Chapter 14

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The first thing that Nicholas noticed when he woke up the next day was Sienna's soft and warm body curled up beside him. Even though she scooted to the other side of the bed in her sleep. But her face was still towards Nicholas.

Nicholas looked at her soft, sleeping form and softly and very easily pulled her in his arms.
The moment Sienna's head was on his chest, she snuggled closer to him. Pulling her warm body closer to his and wrapping her arms around his middle, which made Nicholas smile, widely.
"Now, this is a good morning." Nicholas murmured softly, caressing Sienna's long hairs.
God, how much he loved her long hairs, he never knew he had a thing for long hairs, but now he definitely did.
And then suddenly he remembered last night and he looked down at Sienna. "Is she good now?" Nicholas questions himself, looking at Sienna.

She looked peaceful in her sleep. Probably this is the first time Nicholas was seeing Sienna in peaceful state. Because all the other times when he looked at Sienna, either he saw a girl who was trying way to hard to act normal, as if nothing out of ordinary happened to her or he noticed a little bit scared and shy girl. And now when he was looking at her soft, sleeping form in his arms, she looked at peace. Her soft glassy eyes, closed. Her mouth not formed in a tight line. Her brows not pulled together, but relax.
"She has such soft feminine features." Nicholas thought and smiles in himself.
Then, with his other hand's finger, he started tracing lines on Sienna's face, softly. His touch totally feather like. He traced her eyebrows, then her eyelashes, she had long lashes. And then he traced her cute long nose. Nicholas smiled when Sienna stirred in her sleep. And then his fingers wandered towards her lips. If before his touch was feather like, now, he traced her lips in a manner that his fingers didn't even touch her lips, not even for a second.

But his eyes were fully focused on Sienna's lips. They didn't get the chance to seal their wedding with a kiss, but now he was imagining how it would have felt to kiss those lips.
Nicholas was never a love making type of man. He liked it rough and absolutely for pleasure, and he would be lying if he said that he never had any woman in his life. Infact, he had many but they were just all about pleasure. He never dated, not even once. So, he basically was never a romantic but that didn't mean that he never witnessed or experienced pleasure himself. And for him pleasure was sex. And sex, he liked it hard and quick.
But now when he was tracing Sienna's lips with his full concentration, he realised that if he ever got a chance to kiss those lips, he will make it soft and not at all quick. He will take his time to kiss those lips, softly. Feeling the touch of her lips against his. Savouring the taste of her lips. Remembering the way her lips will move against his. So, that he can lock that memory in his mind, forever. And he will definitely make sure to worship those lips. Because the lips like Sienna's definitely deserves worshipping.
"God, her whole body deserves to be worshipped. Not once, not twice. But every single time. Every Fucking second of the day, for all seven days." Nicholas thought and realised that just the mere thought of having Sienna's body in his hands to do anything to her he wanted, gave him a hard on.

He looked up at the ceiling of his room and said,
"Geez, Nick. Stop these dirty thoughts." He scolded himself and then looked down at Sienna's soft body curled in his arms.
God, how badly he wanted to have her beneath him, without any barrier. Without the barrier of their clothes. Without the barrier of Sienna's shyness. Without the barrier of any thoughts. And without the barrier of reality, where he knew that this won't happen. And suddenly his thoughts drifted to that night, when for the first time they met.
"Jesus, how beautiful she looked that night." Nicholas thought again looking up at the ceiling and his mind started some more. Remembering how good it felt when they talked like two strangers. Remembering how easily Nicholas was attracted towards Sienna. And he still was. He won't lie about that. He was attracted to Sienna, since the vey first time he saw her.
Infact attracted would have been a small word, because Nicholas was mesmerized by her. By the way she talked, the way she walked. The way she looked so innocent and shy. And the way she caught his attention just by entering into the same space as him. As if she put a spell on him.
But he wasn't complaining.
Infact he was somewhere happy when he got to know that Sienna was going to be his wife. But he would have appreciated the situation more when Sienna was happy. But she definitely was not happy in her own wedding, and that hurt Nicholas. But he couldn't do anything.
"I wish I could just make all of this easy for her." He said, still looking at the ceiling, deep in his thoughts.
"You did." Nicholas heard Sienna's small morning voice and looked down to see, she was looking at him with soft eyes and with an even soft smile. Which made Nicholas smile unknowingly.
"You're awake." He said smiling at Sienna.
"Yes." Sienna said and then whispered softly, "Thankyou for making everything easy for me, Nicholas." She said, and Nicholas's hand halted which was still caressing her hairs.
"I didn't do anything, Sienna." Nicholas said and then continue caressing her hairs.
"No, you did. I know I didn't say it, but staying here, the past one week.
It didn't feel difficult.
Because of you.
And then yesterday, you came...."
Sienna said and stopped in between as if she didn't know how to complete that sentence.
Nicholas pulled her closer to his chest and caressed her cheeks softly,
"Baby, I didn't do anything. I came looking for you because you were missing."

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