Part 1

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(Y/n)s POV

The smell of wet stone and sweet grass smothered my senses while the sky's tears splatted onto my passenger side window. My ear buds pulsed in my sore ears, I couldn't stand the boring elevator like music that could easily lull me to sleep. My peaceful trance was soon interrupted by the driver harshly tugging my ear bud out of my ear.

I jumped in response and turned to the driver, who I either referred to as mrs Craven or ma'am. Mrs Craven clicked her tongue in dismay while twiddling with the loose earbud between her fingers. " not much longer till we're there dear, and remember this isn't a free ride." Tulley waved a news paper on his sweaty face and pointed up ahead " it's at least another three minutes, I promise you this house is freakin huge, it's like a maze in there." Tulley said in a exaggerated tone.

I could've gaged when she smiled at me, her coral lipstick was smeared on her front teeth, mixed with the scent of Tulley's sweat. " yes Ma'am." I said in a rather monotone voice, snatching my ear bud out of her hand.

"Don't you get smart with me, remember I took you out of that god forsaken hospital, you were nothing before me, you've had nothing not even memories." She hissed at me like a vile snake that was ready to squeeze the life out of its prey. The car soon came to a screeching halt, my body flew forward nearly hitting the dashboard. " oh look we're here, and remember. Follow my instructions, worm." Mrs craven mumbled in a sweet tone. Tulley said " yeah, kid your lucky, remember keep your mouth shut.. we want that fortune." Tulley smirked whilst rubbing his hands together like a greedy cartoon villain.

I stretched a painful smile on my face while quickly undoing my seatbelt ,swinging the car open ensuring my escape.

My breath got caught in my throat, coming face to face to a black mansion. I felt my legs carry themselves towards the tall black metal gate . My bare shins scraped against the dead weeds that shrouded the fence line. I grasped onto the Cold dewy bars gently pushing it open earning a high pitched squeak.

Tulley walked over to me and harshly put down my (f/c) suitcase down at my feet and yanked up the handle almost taking it off its hinge " here's your stuff kid." . I quickly grab it and shot him a glare " now Tully be nice to the worm, she needs her things." Mrs craven sneered while Tully chuckled and sucked on his lit cigar. I sighed and started walked to the large black door.

Mrs craven placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze, imprinting marks on my skin with her red talon like nails. I flinched slightly and reached upwards and pressed the door bell. The sound of the bell almost sounded like it was dying, leaving the last chime being deep in tune.

The door suddenly opened and there stood a very tall pale man. He wore a nice clean tuxedo with his hair combed but was greyed by dust. He looked down at me with his clouded eyes and made a deep grunting sound. " you rrrrrraaaaaaaannng" the man said in a deep throaty voice. I nodded simply in response. " we're here to see Mr and Mrs Addams" Mrs craven announced while rudely pushing past the man with Tulley following close behind her, looking rather disturbed by the man. I looked up and smiled slightly at the man while he closed the door behind us.

" Welcome honoured guests" I hear a woman say in a soft tone. I stood behind Tulley and Mrs craven shyly, looking up the grant stair case stood a beautiful middle aged woman with midnight black hair with a black dress that hugged her form. Her skin was a beautiful pale white with her thin lips painted a scarlet red. She looked down and locked eyes with me.

"Who is this?" The woman asked while slowly descending from the stairs. I nervously looked up at her revealing my face " hello, I am (y/n)-". " she's a kid we took in, from a orphanage." Tulley chimes in cutting my introduction off. " a orphanage you say, how tragic, yet how mysterious, it's a pleasure to meet you my dear." The woman said in a soft tone while smiling at me. I smiled back gently pushing out behind from Tulley and looked around the home admiring the Victorian decor.

My eyes trailed farther up the stair case and saw a pair of black eyes peering out through the railings staring at me. I narrowed my eyes to get a better look at the figure but to no avail. " i would like to introduce you to my son, he's around the same age as you."  The woman said, making me take my eyes off the figure. " ah there you are, this is my son Wednesday." I suddenly look over to see a boy suddenly standing next to his mother.
(No ones POV)

He wore black dress pants with a white long sleeve button up with a black sweater vest over top of it making the collar of his shirt neatly tucked into the neck line of the sweater. His eyes were black as night along with his hair that was messily gelled back but leaving some curls out on his forehead. His face was slender with sharp cheek bones and jawline ,with slight eye bags that gave his eyes more of a stoick serious look. He's stared at (y/n), eyes slightly widened as if he was in some sort of shock.

" hi I am (y/n) (l/n).. it's nice to meet you Wednesday." She said slightly nodding her head. Wednesday soon followed her actions. He looked down at her again his eyes trailing down he body, he couldn't help but feel heat radiate through his body when she said in name in such a soft tone. " now since everyone is now here let's get started shall we." Morticia said. Making Wednesday straighten up his posture.

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