Chapter 14: Valentines and a Missing Weasley (Year 2)

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About a month has passed since my big argument with Harry, Ron and Hermione. If they had thought that Draco was unbearable, I was ten times worse now. Every chance I got I would make a snarky remark or tease them for the smallest thing. Except Hermione for a while as she had not been around for a bit but I found myself using similar language to what Draco would normally use. I had rarely used the word 'Mudblood' but now if I ever find myself face to face with Hermione I find a way to incorporate it into our exchange. 

Draco wasn't much better either, since I told him about the Polyjuice Potion he has been doing everything in his power to get them all in trouble for the slightest for things. Draco and I truly were the ultimate pair at this point. Before it had only been Draco messing with them and I would just stand off to the side pretending to go along with it. But now it was almost always me who was leading the quarrels. Sometimes I felt bad but they deserved it, didn't they? I constantly find myself wondering why I had ever become friends with those three.

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It was now February 14th and as Draco and I entered the Great Hall we were greeted with a disturbing amount of pink and red decorations. 

"I remembered Lockhart saying something about raising morale, but this-" Draco began eyeing the decorated hall.

"It's quite disturbing- I don't feel my morale increasing." I half chuckled half scoffed. Draco let out a slight laugh before we both continued to find our seats at the Slytherin table. 

As the holidays were over the normal amount of students were back leaving us to look for our other Slytherin friends. I spotted Blaise sitting near the front of the Great Hall and across him was Pansy Parkinson.  Draco and I sat next to Blaise and after another couple minutes Crabbe and Goyle joined us sitting on Parkinson's side of the table. 

"Malfoy, we were looking for you. Why didn't you wait for us?" Goyle asked once they had sat down.

"Y/N was already down in the common room and ready to go... Also, since when am I suppose to wait for you two?" Draco sneered a bit in response before continuing to his breakfast. I looked at the two boys and gave them a slightly sympathetic shrug. 

Just as I barely began eating in the corner of my eye I spotted Lockhart waving his arms signaling for silence. I nudged Draco and motioned my head in the direction of the Teachers up front. Lockhart was wearing an eyesore of a pink robe while smiling brightly around the room

"Happy Valentine's Day!" He shouted holding his hands up in the air turning slightly to look at each table while he shouted. "And may I thank the forty-six people who have so far sent me cards!"

"Why would anyone send this bloke cards?" I whispered to Draco who shrugged while I noticed Parkinson sliding down in her seat a bit looking almost embarrassed.

"Desperate I'd assume." He scoffed, making me snicker a bit.

"Yes, I have taken the liberty of arranging this little surprise for you all- and it doesn't end here!" Lockhart clapped his hands together loudly then the doors to the Entrance Hall opened and through them came a bunch of dwarfs. They had been wearing golden wings and carrying small harps.

"Bloody hell! Those things look atrocious." Pansy exclaimed, the rest of us nodded in agreement, yet unable to remove our eyes from the horrendous things.

 "My friendly, card-carrying cupids! They will be roving around the school today delivering your valentines!" Lockhart beamed excitedly. "And the fun doesn't stop here! I am sure my colleagues will want to enter into the spirit of the occasion! Why not ask Professor Snape to show you how to whip up a Love Potion!" Snape very obviously groaned becoming more bitter than he already was before. "And while you're at it, Professor Flitwick knows more about Entrancing Enchantments than any wizard I've ever met, the sly old dog!"

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