Part 15

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(No Ones POV)

Gomez sat emotionless in a rickety leather armchair with his feet kicked up, while thing massaged his head.

" Yes, we've been forced from our home. Yes, we've been betrayed by those we trusted. And yes, (y/n) is being held captive by those terrible people, but we are Addams's, and we will not submit." Morticia said firmly while comfortingly patting Pugsley's back.

"Who recalls the old fable of the tortoise and the hare? The swift yet lazy cottontail and his slow determined champion? What does the story teach us?" She asked.

" Kill the hare! Skin it and boil it!" Grandma announces while cackling, earning a smile from Morticia.

"Put the tortoise on the highway" Wednesday said in his usual monotone voice.

"During rush hour!" Pugsley added cheerfully.

"Yes. We will survive, poison us. Strangle us. Break out bones. We will come back for more. And why?".

"Because we like it?" Grandma asked.

"Because We're Addams's!" Pugsley  said in a prideful tone.

"And we'll save (y/n)" Wednesday added.

" your girlfriend." Pugsley said in a cheeky tone.

Wednesday harshly grabbed pugsley's shirt and pull him towards him, making pugsley gasp in surprise.

" yes. My girlfriend. And no one else's.. she's mon précieux.." Wednesday stated and then let pugsley go.

"No children, let's not engage in such horse play.. do something quiet." Morticia said softly.

Outside the motel where the Addams's we're staying, lurch passed Wednesday and pugsley who were selling lemonade.

"Here lurch. On the house." Pugsley held up a glass and handed it to lurch.

Lurch took a sip and fire burst from his mouth and set a near by statue on fire. Lurch let out a soft burp and smiles at the two of them, then made his way back to the hotel room.

A couple minutes later a Boy Scout with blonde, swept back blonde hair stopped in front of them with a red wagon in his grasp.

"What a minuscule stand, is this lemonade made from real lemons? I can only drink all natural fruits and beverages with no preservatives, and they have to be organically grown, are you sure they're real lemons? ." The boy asked in a snarky tone and straightens up his shirt.

"Yes." Pugsley and Wednesday Answered back harshly.

" I'll tell you what.. I'll buy a cup, if you buy a box of my delicious Boy Scout cookies." The boy said with a fake disgustingly wide smile.

Wednesday narrows his eyes at him " are they made from real Boy Scouts?" Wednesday asked and crossed his arms.

The boy gasped in disgust and then snapped his nose up in a pompous fashion and walked away.
That night, Morticia looked down at her sleeping husband and stroked his face lovingly. She looked around at her sleeping family.

Her gaze soon fell onto Wednesday who was sleeping in bed with his arms crossed over his chest. But his hand was holding an open locket with a picture of (y/n), when she was a baby with her mother.

Morticia's eyes narrowed with determination. She left the motel, not noticing thing was following right behind her.

Morticia knocked on the door to the Addams family mansion and Tulley opened the door.

" I would like to speak with fester please." She said before closing her umbrella and entering the house.

Next thing she knew, Morticia was being strapped to a torture table, while (y/n) was sat in an electric chair, bound in a stray jacket and gagged.

" you're a desperate woman , consumed by greed and bitterness, we could've been such friends." Morticia said and looked over at
(y/n) and her calm expression turned to worry.

"Stop stalling Gordon get it started!" Mrs craven snapped at Gordon " the vault mrs addams any thoughts?" She asked while gesturing Tulley to flip the switch.

Small shocks of electricity scattered through (y/n)s body making her nerves jump and cramp.

Morticia felt her heart ache hearting her screams of pain.

"Non whatsoever, please let (y/n) go." Morticia pleaded.

Tulley spun the wheel and made the machine start to stretch Morticias body out.

"Again." Craven demanded.

Tulley only groaned in annoyance and tightened it again, gordon and him flinched. (Y/n) closed her eyes not wanting to see her get tortured.

" tighter!"

Tulley did it again, Morticia groaned softly and whispered in a breathless tone. " you've done this before."

Thing jumped and then scurried off the windowsill to go and find help.

Thing made it back to the hotel, and was rapidly signing to Gomez, who just awoke from a nap.

"Mor-Morticia. Morticia and .....
(Y-y/n) and Morticia and (y/n) what?! Slow down! It's terrible when you stutter."

Thing gave up and snatched a pen from Gomez's pocket and started to write it out but there was no ink.

Thing threw the pen and grabbed a spoon and started tapping frantically in Morse code.

"Morticia.. and (y/n).... In... danger. Stop. Send help... at once... stop!" Gomez immediately shot to his feet and flung off his lazy robe and was in his suit.

" (y/n) and mother are in trouble? I'm going with you." Wednesday stated looking up at his father.

" it's too dangerous son." Gomez said while placing a hand on Wednesdays shoulder.

" I don't care.. I promised (y/n) I would come back to her.. and save her and protect her from such torture.. I am a man of my word.." Wednesday stated.

" you really love her dont you son?"

"Yes... yes I do... she's my Cara Mia.."

" good man! Let's go."

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now