Chapter 23 - Left wanting more ❤️

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I lie down on the bed, naked apart from my shoes. Brick looms over me, his eyes taking in my body. My breathing hitches as he trails a hand over my cheek and slowly down my neck, collarbone, between my breasts. It flutters over my stomach and further down. I inhale and try to relax as I feel myself getting wetter.

He avoids touching me where I really want him to and places his hand between my thighs. With a firm grip, he opens my legs.

The tip of his tongue runs over his bottom lip, and his eyes are dark. My body trembles in anticipation and the movement makes him look at my face.

He's still fully dressed when he lies next to me on his side.

"Tell me if you want me to stop," he says and lowers his mouth to my ear. His hand slides up between my legs as he nips at my earlobe.

"Don't stop." I'm panting and writhing. I need more. My clit is pulsating, begging for release. I have never been this turned on before.

"Lie still, kitten." He runs a finger up my slit. "Lie absolutely still."

I try my hardest not to move as he slowly homes in on my clit with his finger. But I can't stop the sounds that erupt from deep in my throat.

His fingers are gentle as they circle the sensitive nub. Pressure builds inside me, and when I think I can't take it anymore, he slides his fingers down between my folds. He toys with my opening, pushing one finger in slightly.

"You're so wet for me." He kisses my cheek.

"Please." I have no idea what I'm begging for, but I know I need more.

He pushes a second finger in and I gasp. It doesn't hurt, but it feels tight. And so damn good.

I buck my hips, wanting more. But he pulls his fingers out and tsks at me.

"Not yet, kitten. And you were supposed to lie still."

When he removes his hand from my core, I want to cry out. Then he brings his fingers to his lips. It's impossible to look away as he smears my juices on his lips and finally sucks his fingers.

He leans in to kiss me, and I taste my arousal on him. We share the taste as his tongue plunges into my mouth. I move my hips against him, seeking something that will take the edge off the pressure that's still building.

He grabs my hip and pins it to the bed. "Obey, kitten. Or I'm leaving you like this."

"Don't go," I beg. "I won't move."

He kisses a trail down to my breasts and takes my nipple in his mouth. I want to arch up against him, but I force myself to lie still. It becomes almost impossible when his hand is between my legs again. He rubs his palm over my slit a few times, and I whimper at the need to grind against it. But I don't move.

"Good girl," he murmurs and pleasure fills me.

He separates my lips, and his thumb finds my clit again. This time, it's almost painfully eager for him. His teeth pull at my nipple as his fingers start rubbing in slow circles.

It's all too much and as his fingers speed up, I can no longer control myself. I grasp the sheets in my fists, determined not to move and ruin this.

His mouth is on mine as I start to lose control.

"Come for me," he whispers, and I let go of everything.

"Brick. Brick. Oh, my god."

Pleasure fills me and I can no longer restrain my body. His fingers push me over the edge and my legs spasm as the orgasm takes over. It's unlike anything I've experienced before as it fills my body and sends pleasure throughout. Every muscle in my body gets heavy.

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