Chapter 29 - Foreplay ❤️

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I take a deep breath and feel like the worst person in the world when I turn back to Brick. I know he wants this, that he's been waiting.


"Yes, kitten." He comes closer and puts a hand on my cheek.

"I'm not sure." I stare at his chest. At the buttons of his shirt.

"Do you want me to leave?" There's a hint of hurt that makes me look up at him.


He smiles and bends down to kiss me on the lips. "What do you want?"

I remember his tone when he asked me what I wanted to eat on Sunday and it makes me brave. So I tell him exactly what I want.

"I want you to touch me. And I want you to be naked when you do it."

We've never been naked together since that first night in Boston. I was ready then, when I thought he was a stranger and it would be just some meaningless sex.

But it's not meaningless anymore. No matter how much I pretend that it is. Because I like him. And it's making me nervous.

He kisses my jaw. "You want me naked?" he teases. "I want you naked."

His lips trail along my jawline, and I tilt my head back to give him better access. "Ok."

Wanting to obey him, I shrug off my cardigan. He removes his jacket and I pull at his tie. His hands roam my body, looking for the zipper for my dress, and I unbutton his shirt.

We undress each other in a frenzy. His mouth finds mine and I run my tongue along his bottom lip. He opens up and I explore his mouth with my tongue while I explore his body with my hands. His shirt comes off and my dress lands on the floor. I don't think twice about being almost naked in front of him. I'm too busy removing his pants.

As soon as they're off, his hand covers the front of my panties and I gasp as he rubs the wet spot. I hold on to his shoulders as he lowers his head to my nipple. I want more. My hips undulate against him and I feel myself getting wetter. He sucks and laves at my nipple while his fingers stroke me through the panties.

When he pulls back, I whimper in disappointment.

"Naked, remember?" he says and pulls down his briefs.

I stare at his cock. It's hard and pulsating. I reach out to touch it and he moans.

"Lie down, kitten. This is about you."

I lie on the bed and he pulls down my panties, leaving me naked and bare in front of him. I expect him to lie next to me, but he moves my legs apart and sits between them.

He places my legs on either side of him, opening me up. My breath comes in pants as he runs his hands over my breasts and down my stomach.

"I'll make it nice for you," he whispers and bends forward.

Before I can grasp what he's doing, his head is between my legs. He pulls my lips apart and licks me all the way up my slit.

"Oh, god," I say at the unfamiliar feeling. His tongue finds my clit, and it's unlike anything I could have ever imagined. He sucks and tastes and I writhe under him.

When he pushes his tongue inside me, I almost combust from how hot it is. Then he returns his attention to my throbbing clit and I scream.

"Brick. Oh. My. God. Brick." I'm panting and moaning as he pushes me to the edge. "Yes, yes, yes." I'm so close.

"God, you taste good," he says, and the reverberations from his voice are enough to push me over. My back arches and my body tenses as the orgasm comes over me. The dam bursts and pleasure fills me and takes me into the darkness.

When I come to, Brick is crawling up my body.

"You ok?" he asks and I nod. I pull his head to mine so I can kiss him. He lowers his upper body on top of me.

Tasting myself on him, I kiss him deeply. I run a leg up his and notice he's keeping his lower body far from mine. So I wrap my legs around his waist and pull up to meet him.

"Kitten," he groans.

I meet his eyes, and a crazy idea hits me. "Rub against me."

He stares at me. His chest is moving quickly. "Kitten, you don't know what you're asking."

I nod. "I want you to rub your cock against my pussy. Is that not something you want?" Am I being stupid again? Is he going to laugh at me?

He lowers his hips, and my butt hits the mattress. "Lie still," he growls. "If you don't lie still, I don't know what I'll do."

I lie still as he reaches a hand down. The head of his cock rubs against my slit. I'm so wet it slides so easily.

"Fuck, kitten, I can't do this." He sits up and I glance over.

"I'm sorry," I say and feel embarrassed.

"Hold on." He gets up off the bed and I blink in confusion as he puts his briefs back on. He reaches in and adjusts his cock before returning to bed.

"You don't have to," I say, but he's already pressing his hard bulge against me. I gasp as he starts rubbing and wrap my legs around him.

It doesn't take long before I feel another orgasm building. His pants and moans urge me on. He leans forward for a kiss, still humping me with his hard cock.

I hold on to him as he rubs against my clit. It's a novel sensation knowing it's his cock, and all I have to do is open my eyes to see that he's enjoying it too.

"I'm coming," I say and feel him tense.

"Fuck," he groans as my orgasm takes me. I can feel him shuddering and twitching and as soon as my head clears, I realize that he came as well.

He falls to the side and laughs.

"What is it?" I ask, spent from the orgasms.

"I haven't come in my pants in a very long time." He leans over me and gives me a kiss.

I peer down at his briefs and they have a wet spot in the front. I wonder how much is from me and how much is from him.

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