Part 7

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(No Ones POV)

(Y/n) woke up suddenly awoke to the sound of a squeaky German accent. She felt her blood freeze in her veins, knowing there was only one person, whose voice that belonged too. (Y/n) whipped the covers off her body, and put on a baggy (f/c) hoodie dress, not bothering with her shoes or stalkings.

She ran down the hallway, her feet harshly thumping against the cold wood flooring. When she reached the stairwell she could hear Gomez wailing in anguish " That's an imposter! An imposter! A charlatan! A sham! A counterfeit."

(Y/n) looked at Fester who was sitting on the stairs, watching the scene through the railings of the banister. (Y/n) slowly walked down the stairs, past fester and heard the clanging of swords.

" oh villain, villain, smiling, damned villain." Wednesday said. (Y/n) smiled at Wednesdays voice and followed the sound. She slowly opened the large oak door and peaked inside to see Pugsley and Wednesday fencing.

" who calls me a villain, breaks my pate across, cuts off my beard and blows it in my face?" Pugsley replied clashing his sword against his. (Y/n) sneakily crept in and sat down on an old trunk, watching the performance.

Wednesday blushed slightly, seeing (y/n) in the corner of his eye. " if I must strike you dead I will." Wednesday then charged at pugsley, clashing their swords together. Pugsley pretended to stab Wednesday, making him fall to the ground. Wednesday started making face coughing and gurgling sounds, pretending to die.

(Y/n) clapped softly and said softly " great performance, the killing blow was quite convincing." She complimented, making Wednesday smirk slightly.  " no no no no no!" Fester shouted while entering the room, making (y/n) jump.

" Give me that sword! Haven't you ever slaughtered anyone before?!" Fester bellowed and grabbed the sword pointing it at Wednesday. " he's only a child" Wednesday replied bluntly.

" No excuse." Fester snapped " Aim for a major artery. The jugular." Fester instructed Pugsley.

After sometime fester brought out a large heavy book and was showing them different kinds of weapons. " you see children, there's lots to learn, grenade." Fester pointed to an object that had a pin wedged into it.

(Y/n) and Wednesday stared in fascination. "Uncle fester how do you know so much?". Pugsley asked, resting his chin on the palm of his hand. " I've been around. I pick things up." Fester answered turning a page to other bombs.

" In the Bermuda Triangle?" Wednesday asked in a suspicious tone. Fester looked at (y/n), giving her a slightly panicked expression. (Y/n) gently grabbed Wednesdays chin, making him turn his gaze to her.

" would you be willing to show me some techniques ?" She asked, while placing a hand on his shoulder. Wednesday's eyes slightly widened, he didn't expect her to be so bold, touching him.

" alright." Wednesday simply replied, while interlocking his hand with (y/n)'s.  Fester broke the silence, turning the page " Look children, a new chapter."

" Scabs!" They all said at once.

All four of them were soon outside. And a large explosion just occurred. Fester, Wednesday, (y/n) and pugsley emerged from a big pile of dirt and rubble.

" three parts dynamite, with a nitroglycerin cap. It's perfect for small holes, carports and tool sheds." Fester informed.

None of them noticed that they were indeed being watched.
(~~~~Start Music~~~~)

(Y/n) and Wednesday were soon by themselves in the library. The walls were panted a void black, with scarlet curtains covering the large bay windows.

(Y/n) looked over at Wednesday who was standing about twenty paces away from her, pointing the fencing sword at her with his arm behind his back.

(Y/n) could help but admire how handsome he looked. He discarded his sweater vest, leaving him in his white dress shirt, tucked into his black dress pants and shoes. His hair was now slightly slicked back, keeping it from compromising his vision.

(Y/n) twitched her nose and the fire place erupted, suddenly illuminating the room. Exterminating the rooms once dim light. The corner of Wednesdays mouth lifted slightly " En- garde". Wednesday said " Allez". ( y/n) followed getting in position.

(Y/n) and Wednesday slowly approached eachother. (Y/n) skillfully clashed her sword with Wednesdays, blocking his first blow. (Y/n) leaned back dodging more of Wednesdays strikes, she swished her sword attempting to strike Wednesdays bottom half.

Wednesday chuckled and jumped over the parry and stepped back, allowing (y/n) to stand up. " again" Wednesday said simply, getting back into position.

(Y/n) charged forward and clashed swords with Wednesday.

Wednesday smirked and spun, swishing his sword with him. Landing a blow against (y/n)'d sword, making her stumble. Wednesday continues parrying. Making her step back avoiding the blows.

(Y/n) spun around, ducking under Wednesdays arm, clashing her sword with his. Wednesday quickly retaliated, lifting his sword up clashing it with the base of her sword.

(Y/n) gasped when Wednesday reached around grabbing her forearm and spinning her around, dipping her.

The small of her back rested on Wednesdays knee, swords now crossing eachother, preventing either of them to land a blow. Wednesday looked down at her with intensity. His face remained still and stoic, but his ebony eyes boring into her (e/c) ones.

(Y/n) smirked, flipping over his arm and tripping Wednesday, making him fall onto the ground. Wednesday quickly rolled out of the away from (y/n)'s blow and appeared behind her. He cheekily patted (y/n)s bottom with the base of his sword, making (y/n) squeak.

(Y/n) whipped around and clashed swords with him once more. With each blow, they landed in perfect sync. Neither one of them losing their footing. Wednesday smirked and landed a blow to (y/n)s sword making her stumble back slightly.

(Y/n) backed into the book shelf and continued defending Wednesdays blows. She jumped when her back met the bookshelf.

Wednesday went to land a final strike, but she stepped on his foot making him flinch slightly. She continued clashing swords with Wednesday, until he had enough with her stubbornness.

Just when she landed another blow, making their swords cross once again creating a V shape. Wednesday skillful spun her around, pressing his chest against her back. He slid down his sword against hers, creating a spark. The tip of the v shape, centred just under her chin.

Wednesdays breathe fanned against her neck. He took a deep breath, his voice hitched , he dove down. Snagging her flesh of her neck between his teeth, Wednesday bit her neck harshly, making blood start to bead from the wound.

(Y/n) mewled, and closed her eyes in ecstasy of both pain and pleasure. Adrenaline spiked through her veins, making her legs wobble slightly.

Wednesday growled deeply than retracted his teeth from her neck. " submit." Wednesday muttered with a hint of venom in his voice.

(Y/n)'s grip on her sword loosens making Wednesday smirk deviously, he smacked the back of his sword against her bottom once more. " good girl" he chuckled, Taking (Y/n)s sword from her now weakened grasp.

" We will practice more another occasion, Ma Precieuse".

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now