Part 9

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(No Ones POV)

(Y/n) sat between Gomez and Morticia, she watched other kids perform in their bright outfits. A blonde haired girl named Amanda rudely pushed past the backup dancers, making them stumble.

Amanda resumed to sing off key to the cheerful sounding song. But to (y/n) it sounded more sad and torturous. (Y/n) twitched her nose and to everyone's surprise, Amanda's hair was suddenly pulled. Amanda screeched.

A few kids giggled at the occurrence, (y/n) slightly looked up to see Morticia looking at her with a smile on her face. (Y/n) gasped " I-I'm so sorry, it's just I don't like people who are mean.. please don't send me away." (Y/n) pleaded.

"Ssssssh not to worry, your secret is safe with me dearest." Morticia whispered gently taking (y/n)'s hand in hers. (Y/n) smiled, calmed by morticia's words.

The cheerful piano music suddenly stopped and then, the curtain opened again to reveal Wednesday and Pugsley.

Wednesday struck first, the sound of clanking and slashing of swords echoed through the auditorium.

" How all Occasions do inform against me and spur my full revenge. Oh, from this time forth, my thoughts be bloody or nothing worth. If I must strike you dead I will." Wednesday recited.

Then pugsley swung his sword and sliced into Wednesday's arm, fake blood spurted out of Wednesdays arm. (Y/n) snickers hearing the audience gasp ,some women screamed in horror.

" A hit! A very palpable hit!" Pugsley announced triumphantly. Wednesday slashed pugsley's arm, cutting it clean off. The stages floor was starting to cover in a lake of fake blood.  Pugsley suddenly sliced Wednesdays neck, the fake blood shot out like a fountain.

The audience screamed in horror " Oh proud death.. what feast is toward in time eternal cell?" Wednesday then dropped to his knees. " Sweet oblivion, open your arms." Wednesday recited again and started coughing and choke, before falling onto the floor again.

The audience was too stunned to speak. (Y/n) and the Addams family were the first break the eery silence.

" Bravo ! Bravo!" The Addams family cheered, clapping for them. Wednesday and pugsley stood up and bowed. (Y/n) and Wednesday made eye contact, she blew him a kiss.

Wednesday gave her a genuine smile and pretended to catch the kiss, he placed the kiss onto his lips. He wished that it was her lips instead of a ghost's.

There were sailors, pirates, and plane full of tours it's from Miami Beach, all lost in the triangle." Fester explained to Wednesday as he was laying down in bed.

" Uncle fester, will you take me there some day? And could we bring (y/n)?". Wednesday asked. Fester chuckled and said " I don't see why not? You have taken quite a shine to her." Fester smiled, teasingly nudging Wednesday.

"She's different.. the good different, she's not afraid of us, like other people are.. her face doesn't repulse's... beautiful." Wednesday said.

Fester chuckled and said " goodnight Wednesday, you were terrific." He gave Wednesday a pat on the shoulder, and left.

Wednesday crossed his arms over his chest, like Dracula rising from the crypt. He closed his eyes and was about to drive off into a deep slumber, when there was a gentle knock on his door.

"Enter." Wednesday stated and sat up, turning his attention to the door. (Y/n) poked her head in Wednesdays room. " I apologize if I woke you up." She whispered nervously.

" No you didn't, what is it?" Wednesday asked. " Well I just wanted to say, that you did a great job tonight." (Y/n) responded.

"Thank you, is there anything else?". Wednesday asked while arching his eye brows curiously. " I-it's silly, but I had a nightmare." (Y/n) mumbled. Wednesday watched her awkwardly rub her arm, Wednesday broke the silence "Come here.." he stated.

(Y/n) slowly walked to his bedside, when she was close enough, she felt Wednesday place his hands on her (small/medium/large) waist. Wednesday kept his eyes locked on hers, he pulled her forward, making her straddle his lap.

(Y/n) blushed profusely, feeling his black satin pjs against her bare legs. Wednesday kept his gaze on her face, he gently took her hands and placed them around his neck. " what was the night mare?" Wednesday asked in a hushed tone while gently kissing her wrists and forearms.

" it was about where I came from.. I'm different Wednesday.. I was left on the steps of a fire station when I was a baby, I was sent to multiple foster homes, until a accident happened.. and then.. I was sent to a hospital for treatment, one of the treatments involved electro shock therapy.. and injections of different hallucinogens.. it wasn't the inhumane tortures I faced that scared me.. it's that.... In their eyes I'm not human." (Y/n) said while playing with Wednesdays ebony locks between her delicate fingers.

Wednesday swiftly spun her around, making her land on her back against the plush mattress with Wednesday on top of her. (Y/n) gasped and looked up at Wednesday. " what if I told you, you won't ever go back there.. who ever hurt you will parish, and suffer a treatment worse than death?"

Wednesday asked in a hushed tone his eyes slightly widened when he mentioned the acts of torture. (Y/n) gently caresses Wednesday's cheek and dragged the pads of her fingers down his throat, making him shudder.

" No Wednesday, they won't be the ones perishing when I leave, it'll be me, because I'd perish without you." (Y/n) whispered. Wednesday grabbed her hand and kissed it lovingly " you are staying with me  ma précieuse." Wednesday whispered.

(Y/n) smiles and watched Wednesday slowly make his way down and laid his head on her collarbone, while his arms wrapped around her waist.  (Y/n) smiles softly and drew shapes on Wednesdays back.

"Goodnight Wednesday" (y/n) whispers, gently placing a kiss on his temple.

"Goodnight (y/n)" Wednesday whispered back and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now