Part 13

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🕸️🍋 LEMON 💀🖤

Wednesday and (y/n) walked up to each other, not breaking eye contact. The fire place illumined the already hauntingly dim room. The light shaped Wednesday's already sharp jawline, cascading shadows under his ebony eyes.

Wednesday walked up to (y/n) and placed a gentle hand on her cheek. (Y/n) leaned into his touch and leaned forward giving his lips a soft chance kiss. Wednesday didn't hesitate to kiss her back, he skillfully reached to the back of her dress and undid the zipper, freeing her from the beautiful gown.

(Y/n) gasped feeling the cold air hit her body, Wednesday smirked and pushed the fabric off her shoulders and hips, letting the article fall to the ground. He couldn't help but stare at her body, I'm his eyes it was like one of the great artists sculpted her form, every dip and curve was perfection.

"Wednesday?.." (y/n) whispered shyly, grabbing Wednesdays attention. " I won't apologize for staring at something so marvellous." Wednesday said in his solemn voice he walked over to a metal table that held various medical equipment.

Wednesday held up a scalpel and walked over to
(y/n) and, ran the blade along her (f/c) bra strap, making it snap off in a instant. Wednesday kissed her shoulder softly and gave it a love bite, he backed away slightly to gaze at the new red mark on her
(S/c) flesh. " but.. these undergarment's, deter me from what I truly want to see."

In a swift motion, Wednesday sliced the from of
(y/n)'d bra open. His gaze widened seeing her now bare breasts, bounce free. (Y/n) gasped and covered herself from his gaze. Wednesday ran the scalpel down to her underwear and cut them off without ease, leaving her completely naked.

Wednesday pushed her against the black coffin, making her grasp onto the rim of it. " you will soon learn to not hide from me.." he growled and sank his teeth into her neck. (Y/n) let out a moan in both pain and pleasure. Wednesday smirked and licked the mark while reaching up to cup her breasts, he pressed his pelvis against her bottom, making her more aroused.

(Y/n) whimpered slightly when he toyed with her breasts and slightly pulled on her nipples to see her reaction. Wednesday suddenly lifted her up and placed her into the coffin.

(Y/n) jumped at the sudden feeling of satin making contact with her bare skin. Wednesday stared at her in awe " you are the most beautiful specimen I've ever seen.. I wish to be buried with you." Wednesday whispered in a hushed tone while getting into the coffin and crawled towards (y/n) like a predator to its prey.

Wednesday buried his face in (y/n)'s neck and gently ran his fingers down to her sensitive clit. The pads of his fingers gently rubbed the sensitive area, gradually dipping down to her hole.

Wednesday groaned at the feeling when he inserted his index finger inside of her. He couldn't help but feel his nether regions throb when she clenched around his cold digit.

(Y/n) threw her head back and slightly squirmed in slight discomfort. Wednesday bit his lip and added another finger, stretching her walls out further. She whimpers in pain from her now straining muscle " w-Wednesday.. that feels weird-Ah" she was soon cut off by Wednesday pumping his fingers in and out of her.

(Y/n) moans softly and gripped Wednesdays shirt, snapping buttons in her wake, to reveal his slightly toned pale chest.  "You just ripped one of my favourite shirts.. perhaps I won't be fully exposed while I mark you as my own." Wednesday chuckled deviously and added a third finger inside her. "Wednesday please.. I need you." (Y/n) whimpers and bucked her hips desperately against his hand.

Wednesday chuckled and dislodged his fingers from her, leaving a liquid string from her flower to his slender fingers. Wednesday smirked and whispered " what a interesting reaction.. but we're merely just getting started." Wednesday smirked and reached down and unbuckled his belt, he swiftly pulled the belt form the pant loops, making the belt smack against coffin.

(Y/n) jumped at the sound and held her hands up to her chest to calm her breathing. Wednesday took her hands in his and placed a soft kiss against her knuckles and wrapped them together with his belt, restraining her.

" I wish to claim you as my own.. but I can't do that without impregnating you.. so I've gotten something that's a lot better than what people call... birth control.." Wednesday stated.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little black bottle with a liquid inside " open your Mouth Cara mia~" Wednesday cooed and took the liquid syringe out of the vial, (y/n) opens her mouth and let Wednesday drop a couple drops onto her tongue.

The taste was bitter at first, but then sank into a semi sweet aftertaste. (Y/n) swallowed while Wednesday grabbed her (s/c) thighs, spreading them apart, exposing more to Wednesday's gaze.

(Y/n) watched Wednesday slowly shed himself of his trousers and boxers. Wednesday roughly grabbed her face, squishing her cheeks together. " eyes on me." He muttered and slowly slid into her.

(Y/n) arched her back and clenched around his shaft, tears of pain and pleasure weld up in her eyes. Wednesday left out a deep throaty groan at the sudden feeling of her velvety walls against his manhood.

Wednesday started to buck his hips in a slow pace, savouring every thrust as if it was forbidden to enjoy such pleasure. (Y/n)'s eyes rolled to the back of her her while gripping Wednesday's raven hair, harshly tugging and massaging his scalp.

Wednesday chuckled and picked up her legs, pressing them upwards to her chest, allowing him to sink deeper. (Y/n) moans loudly, feeling Wednesdays tip sink up to her stomach, creating a little lump.

Wednesday smirked deviously and gripped her thighs, indenting his nails into her skin creating red marks. Wednesday started to thrust harder and faster, allowing his tip to almost slide out of her hole but then slamming back into her, making the coffin rock and creak.

"Cara.Mia~" Wednesday moans out while harshly thrusting into her, feeling his pre cum being milked from her tightness. " Mon Cher~" (y/n) moans softly in response.

Wednesday growled and picked up speed, snapping his hips more harshly, making (y/n)'s body spasm and arch her back. " w-Wednesday something is happening~" (y/n) whimpers softly.

Wednesday only chuckled darkly and whispered " it's about time cause I'm about to mark you as mine.. your my little witch." Wednesday growled and bit down on her collar bone and snapping his hips once again harshly, allowing the knot in her stomach to come undone.

Wednesday instantly painted her insides white after feeling her juices soak his manhood, staining his shirt that was ripped open exposing his now sweaty chest.

Wednesday let out heavy but shallow breaths, he slumped down and laid his cheek between (y/n)'s plush breasts. "I love you Wednesday." (Y/n) whispered while gently petting his sweaty hair, brushing the sweaty curls away from his sticky face.

"I love you too (y/n)" Wednesday whispered while pressing a gentle kiss onto her lips. (Y/n) smiles softly and felt the wave of exhaustion hit her, her eye lids grew heavy and sank into a peaceful slumber.

Wednesday smiles down at her sleeping form and pulled out of her, allowing their fluids to leak out of her. He gently cleaned her up with a warm cloth and her body, making sure to not wake her.

He soon laid them both back down into the coffin, with her resting on his chest. " pleasant dreams Cara mia". Wednesday whispers and he gently reached up and closed the coffin closed. Exposing them to the void like darkness.

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now