Chapter 9 - Just a stranger

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My body is aching for him. There had been pain, yes, but I didn't mind. I could feel the pleasure he would bring through the pain, and I wanted it. I still want it. But he's just sitting there, between my legs, with his cock still hard, swearing under his breath.

"I'm not," I say because I don't want him to stop.

He scowls at me, and I swallow hard.

"Maybe," I say. "But I want this."

He gets up off the bed and pulls up his pants. I stare at his cock while he tries to get it to settle and wonder if they're all that big. The ones I've seen in textbooks haven't been.

"This is not happening." He sounds angry.

"I'm ready to not be a virgin anymore," I say and come up on my elbows. I pull my legs shut, my core still aching for him and so wet I'm sure there's a stain on the bedspread.

He shakes his head, but his gaze lingers on my breasts.

"I want you." I never thought I'd say those words and mean it, but the thought of Dom's body atop mine, of his hands on my skin, it makes me tingle in excitement.

He's the exact opposite of every guy I've ever had a crush on. He's muscular and tall. He makes me feel tiny next to him and he could probably break me in half with one hand. And yet, I want him.

"I don't do virgins." But he takes a step closer, as if he's drawn to me.

"Then pretend I'm not one." I shrug and he shakes his head.

"It doesn't work that way." He's so close now he could reach out and touch me. My breath is coming harder again and his eyes are glued to my chest.


"I'm not going to fuck you."

A surge of disappointment falls through me at his words and I whimper. I had no idea that's a sound I could even make. He's standing next to the bed, so I get up and stand on the bed in front of him. We're almost eye to eye. I reach out and place a hand on his shoulder to steady myself.

"I want you to fuck me," I say with as much confidence as I can muster with a dress around my waist and panties in a wet pile.

"I've sworn I'm only going to sleep with experienced women," he says in a husky voice.


Instead of answering me, he leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back eagerly. I like kissing him. The only one I've kissed before is my exboyfriend, and that was nothing like this.

"I'm not going to fuck you," he says against my lips and I whimper again in disappointment.

He tries to pull away from me, but I wrap my arms around his neck. His hand finds my ass and smacks it loud enough for the sound to fill the room.

I inhale sharply and look at him.

"Get dressed. I'll get you a taxi."

With that, he removes my arms and turns away. I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. So I adjust my dress and put on my panties. He glances back at me and grabs a t-shirt from his bag on a chair.

"Come on." He holds out a hand to help me down.

I feel like a kid in trouble as I take a step forward. The pain between my legs is unexpected more than painful, but it still makes me gasp.

"Fucking hell," he says and stares at the ceiling. "You shouldn't have done that. I could have really hurt you. I did hurt you."

"It's not that bad. Just a... new sensation." I place a hand on his massive arm. "It doesn't really hurt." I adjust my dress and pick up my purse. "Besides, it's my body, and I wanted this."

"Well, I didn't. Virgins are not for me."

His words hurt me. Or maybe I just feel embarrassed. And disappointed.

"You don't have to come with me. I have a room here."

"Then I'll walk you to your room."

He stops by the door and closes his eyes. As he starts breathing in slow, regular breaths, I'm puzzled at first. Then my eyes shift down to his pants.

"I could help you with that. If you want." I stare at his hardness. I've never touched one before, but I've read enough romance books to have an idea of what men like.

"Don't even think about it." He glares at me. "Besides, your first time should be with someone who cares about you."

"I chose you, because I wanted it to be you." I say as he opens his door. He pauses for a while and lowers his head.

"I don't do relationships." He's walking towards the elevators and I follow.

"I didn't ask you for one."

"You would have." He mashes the button and stares at the display above the elevator.

I shake my head. "We're just two strangers." The elevator doors open and we step inside. I contemplate pressing all the buttons to get some more time with him, but reach out and only press the one for my floor.

"And you wouldn't have been ok with that. Maybe it was fine for the moment, but you would have regretted it soon enough."

I'm searching my purse for the keycard. "Can I at least have your phone number?"

He laughs and we leave the elevator. "See? It didn't even take that long."

"Maybe I just want it for booty calls?" I walk up to my door and he follows.

With a shake of his head and a grin, he leans in and kisses me.

"Good night, kitten."

With those words, he walks away, and I want to stop him. I don't even know his full name or where he's from.

But he gets in the elevator, and just like that, he's gone.

I sigh and get into my room. It's too late to call Morgan, so I'll just tell her everything about the night when I get back.

I remove my make-up and get ready for bed. I will lose my v-card. Soon. Because whatever that was, I want more of it. And if sex is that thrilling, then I am sick and tired of missing out.

Just a Pucking Grumpy Goalie [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now