Chapter 31 - It's messy, but oh so good... ❤️

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This is it. He kisses my neck and finds a spot under my ear that gives me shivers all the way down to my toes. I trust him. As his hand explores me, I know that's true. I trust him completely.

"Do you want me to use a condom?" he asks against my skin.

I shake my head. "No."

"Fuck, kitten. Are you sure?"

Was that the wrong answer?

"Do you want to use one?"

"Hell no, I want to fuck you raw, with nothing between us." He kisses his way down my chest.

"Then do that."

He shifts over me until he's sitting between my legs again. Picking up one foot, he kisses the inside of my ankle.

"I don't want to stop," he says.

"Then don't."

He runs a hand from the bottom of my foot all the way up my leg. At the last second, he skirts past my throbbing core and continues up my stomach. When he gets on his knees, I stare in fascination as his cock stands straight out for me. He lowers himself over me, and I feel small. He covers me completely, but as he kisses me, I feel safe.

One of his hands goes between my legs and he strokes me gently, teases me.

I buck my hips against his hand, but he barely offers any release from the need that's building.

"Brick," I plead.

His hand disappears and grabs his cock instead. He rubs the tip between my folds.

"Are you ready?" His voice is so husky I can barely make out the words.


He lines it up with my opening. His eyes are dark and fiery.

"You can take it," he says and I nod.

His cock stretches me, and I moan in pleasure. Slowly, he puts it deeper and deeper until there's resistance. There's a slight burning sensation and I breathe heavily. His eyes never leave mine and the moment he sees me flinch, he stops moving.

"Are you ok?"

It's torture feeling him entering me, and not moving. I want to pull him further inside me. I want to wrap my legs around him and force him as deep as possible. But I'm terrified of doing something wrong.

"Deeper," I pant.

He obeys and there's more resistance. He's sweating and panting over me. My hands wrap around his neck and I can feel his muscles trembling. I take a few deep breaths.

"Please," I pant. "Give me more."

He seems surprised, but I don't have to ask twice. With a controlled, slow, but not too slow, movement, he pushes his cock inside me. He pushes past the barrier. I scream out at the pain and cling onto him.

"I'm so sorry," he says, but when I open my eyes and meet his, there's a dark lust in them I haven't seen before.

"You like it?" I ask.

"Kitten, you feel perfect. Being inside you is the best feeling ever."

That's not what I meant, but the pain is mixing with pleasure and I can't resist moving my hips. He groans. So I do it again.

"Kitten, I don't want to hurt you."

I look down at where our bodies are connected.

"Is there more?"

"Yes," he grunts. He's still trembling from the effort to hold still.



"Please." I try to move my hips, but I can't get it quite right. "Please give it all to me."

He lowers himself over me until he's buried completely. A moan passes from my lips and I feel my body tremble. I'm so full, so filled up by him, I can barely take it.

"Kitten? Am I hurting you?"

I shake my head and arch my back. "I'm so close." Surprised, I realise the pain is heightening the sensation, making the pleasure deeper.

He reaches down with one hand. He barely touches my clit and I feel myself pushed over the verge.


Wave after wave of pleasure crashes into me, and I clench around him, heightening the sensation.

"Fuck, kitten."

I ride the waves and let it all take me over.

"Fucking hell." He's groaning and sweating.

I come down and exhale.

"I like this," I say with a little laugh.

"Can I move?" he asks through gritted teeth.

"Please do."

And he does. He pulls almost all the way out and pushes back in. It's a new sensation and almost instantly I feel myself starting to build up to another climax.

He moves faster, and I cling to his shoulders as his hips pump into me.

"You feel amazing. You're such a good girl for taking my cock."

His praise washes over me like mini waves of pleasure.

"I like it when you fuck me."

He groans and moves faster. I try to resist, thinking I should wait for him to finish, but it's impossible. Even without him touching my clit, I am overwhelmed by the next orgasm and see stars while my body clenches around him.

He groans loudly in my ear, and I feel him pulsating inside me. He kisses me, pushing his tongue inside my mouth as he comes inside me.

"Fuck, that was good." He leans his forehead against mine.

"Yeah," I say. "I liked it." He pulls out of me and falls to my side. I curl up against him. "That was much better than I thought it would be." I glance down at his cock and freeze. To my horror, there's blood on it.

"What?" he asks.

"I'll clean it," I say and get up. He tries to hold me back, but I take two steps to the dresser where I keep my towels. As I reach for one, I realize I have cum running between my legs. I look over at him with wide eyes. He laughs.

"Do you want me to help you clean up?" He raises an eyebrow, and I get beet red as I put the towel between my legs. I grab another one for him and hobble my way back to the bed. There's no elegant way of doing it, but I lay back down, trying to get the towel under me while I reach out to clean him off.

He stops my hand. "It's ok. Sex is messy."

I nod at him, and he touches my cheek.

"How are you feeling?"

"A little sore, but not bad."

"Come here." He puts his arm around me and pulls me back down on the bed. For a while, we just lie there while our heartbeats settle.

"Thank you," I say.

He laughs, a deep rumble that travels through my chest and fills me up.

"I enjoyed that too much to deserve any thanks." With that, he kisses me and gets up. "I have to get back."

I watch him get dressed. Minus the underwear that he tucks into his pocket. He's missing a button on his shirt, but he doesn't seem to care.

"See you Sunday?" I ask when he doesn't say anything.

He smiles at me. "See you Sunday."

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