Part 3

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(No ones POV)

Everyone rushed to the door. Festers neck shrivelled down, giving him a double chin. He stepped into the house, slightly wobbling from his penguin like waddle.

"Fester". Gomez whispered in utter belief. "Gomez" fester replied back not breaking the intense eye contact. Gomez embraced him in a loving but by the sounds back breaking hug and kissed Festers cheek. Fester looked as if he was shocked,standing there as if he's never received a hug in his life.

Wednesday looked down at his and (y/n)s hands, still linked together. He noticed and snatched his hand away slightly blushing. (Y/n) looked up at Wednesday feeling the warmth of his hand gone from hers. She gulped and looked away awkwardly.

Everyone was seated in the living room as Dr. Pinder-Schloss 'Mrs craven' explained Festers story.

"He was found tangled up in a tuna net. In Miami, last month during hurricane Helga. Can you imagine?" Dr. pinder chimed while sitting down in the leather armchair, properly crossing her ankles. " But now I'm bringing him home to you."

Gomez smiled while holding his pipe " now your back." "Yes, back. Back to share your joys, your sorrows, hey why don't everything." Tulley added.

"Fester Addams home at last". Morticia announced. " well at least for a week." Fester said while nervous twiddling his thumbs. "Only a week? Don't be ridiculous. Your home". Gomez insisted taking a drag from his pipe.

"Sorry I have to get back. There's a lot of things cooking in the Bermuda Triangle." Fester explained. " oh, Gomez. The Bermuda Triangle. The black hole of Calcutta." Morticia purred sitting on the arm of Gomez's chair while caressing his cheek. Gomez gently took morticians hand and kissed it lovingly " excuse us, second honey moon." Gomez and Morticia explained.

"Dr will you be staying with us?". Morticia asked still holding Gomez's hand. " no no, I must be going. But I will be back, you can bet, to be checking on Festers adjustments. But it would be helpful to have someone here who could help fester out. How about this young lady here?".  She gestured to (y/n) who was sitting at Dr. Pinders feet on the floor. (Y/n) felt adrenaline spike in her veins when Dr. Pinder patted her head like a loyal dog to its owner.

"You wouldn't mind would you kid?" Telly said while locking eyes with (y/n)

"Of course not, I actually really like it here. If you don't mind mr and Mrs Addams." (Y/n) said while looking at Morticia with a warm smile. Morticia smiles and said " such wonderful manners, we've rather enjoyed your company. And it would be nice to have someone around Wednesday and Pugsley's age."

"And it would be nice to have a new fencing partner." Gomez smiled looking at (y/n) " and id love to learn."

" it's settled than!" Dr pinders chimed. " No body gets out of the Bermuda Triangle.. not even for vacation." Wednesday said in a monotone voice while appearing next to (y/n) and gently pat her head and looked down at her " everyone knows that." Wednesday finished while fiddling with a piece of (y/n)'s (h/c) locks.

Dr Pinder narrows her eyes at Wednesday " my little bundle." She said in a sweet tone while gripping
(y/n)s shoulder rather tightly, making Wednesday raise an eyebrow. " so much you don't understand, the human spirit, it is hard to kill.."

"Even with a chainsaw".

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now