasn't very time consuming considering you had been packed for at least a week now anticipation rushing through your body, you were so excited about today that you could barely sleep but even though you were tired you were still full of energy. You rushed downstairs with your luggage following behind you holding your cage with your new owl in your right hand. You had gotten a nice brown owl with beautiful glowing yellow eyes, of which you named Hiero, he was very elegant but had a very shy personality with a hint of sass. You quickly shovel the breakfast your mother prepared for your big day into your mouth without stopping for breath.

"Woah there honey! Slow down or you'll get a stomach ache." Your mom looked at you with a concerned but gentle look on her face. You look up at her mouth full of food and smile at her causing her to giggle a bit and you go back to finishing your food. Once you have successfully impressed your mother with your ability to scarf down food, you get up and put your dishes in the sink then you practically dragged your mother out the front door. Your father wasn't able to be there to say goodbye as you left as he had to be at work for something you assumed to be important, otherwise he would've found a way to be there. Your mind begins to wander as you are on your way to King's Cross, you think of all the exciting adventures you'd have and all the new stuff you would be learning. With your mind this busy you had hardly seemed to notice that you and your mother had just arrived at King's Cross, you basically tumble out of the car, your heart was racing you've been waiting for this moment your whole life. You helped your mother get your luggage out of the car and onto a cart, you couldn't stop smiling as you and your mom made your way to Platform 9 3/4. Finally you both stop be at a wall between platforms 9 and 10, quickly eyeing around to make sure no muggles could see, you and your mom run through the barrier and there you see it, the Hogwarts Express. You turn around to face your mom and give her a nervous smile, all this time you had been so excited but now that the time had finally arrived you were a bit scared and sad, it would be the first time you will be leaving your parents and home for more than a couple days. She looks down at you with a kind smile and kneels down to your level. "Y/N, you're going to be great. I believe in you, you are amazing and have no trouble making new friends or adjusting to the new environment." Your mother always knew exactly what to say when you were worried or scared, frankly, she was the best mother you could ask for. You gave her a giant hug and held on to her tightly, but knowing the train would be leaving soon you put your worries behind knowing that soon enough you will get to see her again and celebrate the holidays, and you let her go.

"Thank you mom. I'm gonna miss you a lot." She looked at you with a sad smile, and as you and your mom said your final goodbyes, you boarded the train. Leaving your mother was difficult but you knew you would be fine, just as your mother had said. As you were looking around the compartments on the train most of them were completely full, you walked and walked until you spotted the boy you met in Diagon Alley. You see him and after standing there a bit awkwardly he notices you and flashes you a smile.

"Oh! Hey Y/N... Crabbe move, she's going to sit next to me." The bulky boy next to him stood up and sat in the seat that was right in front of him. Draco then proceeded to pat the spot next to him, you put your stuff away and scooted yourself into the seat with the him. The other two boys that were in the compartment were just staring at you almost in disbelief, you had no idea why they were staring. But the uncomfortable silence was broken when Draco turned to you and introduced the three of you to each other. "Y/N, this is Crabbe and Goyle. Crabbe and Goyle this is Y/N" Though they were still staring at you, you turn to Draco and kind of nod towards the two and whisper.

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