Chapter 1 - Do you want to stay a virgin?

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Katherine 'Kat' Hartford

"Hey, how's your lovelife?" Morgan is laying on her bed and glances from her phone to me.

I sit down on my bed opposite hers and straighten the pink skirt over my knees. Furrowing my brow I wonder how to answer the question. How do you tell your college roommate, that you've known for less than a week, that you don't have a lovelife?

Morgan puts down the phone and sits up. "Was that too forward? I have a tendency to butt in where I'm not wanted."

"I don't mind." I push a strand of my light brown hair behind my ear. "It's just.... pretty much non-existent."

"Good, after all, we just arrived at the perfect place to pick up guys."

I blush a little, painfully aware that I have never in my life picked up a guy. My parents would have turned catholic and sent me to a nunnery if they even suspected me of doing that. But for the first time ever, my parents aren't around to monitor everything I do.

"Oh?" I try not to let my inexperience show.

"You must have noticed every guy on campus looking at you. You have that innocent, doe-eyed look that makes them want to protect you."

My new roommate, Morgaine 'Morgan' Roberts, is the complete opposite of me. She has long black hair, confidence that I thought was a myth until I saw her, and she is fierce. We've only just gotten to know each other, but I can already tell she's super smart and independent.

Meanwhile, I've never been allowed to even cut my hair without my parents' approval. It's a miracle that I'm even here.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I ask. I don't bother telling her that I'm sick and tired of being protected. All my life I've been protected, and looking at Morgan, I'm not so sure that's a good thing.

"Not yet," she smiles a devilish smile. "But I have my eyes on someone."

"Is he in your class?"

There's a knock at our door.

"Take it from me," Morgan says as she gets up to answer it, "you don't want to mess around with someone too close. Then you'll be stuck with them for the next four years. Pick someone you can avoid if things go south." She opens the door before I can answer her and I sigh.

"Who are you?" the man outside says and squints suspiciously at Morgan. His hair is slightly darker than mine and he got whatever height I'm lacking. He's a bit over six feet to my five foot two. And even I can tell he's attractive. With his brown eyes and similar full lips to mine.

"Who's asking?" Morgan leans against the doorframe and crosses her arms, nonchalant as ever.

"Morgan." I get up. "This is my brother, JD. He's the captain of the hockey team."

"Brother, huh?" She runs her eyes up and down him slowly, then she takes a deep breath and turns away from him. "Too close," she says at me with a wink and lies back down on her bed and picks up her phone.

"What are you doing here?" I ask my brother.

He looks around the room, still with that suspicious look on his face. "Just making sure you're settled."

"Mom called you, didn't she? Did she ask you to check up on me?"

He shrugs and peaks behind the door as he comes in. "I just want to make sure you're not up to something.... stupid."

Morgan raises an eyebrow at me.

"Stupid like what?" I ask.

"You know."

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