Chapter 54 - Finding strength

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Being in Brick's arms is heaven. I never want to stop kissing him. Unless it's to move to the bed. I'm wondering if I should suggest that when the door flies open with a bang, startling the both of us.

Morgan whirs into the room as if she's chased by the devil and throws herself against the door to close it.

"Awe, you made up," she says and smiles as she pushes her back at the door.

"Let me in," JD shouts from the other side, pushing back at her.

"No. Fuck off." Morgan puts her shoulder to the door and pushes with all her might.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing at all," Morgan says. "Just trying to keep the trash out."

"Let me in, Morgan. I need to talk to them."

"Or what?" she yells. "You'll blackmail me too? I told you to fuck off."

"That's it," JD says and, with a big push, he makes Morgan stumble out of the way and opens the door.

"Freaking body mass," Morgan mumbles and rubs her shoulder. "If I was heavier, I could have held that."

I gasp at the sight of JD. His nose is swollen, and he has two black eyes forming. His shirt has a large red stain down the front.

"What happened to you?" I ask and glance over at Brick, who's moved in front of me.

He shakes his head. "That wasn't me." But I can tell by how tense he got that he wishes it had been.

Behind JD, Ethan, Liam, and Wes peer into the room, along with some of our neighbors. I can practically see the popcorn they wish they had.

I'm holding on to Brick's arm. It vibrates with rage. So I hold on tighter.

"Kat, step away from him," JD says. "You can't do this."

I move my hand down Brick's arm until our fingers interlace. Then I step up to his side.

"That is not your decision, JD. It's between Brick and me. The only choice you have is to accept it."

JD grinds his teeth. "I'll tell mom and dad."

I hold tighter on to Brick's hand and he squeezes mine back. With him at my side, I straighten my back.

"Go ahead. Either you tell them, or I will. This is not something I'm going to hide from them. They were always going to find out about the man I love."

I feel the slight jerk in Brick at the words and how he steps even closer to me.

I hold firm and feel confident in my position. Now that I know Brick would choose me over hockey, there is nothing that could keep us apart.

JD squints at me for a while before his eyes move to Brick.

"Are you seriously going to-"

"Let me tell you something," Brick interrupts him in an icy voice that sends shivers down my spine. Murderous, is the only way I could describe it. "Kat and I are together. There is nothing you could say or do that will change that. You tried to keep us apart. You failed."

Brick takes a step forward, without letting go of my hand. And the entire audience outside takes a step back. Even Morgan looks uneasy. I glance up at him and his eyes are burning with anger and fury.

"How the hell does someone blackmail their own sister to keep her from happiness?"

"I wasn't keeping her from happiness," JD says, but he doesn't sound quite as sure anymore. "I was keeping her from you. There's a difference. I'm only looking out for her."

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