Part 11

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The farewell party was in full swing, multiple couples occupied the shiny dance floor, including Gomez and Morticia. They had a undead orchestra, and one man playing a cobra like a saxophone.

The ballroom was decorated with tall, black candle operas and thick cobwebs were hung like streamers.

Wednesday leaned against the wall, holding a Bloody Mary in his hand. He was dressed in a dark grey dress shirt with a black dress vest, matched with dress pants and shiny shoes. Wednesday straightened up his carvat, that was accented with a spider broach.

He tried peeking over the sea of people, looking for (y/n). When his cousin Lumpy Addams approached him. " hey cousin, great party" lumpy smiles, showing his glimmering braces.

" thank you.." Wednesday replied and looked down at his drink and took a final sip.

"Woah.. who is that?" Lumpy asked, gesturing to the door way. Wednesday immediately cocked his head up from his drink and saw
(y/n) standing at the doorway.

She was wearing the beautiful tight black grown Morticia gave her, with black heels. Her lips were painted a scarlet red, with dark but soft eye makeup, complimenting her (e/c) eyes. Her hair was styled perfectly with small diamonds scattered throughout her hair.

Wednesday gawked at the beauty that was bestowed on him. His eyes widened but his jaw remained shut, unlike his cousins.

"I'm gonna ask her to dance, she's the most wonderful specimen I've ever seen." Lumpy said in a love sick  tone. Wednesday's eye twitched seeing the other young Addams men gawk at his lovely (y/n).

Lumpy was about to make his way over to her then suddenly Wednesday placed his arm out in-front of lumpy, making him freeze. "Don't even think about it. That one is mine alone.." Wednesday purred, with a smirk on his lips.

Wednesday started to stalk over to (y/n). But then a big heard of Addams men flooded around her. Wednesday growled under his breath and tried pushing through all the men.

(Play the music)
(Y/n) started to walk away to the dance floor, avoiding the overwhelming attention. Suddenly upbeat music started playing. She gulped a non existent liquid down her throat and shyly started dancing to the music, moving her body.

One of the Addams men tried to dance with her but was teasingly pushed away. Wednesday watched her skillfully twirl and dodge the men as if she was in a graceful tango. Wednesday smirked and stalked towards her once more, weaving passed couples who were dancing.

(Y/n) continued to dance and move her hips to the music. She swayed her arms around along her her hips, earning many whistles. When another man approached her, she gently wrapped her arms around his neck and grabbed his satin scarf. They locked eyes for about two split seconds, then she unraveled the scarf from his neck so swiftly, he spun like a top.

Gomez and Morticia chuckled at the action and while  started to dance to the increasingly upbeat music.

(Y/n) chuckled and started to feel the music take hold, possessing her body. Her feet started to stomp and she twirled her dress around. She soon cocked her head back up and ran a hand through her now semi messy but still neatly done hair, making her look even more desirable.

Wednesday watched and she continued to roll her body to the beat, he felt his hunger grow for her touch. He suddenly appeared behind her and placed his hands on her hips, making her stop.

(Y/n) could feel his breath on her neck, she reached up and caresses Wednesday's cheek, down to his sharp jawline. Wednesday shuttered slightly and gently grabbed her hand, interlacing her fingers with his and kissed her knuckles.

After that short passionate interaction. Wednesday noticed (y/n) slowly drop in-front of him, gently placing her hands on legs, then slowly moving back up, pressing her backside against his pelvis. 

Wednesday grabbed (y/n)'s shoulder and harshly turned her to face him. He stared deep into her eyes, not breaking his stoic expression. (Y/n) blushed and playfully pushed him away, to only have Wednesday snake his hands to her (small/ medium/ large) waist.

(Y/n) gasped, feeling the fabric bunch under his finger tips. Wednesday dipped her down and held her thigh against his hip, he gripped onto the exposed flesh of her thigh, leaving slight nail marks.

(Y/n) blushed profusely and bit her plush bottom lip. Wednesday swiftly snapped her back up and pressed her lower half to his. And moved their hips together, to the beat.

(Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck, while her of hand was buried in the nape of his neck. She pressed her forehead against Wednesday's, their noses brushed together every move they made to the musics fast pace.

Wednesday moved down slightly and back up to the dance, still swaying his body and his hips with (y/n)'s. He blushed slightly and cupped (y/n)'s cheek, making her cheek slightly squish upwards in his large hands.

Wednesday's breath was shallow but heavy when he ran his thumb along her bottom lip, slightly smearing the red lipstick to her chin. Wednesday leaned forward and captured her lips into a hungry, but passionate kiss.

(Y/n) moans softly into the kiss. Salvia dripped down drop the corner of her mouth, while Wednesday practically devoured her lips with his.

He released her lips from the smothering of his lips, allowing her to breathe. With a soft but moist smack from their lips.

"Ma Precieuse"  Wednesday whispered in a hushed tone, while gently rubbing circles onto her cheek with his thumb.

After what felt like a joyous century Morticia walked over to Wednesday and (y/n). Who were slow dancing together.

"Wednesday?" Morticia asked. "Yes mother?" Wednesday replied, not taking his eyes off (y/n) who was still looking, lovingly into his eyes.

"Would you run upstairs and check on your uncle please? It's about time for his torture." Morticia asked gently.

" yes mother" Wednesday pulled away from (y/n) and offered a gentlemanly arm to her. She smiles and looped her arms with his, and left the ballroom.

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now