Part 14

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(No ones POV)

Gomez lifted off a tray lid to find pugsley napping on the silver platter.

"Look at our little boy, it's so sweet he looks like a little entree." Morticia cooed.

Pugsley groaned and stirred awake " where's the party?" He asked sleepily, he rubbed his fried eyes.

" It's over darling, have you seen your brother and (y/n)?" Morticia asked him while gently petting his head.

" Not since the mamushka" pugsley answered and sat up.

"Gomez.." Morticia worried.

The family branched out all over the property. Pugsley wandered through  thick branches and searched the the dark thick woods " Wednesday! (Y/n)!" Pugsley called.

Lurch looked under cars and other heavy objects not finding anything.

Thing hopped along Lily pads in the piranha infested swamp, searching for the teenagers.

Gomez walked through the graveyard and entered the crypt.  To find Wednesday and (y/n) curled up together in a coffin.

(Y/n) was covered with a silk blanket while Wednesday was fully dressed, holding her close, keeping her warm with his body heat. Gomez gently grabbed Wednesdays shoulder, gently shaking it.

"Wednesday? Wednesday! Wake up son." Gomez whispered. Wednesday opened his eyes and met his fathers gaze. " We've been looking everywhere for you two. Come, time to go home". He told him. " shall I wake (y/n)?" Gomez asked.

" No. let her sleep.." Wednesday replied. Gomez simply nodded and walked out and waited for them outside. 

Wednesday gently placed a soft kiss on her forehead and dressed her in a baggy black sweater dress. And gently washed her face with a cold cloth, cleaning the sweat from her forehead and cheeks.

Wednesday gently picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the crypt.

The family made their way back to the house. To only see the front gate was closed and locked and covered with neon police tape.

A sign nailed in front of them with big red painted letters that read 'Addams Family Keep Out.'

"What is this?" Gomez asked in confusion and disgust. " it's a restraining order!" Tulley announced with a slight dastardly chuckle in his tone. " it requires you to keep a distance of 1,000 yards away from this house!".

(Y/n) woke up from tulleys loud boasting " what's going on?" She mumbled, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

" I am not entirely sure.." Wednesday replied while glaring at Tulley. " I am restrained from my own house?!" Gomez asked in utter disbelief.

"Not your house anymore mustache. Not any more. It belongs to the oldest Living descendant, the elder brother Fester Addams, he's afraid of Gomez, seeing the twins brought it all back. They're bitter rivals Gomez." Tulley explained while lighting a cigarette and putting it between his chapped lips.

" I demand to to speak with fester." Gomez demaned.

" Sorry no can do, He's very hurt. Just leave. (Y/n) come with me.. your caregiver mrs Craven is expecting you." Tulley rolled his eyes.

Wednesday pulled (y/n) closer to his body " She's not going back to that woman.." He snapped.

" (y/n) what is he talking about?" Morticia asked while everyone looked at (y/n)

"I'm so sorry everyone I haven't been entirely truthful... please forgive me.." (y/n) sniffed, trying to withhold her tears.

" she's a witch.. she was abandoned as a orphan and she lived in a hospital where she was abused . Mrs Craven only adopted her to use her as a weapon, against her will ". Wednesday explained while seeing (y/n)s tears of despair burn her cheeks.

" I'm so sorry! I didn't know their real intentions.. I was only doing what I was told.. if I step out of line I get tased.. I'm so sorry please forgive me.. I didn't want to do their horrible tasks, please don't let me go.. she'll kill me!." (Y/n) begged while smoke seeped from her burns from her tears of sorrow.

"(Y/n) you lied to us, you deceived us, and you were planning on harming us with you powers, and your a mistress of the dark arts.. I knew I liked you for a reason. Don't worry dear, we'll help you" Morticia said while gently cleaning (y/n)s cheeks from the tears.

" have no fear. Justice shall prevail. The courts will decide, they say a man who represents himself has a fool for a client. Well, with god as my witness, I'm not a fool!" Gomez told them confidently.

Therefore, it is with no small amount of personal satisfaction that I declare Fester Addams legal executor of the Addams estate and rightful owner of all possessions and properties contained therin with one exception." The judge declared and picked up a bucket that contained dozens of golden putting balls.

"Gomez Addams, I believe these are yours." He poured the gold balls onto the stand, Making them scatter everywhere.

"Further more, I declare that (y/n)
(l/n) is under full custody of mrs Abigail Craven. And is denied emancipation, due to previous records and being declared as a monster to society.. and will be subjected to various treatments.. such as electric shock therapy to hopefully cure such a condition." The judge announced.

Gomez sat in the back of the black hearse defeated, while the rest of the family packed their things and loaded them onto the car.

" I promise.. i will dream such horrific dreams about you and write to you.." (y/n) whispers softly.

Wednesday placed his forehead against hers and gently caressed her cheek " Cara mia.. I promise... I'll find a way to get you back into my grasp.... I will keep trying till I breath my last shallow breath from my hallowed, blackened lungs.." Wednesday whispers in a breathly tone, as if he was holding back tears that refused to leak .

(Y/n) gently reached behind her neck and unclasped a locket from her neck and placed it around Wednesdays. She gently tucked the sterling oval shaped locket under the collar of his shirt.

" I know you will, and I promise to haunt you for eternity.. you have my soul Wednesday." (Y/n) whispered.

With that Wednesday grabbed the back of her head and pulled her into a soft but rough kiss. Wednesday sank his teeth into the bottom of her lip making her draw the Ruby plasma Wednesday desired to taste.

He ran his tongue along the cut and then snapped his head away and sharply turned away from her and walked to the car.

(Y/n) gently reached up and touched the ticklish but tender cut on her lip, making her nerves sting at the saltiness of her fingers.

She couldn't help but crack a small smile and watched as they drove away, little did she know Wednesdays gaze didn't leave her.

~Son Of Woe ~Male Wednesday Addams X Reader Where stories live. Discover now