Part 12

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Wednesday and (y/n) walked upstairs to Festers room. " uncle fester?" Wednesday knocked on the door, there was no answer.

Wednesday opened the door and they walked inside. The guest bathroom door was slightly ajar, and there were muffled voices coming from it.

"It won't be easy." They heard fester say. "There are people everywhere, we'll get caught."

Mrs craven was shaving Gordon's head. " you can do it if you stop with that horrid whining, it's unattractive." She scolded while splashing after shave on his bald head.

" the sooner you get that gold, the sooner we can get out of here, and the sooner I'll get rid of that little witch... you know how much she'll go for to the government." Mrs craven chuckled. " W-what do you mean, mother?" Gordon flinched, feeling the cooling sting of the after shave.

" she's a witch Gordon, I got a hold of her file, her mother died in a house fire, everyone thought there would be no survivors.. but she was found.. unharmed, she was being protected from the fire... she'd go for a shiny penny.. or we can always dispose of her.."Mrs craven smirked deviously.

"Ok, mother." Gordon sighed sadly.

"I knew it! You are a fake!" Wednesday exclaimed while slamming the bathroom door open. (Y/n) twitched her nose and the razor cut mrs cravens hand, making her hiss in pain.

" you were planning on selling me?! Or if you couldn't get a single buck! Kill me... step mother?!" (Y/n) cried.

"Come here, my little ones." Mrs craven said in a sickeningly sweet tone, while making her way towards them. Wednesday and (y/n) made a run for it.

"Wednesday, (y/n)!" Fester called after them. While mrs craven ran out of the bathroom.
Wednesday and (y/n) ran into his room and closed the door, locking it.

Gordon tried to open the door, it wouldn't budge. He took a few steps back and kicked the door in, only to see that Wednesday and (y/n) disappeared through a trap door.

Gordon scratched and pried at the floor , trying desperately to open it again, but it was sealed shut.

Wednesday and (y/n) emerged out of Wednesdays tunnel, on the side of the house and ran through the graveyard.

"This way." Wednesday grabbed
(y/n)'s hand and pulled her in a direction.

A few minutes later, fester came outside and couldn't figure out where they ran off to. He self consciously ran in the other direction.

Wednesday and (y/n) hid behind a massive gargoyle statue. Wednesday held (y/n) close to his chest, his hand covering her mouth while he looked around.

When the coast was clear. (y/n) gently pushed away from Wednesday. " I can't believe it.. she was going to kill me, if she didn't get a pretty penny for me... my own caregiver.." (y/n) muttered while leaning against a stone coffin.

" Dr. Pinder.. is your caregiver?" Wednesday asked while slowly stalking over to (y/n).

(Y/n) looked down at the ground and nodded.

Wednesday's expression suddenly turned into an angry one. He shoved her down on top of the coffin, forcing her into her back. Wednesday got on top and straddled her.

"What are you doing? Stop!" (Y/n) shrieked in surprise when Wednesday whips out his switchblade and presses it to her throat.

He didn't press enough so she would get a vein severed . Just enough to made a little bead of blood ooze from the slight nick.

" Did you know about their plan? If she's your caregiver you must have. Was everything you told me a lie?"

"No, no! " she promised while slightly squirming in Wednesdays grasp. " p-please let me explain."

Wednesday stayed silent, waiting for her to continue.

"Yes, she is my caregiver..and yes I knew your uncle was a fake, and yes I am a witch.. I knew if the whole plan.. I was forced to do it." (Y/n) explained.


"Mrs craven adopted me at the asylum, my life was hell there Wednesday. I can't go back or they'll kill me, all I knew is that they were going to take money.. not hurt anyone. I can't use my powers against her or she hurts me.. I was only doing, what I could to survive.. i really love you and your family. I've never felt like I belonged or felt so safe.. please believe me." (Y/n) begged.

"What about us?... did you cast a spell on me?, I've never lusted over anyone before.. how did these feelings awake inside of me." Wednesday asked, inching the blade slightly away from her neck.

" n-no I didn't cast a spell on you Wednesday, I would never, what I feel for you too, these feelings are real.. I love you.. I never wanted things to go like this. " Tears started to form in (y/n)'s eyes.

Wednesday looked into her eyes and pulled away from her. "I believe you.." Wednesday muttered.

" thank you Wednesday.. thank you." She breathed.

" I know you didn't fall.. she hurt you didn't she?" Wednesday asked suddenly.

(Y/n) sighed and nodded and whispered " the two bruises you saw.. were a taser.. she uses it often.. so I don't get any ideas to use my powers against her.. I never knew what love was... since.. I met you." She whispered.

Wednesday pulled (y/n) onto his lap and pulled her close. " I didn't think I'd ever know what love felt like until I met you.. I usually thought people were ugly, and annoying. I never thought i could experience the love like my parents have.. but than I met you.. I actually like spending time with you, talking to you... and when I saw you hurt, there was this strange feeling.. I was angry that someone hurt you, the only explanation i could think of.. for me feeling these kind of emotions is.. love."

"I love you too Wednesday" (y/n) replied while holding Wednesdays cheek lovingly.

Wednesday smiles and leaned done and captured (y/n)'s lips once again. (Y/n) immediately kissed back and tangled her hands in his black hair.

Wednesdays hand moved down to her waist and snaked down to her thighs.

(Y/n) tugged on Wednesdays hair, making him let out a deep throaty groan. Wednesday moved down to her neck and collar bone, giving the flesh soft kisses and love bites.

"Please don't leave me Wednesday.. I am sorry.. i really do love you my dark prince." (Y/n) whispers into his ear, while Wednesday snaked his hands up further up her dress.

(Y/n) gasped when Wednesdays cold fingers, grazed along her pantie line. " never.. you're mine.. ma precieuse.. I love you too my ecstasy" Wednesday purred.

(Y/n) gasped when Wednesday sank his teeth into the crook of her neck. " let's go to the embalming room.. I think we should fill one of those empty coffins.." Wednesday smirked.

(Y/n) blushed profusely when Wednesday took her hand and lead to another passage way, within the crypt.

Wednesday led her down the passage way and opened a big grand door. The room smelled like sweet incense, with various black candles lighting the room.

Wednesday closed the door behind them and watched (y/n) look around the room curiously. She sat down next to a black coffin with red satin padding on the inside.

" Good choice Cara Mia~"

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now