Part 6

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(No Ones POV)

"But if he's not uncle fester, who is he?" Pugsley asked while slightly struggling against the leather straps. " Somebody else". Wednesday replied while strapping in pugsley's feet down. "(Y/n) can you pull the lever to warm the chair up?"

(Y/n) looked at the levers and that we're to her right. She inspected the various levers and the scatter of buttons on the wall. " I've never electrocuted anyone before, I don't know which lever to pull." (Y/n) said.

Wednesday stood up and stalked behind her, his chest pressed against her back while her ran his cold pale hands down shoulders down to her forearms. (Y/n) blushed feeling his breath on her neck, he grabbed her hand and placed it on the correct one. (Y/n)'s breath hitched when they both pulled down the lever with Wednesdays hand still on top of hers.

" it has to warm up." Wednesday said still keeping his position pressed against (y/n). He smirked seeing her face flush, he had to admit he liked having his body pressed against hers and seeing her squirm.

"Why?" Pugsley asked, making Wednesday slowly turn his head towards him, smirking. " So it can kill you." Wednesday stated bluntly.
"Wait?, kill him? Why would I do that?" (Y/n) asked.

Before Wednesday could reply, Morticia entered the room. " Children, what are you doing?".

"We're going to electrocute him". Wednesday told her, a little annoyed that it was interrupted. " But we're late for the charity auction." Morticia scolded. " But mother, it's (y/n)s first time electrocuting someone.. someone's first murder is important." Wednesday pouts, wrapping his arms around (y/n)'s waist and nuzzled his face into her neck.

" I said no" Morticia said firmly. " aw come on please?". Pugsley begged batting his eye lashes innocently. " Oh alright." Morticia chuckled slightly giving in. Wednesday placed (y/n)'s hand on the lever and pulled it down and placed a gentle kiss on her neck.

Sparks flew everywhere as pugsley was being electrocuted. (Y/n) looked up at Wednesday to see him smiling. Wednesday felt eyes on him and snapped his gaze down to her " what?".

" Nothing, it's just I've never seen you smile before, it's very nice, you should do it more often." (Y/n) said while gently caressing the pads of her fingers against Wednesdays sharp jawline. Wednesdays eyes widened at the gesture but kept a straight face.

Neither of them noticing Morticia was smirking at the two.

At the auction, a woman stood on the stage holding a jewel encrusted finger trap. (Y/n) giggles seeing the ladies fingers instantly get locked into the mechanism.

"This piece is donated by Morticia and Gomez Addams. Remember, this year, over half of our proceeds will benefit the elderly, and the mentally disabled. I'll open the bidding at 5,000." The judge announced proudly.

"5? Hah! Not good enough". Gomez laughed "20,000!".
" I have 20!" The judge announced.
"25". Gomez yelled while leaning back in his chair. "30!" Morticia bid "mon sauvage". "35!" Gomez shouted " Eres Divina". "50!" Morticia countered.

"You're turn my ecstasy." Morticia whispered excitedly, caressing Gomez's cheek. Instead of bidding Gomez started kissing up up her arm. " 50,000 going once, going twice, some to Morticia Addams for 50,000". The judge announced.

However, neither Gomez or Morticia were listening, they were both to busy making out and moaning in pure ecstasy.

While lurch was driving everyone home, Morticia and Gomez sat next to fester who has the finger trap on his fingers.

Wednesday, (y/n) and pugsley sat across from them. (Y/n) laid her head on Wednesdays shoulder while gently fiddling with his hand. Wednesday pulled (y/n) closer and watched her small delicate hands play with his long slender fingers.

"Isn't it too enchanting?" Morticia asked while marvelling at the trap. " How do you get it off?" Fester asked making Morticia and Gomez go silent. (Y/n)'s attention snapped to the finger trap and she moved her nose slightly. Making the trap click, releasing festers fingers. " there's a trick to it." Morticia took the trap of his fingers. " how curious? You just remembered the trick?". Morticia asked suspiciously.

Gomez looked straight ahead and furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously.

Wednesday carried (y/n) who was half asleep in his arms upstairs. And sat down with her on his lap, holding her like a teddy bear. Pugsley sat next to them, fixated on morticias story. (Y/n) found her voice soothing, it was ominous but sweet as a mother's lullaby. 

She soon jumped hearing the blaring sound of a train whistle. Wednesday gave her a gentle squeeze and pet her soft (h/c) hair.
" fathers playing with his trains." Pugsley said in a semi worried tone.
" He's using the diesel" pugsley said while looking up at the ceiling that was raining dust and pebbles.
"The covered bridge." Wednesday said and pulled (y/n) closer. (Y/n) gasps softly feeling him nuzzle his face into the crook of her neck.

"Are you okay?" She asked while gently caressing Wednesdays cheek. He simply nodded in response and ran his hand down and gently squeezed her thigh.
" dead man's curve." Morticia muttered in a worried tone. The house shook harder almost as if it was about to collapse.
"This is all about uncle fester isn't it mother?". Wednesday asked while gently digging his nails into (y/n)s stalking making his nails slightly snag into the thin fabric."

Morticia was about to reply and then heard a noise, suddenly fester shot up through a water tube.
"Spirit above me, give me a sign. Shall I be joyous, or shall I be damned?!" As soon as he said that, the two trains crashed into eachother. Making the whole house erupt. Making more tiny pebbles rain from the ceiling while a screen of smoke filled the house.

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