Chapter 19: Books, Trains, & Dementors (Year 3)

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O/N : Owl name 

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Things were picking up slightly at the ministry which meant my father was rarely home again, which left my mother and I alone at home most of the time again. There was much less fighting at home as well because they weren't forced to see one another for more than a couple hours a day. My mother had decided that she needn't accompany me when I was off to Diagon Alley to retrieve my books for the school year. 

She said, "I trust that you're old enough to handle yourself now, and I reckon you'd fancy to go with friends rather than your mother." I suppose she had a point but she hadn't given me enough notice to write my friends and ask to meet there, so I ended up just going by myself hoping I would be lucky enough to run into someone there.

I arrived by floo powder with a bag of coins my mother had given me and my booklist for the year, the first one that caught my eye was The Monster Book of Monsters. Surely it wasn't going to actually be a monster book, right? I mean do they really expect me to carry something like that around?

 I decided to avoid getting that one first just in case. My eyes moved down the list past the monster book, Unfogging the Future... That one seems normal. I walked over to Flourish and Blotts, as I walked in I spotted who I assumed to be the manager wrestling with monster books... as a student was waiting with a look of terror on their face. With that I quietly made my way around the shop looking for the book I needed, once I reached the back of the shop I discovered a whole corner dedicated to all sorts of fortune-telling books. I scanned the corner until my eyes landed on Unfogging the Future which laid in a stack on a small table that occupied the corner. I gazed around at the other books in the section, they all had very ominous names which I suppose would be expected considering the topic. I grabbed the book before pulling out my list to check what I needed next, Intermediate Transfiguration was next on the list.

 I already knew to an extent where the Transfiguration books would be as I had to get them in my earlier years, so I walked over to the section where I remembered them being before. Of course, I was right. I found what I had been looking for almost immediately, I picked up the Transfiguration book and pulled out the list yet again. Only two more books to get before I would be forced to go and get myself a monster book, I decided to get my Charms book next since I figured it'd be closer to the Transfiguration section. I walked over to its section still reviewing my list double checking to see if there would be any other books that could be helpful. Due to my lack of attention I ended up running into a pair of boys who had been taking up most of the walkway. 

"Sorry! I wasn't paying attention." I looked up to see two older red-headed boys... for a second I thought I was simply seeing double before I remembered who they were, the Weasley twins. They looked at me seriously before bending down a bit to look me in the eyes.

"Yeah, you'd better be sorry!" They sneered in unison, I didn't remember them to be so scary. I suppose my fear was showing on my face because seconds later they both burst into fits of laughter. 

"We're only joking." One said as their laughter began to die down slightly.

"No need for apologies." The other said still grinning. "I'm George." 

"And I'm Fred." They smiled charmingly at me but seemed like they were anticipating something... oh, right my name probably. 

"Uh - I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N" The boys exchanged looks before looking back at me.

"So you're the one Derrick's told us about." Fred said as he leaned against one of the bookshelves. 

"You guys are friends with Derrick?" I asked in awe. They nodded.

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