Part 10

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(No ones POV)

The blinding light of the morning suns gaze, poured through the Larry bay windows. The spider webs that decorated the grand chandelier in Wednesday's room, shined like strings of fine jewelry.

Wednesday still had his head rested in the crook of (y/n)'s neck, his arms lazily wrapped around her waist. His eyes opened and looked up at her sleeping form. She reminded him of a fair maiden in grimms fairytales. The way her (h/c) locks was sprawled over the pillow, her soft pink lips parted.

Wednesday felt heat rise to his cheeks, when he heard her make cute little noises in her sleep. Wednesday slowly lifted his head and pressed a soft kiss on her neck.

(Y/n) smiles softly in her sleep and slightly squirmed in his grasp. Wednesday smirked and attacked her collarbone and throat with soft kisses. " good morning" she said softly between giggles.

Wednesday swiftly buried his face back into her neck inhaling her scent " morning ma beauté." He muttered while intertwining his fingers into her locks. " should we go and get breakfast?" She asked while gently kissing his head. Wednesday groans and held her tighter.

"Your family will wonder where we are." She whispered " I don't care." Wednesday grumbled and snaked his hand down and grasped her bottom. "But I'm hungry and my stomach is angry." (Y/n) whined, feeling her empty stomach roar for food.

"Fine.. only for you ." Wednesday sighed and got up and helped her out of bed. Keeping their hands intertwined, they started walk downstairs to breakfast.

"Did you like the blood?" Pugsley asked while grandma served everyone. " I was so proud." Fester praised, gently patting pugsley's head.

"Weren't we all?" Morticia agreed, gently taking Gomez's hand in hers.

Wednesday and (y/n) entered the kitchen hand in hand. Wednesday sat down in his usual seat and pulled (y/n) onto his lap. (Y/n) blushed profusely, especially since it was infront of his family.

Wednesday didn't pay any mind to it and gently rested his hand on her mid thigh, giving it occasional squeezes. Morticia and Gomez glanced at one another and gave eachother knowing smiles. Morticia turned to Wednesday.

"Wednesday play with your food."she told him. Wednesday started to poke his food with his fork, and it started to squirm.

(Y/n) jumped hearing a sudden shriek from grandma. " mama?" Morticia asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Who put this in here?, that's for company". Grandma scolded while fester and pugsley snickered to themselves. " rascals" Gomez playfully scolded.

Just then, Dr Pinder entered the kitchen. " doctor you were right, what an evening". Gomez said smiling, (y/n) froze up at the mention of the doctors presents. "Fester fit right in." Morticia agreed.

"Does he really have to go?" Wednesday asked.

"Yes he does, and that means that (y/n) doesn't need to look after him anymore, and she goes back home." Dr Pinder told him.

Wednesday frowned and wrapped his arms around (y/n), and held her like a teddy bear. He didn't want her to leave, the thought of it stung his heart.

" well if he insists upon leaving, we shall mark the occasion. Tish?" Gomez said in a rather mischievous tone.

" we've planned a farewell party, we've invited the whole clan. We're a family again, and we owe it all to you Dr." Morticia complimented.
"Please,Greta... now fester walk me out." She said in a sickly sing along tone.

The Addams family made their way up to the staircase holding a candelabra. Gomez And Morticia opened the large double doors that led to a ballroom that had white sheets covering everything.

Fester stepped inside and looked at the room in awe. " A party? For me? Here?" He asked, gasping in shock and happiness.

" tish? How long has it been since we've waltzed" Gomez asked his wife. " oh Gomez" the two got into a dancing position. "Hours."

The couple began waltzing around the room, staring lovingly into each others eyes.

(Y/n) watched the two with a small smile, at how happy and in love they are. Wednesday looked over at her and slowly walked over to her.

"Have you ever danced before?" He asked her while interlocking their hands together. " not really, no" she replied.

He only hummed in response and stood in short awkward silence.
"I was thinking... would you like to accompany me to the dance?... or spend time together?". Wednesday asked slowly, not being able to hold her gaze.

" I'd like that." (Y/n) responded, giving Wednesdays hands a little squeeze. " alright then, good.." Wednesday said in a blunt tone and then let go of her hands.
It was the night of the ball and (y/n) was taring her wardrobe apart, trying to find something suitable.

"Oh my, did a hurricane hit your quarters? If so I should've equipped you with an umbrella." Morticia chuckled while placing a hand on my shoulder.

" No, as entertaining that sounds, I can't find anything for tonight.." (y/n) sighed in defeat. " come along dearest, I believe I have just the dress for you." Morticia said while placing a hand on (y/n)'s shoulder and lead her to Gomez and morticias shared room.

(Y/n) was sat down on the foot of their large king size bed and nervously tapped her feet together.

Morticia emerged from her clothes holding a large satin box. " this was mine when I was your age and i would love for you to have it." Morticia said softly, placing it on
(y/n)'s lap.

(Y/n) gently opens the box and pulled out a long black dress with long sleeves and spider web lace details. (Y/n) felt her eyes water and whispered " it's so beautiful, b-but i couldn't.. it's yours, it's so precious to you." She whimpers.

Morticia gently took (y/n)'d face into her hands and gently wiped the tears away " i would like you to have it my dear, i always wanted a daughter to pass along my things too.. and I've never met someone so deserving. And with such exquisite gifts.." Morticia said softly and pulled (y/n) into a loving embrace.

(Y/n) felt her heart swell and felt happy tears roll down her cheeks, this is what it felt like to be 'accepted'.

" now come along, I'll help you with your hair." Morticia said while helping (y/n) up.

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now