Part 16

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🥩 Gore Warning🩸
"This is getting no where! I've had it!" Mrs craven growled while ripping at her artificially dyed hair.

" how about Gordon.. you trying getting somewhere with our little witch? Hmmmm... Pull the lever!" Craven demanded while pointing at (y/n)'s twitching form.

"What?" Gordon asked while mrs craven shoved Gordon towards the electric chair lever.

" well, go on with it!." Craven demanded.

(Y/n) weakly opened her eyes, everything was blurry, the sound of an ear splitting dog whistle echoed in her tympanic membrane.

She looked up to Festers blurry grey face, her vision sharpened as he stammered towards her.

"P-please... don't do this.. Fester..." (y/n) whimpers desperately, she flinched harshly, feeling the scab Wednesday gave her pried open, making it leak more plasma.

Festers gaze seemed to soften for a moment " I'm sorry.." he whispered in a raspy voice.

(Y/n) gasped seeing fester to start to slowly reach for the lever, that could seal her fate with on fatal shock.

Suddenly, Gomez flipped through the window, making glass shower from the windows now bare frame.

" Addams!" Craven shouted.

"Cara mia!" "Mon Cher!" Gomez and Morticia explained.

Wednesday soon emerged from the window and his gaze fell onto (y/n)s tortured form.

Wednesday tossed his father and sword and ran past mrs Craven and dodged past fester.

He ripped his sword out of the sheath and severed the main electric cord to the electric chair.

(Y/n) felt instant relief melt through her body. " ma precieuse.." Wednesday muttered while gently cupping her warm cheek in his cooling palm.

Gomez and Tulley were fencing in the background. " one for you Tulley, and now...." Gomez clashed his sword against tulleys, making it fly out of his hand, allowing Gomez to catch it and point the blade tips at Tulley " one for me..." Gomez smirked.

"Let him up.. now." Mrs craven demanded, everyone froze at the sudden click of a gun.

Wednesday turned around sharply and was met with the barrel of a small handgun. Wednesday watched his dad drop the swords.

Wednesday sliced (y/n)'a straight jacket open, allowing her straining arms to lazily fall to her side.

A bullet wizzed past Wednesdays arm making Wednesday clench his his bicep in reaction.

(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened seeing red seep through Wednesdays dress shirt and staining his Snow White skin.

" don't try anything funny boy.. or I won't miss my next shot.. now get moving Addams take him to the vault or I will displace them..." craven snarled, her German accent twanging the last part of her sentence.

" tish.. seeing you like this makes my blood boil.." Gomez said while cupping morticias cheek lovingly.

"As does mine." She whispered while kissing Gomez's finger tips, staining them with her red lips.

"Knock. it. off." Craven growled " Addams vault now!" She demanded, waving the gun around.

"But mother , you can't.." Gordon whimpers.

" Can it Gordon! Stop dragging your feet! You disgust me! You're nothing but a useless snivelling baby, a stone around my neck, what was I thinking? I should have left you where I found you!" Before mrs craven found raise the gun up to whip him with the gun, suddenly she was paused in her actions.

"That's enough..."

Everybody turned their gaze to (y/n) who held up her hand, while her
(e/c) Iris's were a glowing (f/c) colour.

" Dios mío.." Gomez muttered, while Wednesday watched (y/n) in awe, and feeling the warm tingle of desire  engulf his body and to his lower region.

" you have abused me for three years... treated me like I am dirt.. a thorn in your side... The rock around your neck... you were a terrible mother and caretaker... the hospital was heaven compared to you.."     (y/n) said, her voice growing more bellowing and echoey.

" you little Witch... I will k-kill you.. I should've gotten rid of you when I got the chance." Craven growled, she suddenly grabbed her head and groaned in pain.

" your right... I am a witch.." (y/n) suddenly started to slowly close her fingers " au revoir.. dèmone.." (y/n) hissed and then harshly closed her hand.

Suddenly cravens head started to shake uncontrollably and then implode, then burst, making blood and skull fragments paint the walls.

(Y/n) soon turned to Tulley and used her powers and threw him into the wall, snapping his neck, the snap was stomach turning, closely mimicking the sound of a moist twig snapping.

(Y/n) then raised the corpses into the air and threw them into two vacant holes in the graveyard.

Wednesday smirked deviously and leaned against a shoved that was already wedged into the ground.

" how beautiful you are..." Wednesday said while walking over to (y/n) and placed his hands on her cheeks. She took a softly gentle breath and placed her smaller hands on his.

"I murdered them Wednesday.... I am sorry.. it's just i couldn't control my anger anymore and seeing you hurt-." She was suddenly interrupted when Wednesday smashed his lips against hers, silencing her.

(Y/n) squeaked seeing the blood from Wednesday's wound run down his arm and drip onto her hands.

" does it matter? And you look radiant covered in my blood.." Wednesday smirked and then picked her up by her thighs and threw her over his shoulder.

" come along my little witch~".

The End?

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now