Chapter 15 - Run in

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Wednesday, I'm still thinking of her. Of what she said. She didn't mean what I think she meant. Right? She couldn't have. Fuck, I really want to finish what we started. I've been taking so many cold showers recently, I might never get warm again.

I'm outside of the Den, the hockey arena we call home. As I toss my bag into the trunk of my car, my mind is occupied with the errands I have to run and I'm trying to figure out in what order I should do them.

That's when I spot her.

My whole body heats at the sight, and I now wonder if there's enough cold water in the city to keep me from bursting into flames.

It's not just the fact that she's here. She's in workout clothes. My mind goes blank. She's wearing skimpy black shorts and a deep pink top. And it's showing off every curve on her body.

I watch her run along the sidewalk and turn into the parking lot. She slows down and takes a few deep breaths. It's a warm day. So it's not strange she would be wearing shorts and a top, but I can't get it to match up with the dresses I've seen her in.

A smile spreads across her face when she sees me, and she changes direction. She takes out her phone for a moment and removes her earbuds.

Fuck. I thought being rude to her would mean she'd stay away. I tried, but it's hard to think straight around her. Maybe I need to step it up. I steel myself. This time, I'll let her know I don't want to see her again.


Her voice melts all my defenses. But I stay strong. Even though her body is on full display and I have to struggle not to stare.

Her smile is a bit forced and when my eyes slip for a second, she blushes. Or maybe she's just warm from the run.

"Do you like what you see?"

I instantly focus my eyes on her face. There's a nervousness about her and I want to tell her I love what I'm seeing. I want her to know she's perfect. But I need to stay strong. I'll only hurt her if I let her get too close.

This is the perfect opportunity to let her know I'm not interested in her. That her curves do nothing for me. That I'm not imagining her legs wrapped around me as I sink into her, deep and hard.

Shit, my eyes have wandered again.

I drag them up her body to tell her no, but her expression has changed. She looks happy, satisfied. And horny. Fucking hell, this is going to be difficult. Her eyes are alive and all I want is to step in closer and kiss her. Hell, I'd take her right here, right now, if I could.

"Hey," I say instead.

"Did you have practice?" she asks and gestures to the Den.

"Yeah, we have a game on Friday."

She nods. "I hope you win."

"You won't be there?" Fuck, that's not what I was supposed to ask. I'm not supposed to care at all if she's there or not.

"I don't watch hockey."

"Why not?"

She shrugs, and the movement hypnotizes me. "I've never found it interesting."

"So, you like running?" I gesture at her outfit.

"I like to listen to audiobooks, but I've made a deal with myself that I can only do that if I'm driving or running. It helps to motivate me."

"Does it work? I've never really gotten into audiobooks."

She smiles widely. "You have to pick really interesting books."

"What are you listening to right now?"

She blushes and stares at her shoes. "Umm, The Girl was Here."

My mask cracks and I smile. "Really?" It's the book I told her I was reading in Boston. The fact that she picked it up as well makes me feel warm inside. "And do you like it?"

"It's pretty good. It's a lot more psychological than I was expecting. Deeper, somehow."

"I loved that. It makes you think how you would handle those situations."

She nods. "But I really hope I'll never find out."

"Choosing which enemy will abuse you sounds like a nightmare."

"That poor woman just can't catch a lucky break."

"I'm not going to spoil it for you, but there is a sequel."

Her eyes go wide. "Really? How much more can she endure?"

"I'm glad you like it. I think it might be one of my favorites."

"I'm still a dark romance kind of girl, but it's nice to read something a bit different once in a while."

We smile at each other and I notice we've moved closer. I take another small step towards her so she has to tilt her head back to look up at me.

"Dark romance?" I ask.

"Yeah." She sounds slightly breathless. "It's like romance, but darker." Her hand reaches out and lands on my chest. She stares at it, as if she's wondering how it got there. "You know, mafia romance, stalkers, more morally gray characters."

"Is that so?" I have no idea what she's saying.

I place my fingers under her chin and force her to look up at me. I can't resist her.

She seems equally entranced by what's happening. As we slowly draw nearer, everything else fades away. I want to kiss her. Her plump lips are screaming at me and I want to ravish them. I want to see them swollen and red from my lips.

She closes her eyes, and I lean in so close I can feel her heat.

"I should go," she says and pulls away. Her eyes fly to the Den behind me and she steps back.

"What?" I'm still confused and dazed.

"I guess I'll see you around," she says and waves at me awkwardly, before she takes off as if I was the devil.

And maybe I am.

I rub my forehead. Fuck. What does she have over me that she can make me forget every rational thought? Other than her body.

Sighing, I get into my car. Lust is a powerful emotion. And after I got a taste of her, it's even harder to make it go away.

I watch her enter the Den and furrow my brow. She never said why she was here. Her ass steals all of my brain power before the door closes after her. Now I have to decide if I can run my errands like this, or if I need to go home and take a cold shower first

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