Part 8

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(No Ones POV)

Mrs Craven landed a harsh smack across (y/n)'s. Making a loud skin cracking sound, like lightning in treacherous storms. (Y/n) landed on the floor holding her cheek " you selfish little witch! Do you know how many girls have begged me to get them out of that hell hole?".

Mrs craven harshly spat, while fester watched in horror. " you know why I picked you? Huh?! Not because of your manners, looks, or cause I felt sorry for you." Mrs craven harshly grabbed (y/n)'s face, lifting her up off the ground.

(Y/n) opens her eyes and gritted her teeth together " it's because of your gift.. your powers." Mrs craven spat, gripping (y/n)'s face harder, leaving bruises on her (s/c) cheeks.

(Y/n) felt her powers corse through her veins. She held out her hand and made a large book, fly across the room and hit Mrs craven in the head. Mrs craven howled in pain, she swiftly grabbed a taser and pressed it against (y/n)'s wrist.

(Y/n) felt pain shoot through her body, she fell to the ground and started to uncontrollably spasm. " (y/n!) " fester gasped and dropped to his knees, pulling her body close to his chest. " why mother? Why?" Fester whimpers.

" you won't go to the play fester, the house will be deserted, and the vault is ours." Mrs craven chuckled. " Soon, we'll have the money, and we'll be far from here. Loving mother... grateful son.. dead witch.. understood?". Mrs craven said while gently lifting up festers chin to look at her.

"Yes mother.." fester said glumly.

(Y/n) just got out of a cold shower. The electrical burn marks stung her skin. Her once pure (s/c) skin was now decorated with red and purple blotches.

She trembled down the hallway with her soft (f/c) house coat tightly wrapped around her form. She shivered slightly, feeling the cold water droplets ooze from the ends of her hair and slither down her back.

" your up rather late." (Y/n) jumped and saw Wednesday leaning against the wall. " so are you." (Y/n) replied while watched Wednesday stalk towards her.  Wednesday looked down at her and swiftly grabbed her wrist without breaking eye contact.

" what happened to your wrist?.." Wednesday asked while holding it close, inspecting the wound carefully. " it's nothing Wednesday.. it's something I must've done by accident." ( y/n) mumbled trying her best to shield her welling up eyes.

Wednesday grabbed her hand and started walking with her to the bathroom. He picked her up and sat her down on the counter, he gently touched her bare knees before he started rummage.

(Y/n) watched him open up the medicine cabinet, and pull out a old fashioned  medic kit. Wednesday opened the metal box, with two loud clicks. And pulled out some gauze and sterile pads.

Wednesday opened a glass jar that contained a black paste, he dipped his fingers into the jar and smeared the black paste over the burns. (Y/n) flinched slightly, feeling the burns start to numb with a sudden cooling sensation.

Wednesday placed the pads over the paste and wrapped it, with a generous amount of gaze. " thank you Wednesday, I really appreciate it." (Y/n) whispered, gently placing a kiss on his cheek in appreciation.

Wednesday blushed slightly and blinked rapidly in utter shock. He felt his hands shake and he placed his hand on his cheek, where the kiss was planted.

" I should be going to bed, thank you again Wednesday." (Y/n) said softly while letting herself down from the counter. She walked out of the bathroom and back to her room. Wednesday couldn't help but look at her hips sway when she walked away from him.

He quickly snapped himself out of it. He groaned and put his head in his hands, gripping his ebony locks. Normally he liked seeing people in pain and covered in wounds. But for some reason seeing (y/n) hurt made him angry? And... worried?

Wednesday slowly walked down the hallway, with many thoughts racing through his head. ' He wanted to kill who ever hurt her, he knew that those burns weren't an accident, he wanted to make that person suffer for hurting his puppy.'

'Wait his?, puppy?, I mean yes he bit her but it was to make her squirm, and flustered, he found it cute?. Why is his heart beating so fast? , why does he have sudden urges to hold (y/n)'s hand, make out with her, do.. other things to her?'

Wednesday gasped and placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heart pound in his ears. ' Oh no, he is becoming smitten with her.. how can this be?'.

The next day, The Addams Family walked into the local school. Wednesday pulled (y/n) along by her hand, with pugsley closing trailing after them.

(Y/n) looked around, seeing the other kids projects and walked with Wednesday to the backstage of the theatre.

Morticia was talking to the teacher about Wednesdays great aunt. " she was burned alive as a witch in 1706. They say she danced naked in the town square and enslaved a minister."

" really?" The teacher asked in a semi mortified tone. " Oh yes, But don't worry. We've told Wednesday College first." Morticia replied smiling.

(Y/n) was helping Wednesday with his makeup, not noticing Wednesday was staring at her.

She grabbed some eye liner and lined Wednesdays eyes, giving him more of a theatrical but intense look. Wednesdays breath hitched at how close she was to him.

"Wednesday, (y/n), pugsley.. I've changed my mind". A voice whispered, catching their attention, to only see fester standing there with some supplies. "Uncle fester." Wednesday said in a happy tone.

Fester tossed them the swords and then scurried off to his seat. (Y/n) smiles at Wednesday and said " i should go back to your family and take my seat. Break a leg."

Wednesday blushed at her words and gently grabbed her chin " I'll shatter it, so my bones will be dust." Wednesday muttered not breaking eye contact.
(Y/n) blushed and placed a kiss on the corner of Wednesdays mouth.

Wednesday blushed and watched her walk away. " Wednesday's got a girlfriend! And you looooooovve her!" Pugsley teased.

" shut up! She's not my girlfriend" Wednesday snarled. " fine, then I can ask her out?" Pugsley asked, smirking.

" Do that and I'll stitch your mouth shut and burry you alive." Wednesday threatened, giving pugsley a deadly glare.

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now