Part 5

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(No Ones POV)

Wednesday entered the kitchen with (y/n) following behind him. He pulled out a chair from the Dining room table. Wednesday roughly sat her down, then quickly sat next to her and fester and looked down at his lap awkwardly.

(Y/n) felt her tummy growl for food, seeing grandma bring over the food she prepared and scooped some into everyone's plate.

" May I have the salt?" Wednesday asked looking down at the shaker next to Festers hand. "What do we say Wednesday?" Morticia reminded him while snaking her hand over Gomez's. " Now!" Wednesday demanded.

Fester jumped and swiftly handed the salt for Wednesday. "What is this?" Fester asked while poking a his plate nervously.

"Mama's specialit de La Maison." Morticia smiles while Gomez kissed her hand lovingly. " I hope you like it (y/n)" Morticia said softly while locking eyes with (y/n).

"Specialty of the house, sounds delicious, anything Is better than hospital food." (Y/n) smiles while picking up her fork.

" you know French and I bet you'd look absolutely breathtaking in black, a woman after my own heart. And what do you mean hospital dear? Are you hurt?". Morticia asked with a twinge of concern in her voice.

"N-no I'm not hurt at all, it was a different kind of hospital, I was placed there by my old foster parent my real parents I've never met them.. the doctor now takes care of me."(Y/n) explained.

Wednesday listened intently, he felt adrenaline spike down his spine, hearing about her tragic story. '
She is beautiful and mysterious, how alluring.' Wednesday though to himself.

"How tragic" Morticia said in a sympathetic tone. Wednesday gently placed his hand on (y/n)s knee for comfort. (Y/n) gently placed her hand on top of his, while looking up at him. Wednesday suddenly snapped his attention back to his food to hide his blush.

"So fester how did you sleep?" Morticia asked him while fester snapped his attention back to her. " like the dead." He replied in a hoarse voice.

"Really? I guess the Bermuda Triangle can really change a man since it's such a strange, mysterious place." Gomez said in an impressed tone, crossing his legs while leaning back in his chair. " you used to toss and turn all night, we'd have to chain you down."

"Doesn't make sense." Wednesday interrupted while eyeing fester sceptically.
"Wednesday adores the Bermuda Triangle, he studies it. Death at sea, he's hooked." Morticia said.
"Ask me anything." Wednesday smirked slightly with a daring edge to his voice.

Fester looked at Wednesday in surprise and quickly changed the subject to camp Custer. (Y/n) looked down at her food and started eating, it was mushy but has a slightly earthy but savoury taste. She reached for her water and felt as if someone was staring at her. She slowly turned her head to meet Wednesdays gaze.

"Do you really think that's really uncle fester?" Pugsley asked while setting up his guillotine and placing a doll under the blade.
"Father says so, but mother is uncertain." Wednesday said while tinkering with some wires, causing them to spark at the sudden connection.

At that moment (Y/n) walked into the room. " hey guys what are you doing? Anything exciting?". She asked tapping her Mary Jane heel on the ground shyly.

" I'm playing with my big Guillotine, come and see!." Pugsley said while grabbing (y/n)s hands and dragged her to the massive guillotine. Pugsley placed his hand on his hip ,and let the blade fall again cutting a dolls head off while smirking at (y/n).

"That's... cool pugsley." She replied awkwardly while fiddling with her fingers. Wednesdays eye brow twitched and felt his blood boil, that (y/n) was paying attention to his brother instead of him, he didn't know why he cared.. but he didn't like it.... One bit..

" pugsley, sit in that chair." Wednesday commanded.
" why?" Pugsley asked while walking over to the big electric chair. " so we can play a game." Wendesday responded while restraining pugsley with the leather straps.

" what game?" Pugsley asked, raising an eyebrow.

" It's called.. 'Is There A God?'".

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now