Chapter 3 - A ruined party

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"This is going to be so much fun," I say, and almost jump with giddiness.

"Relax, girlie." Morgan smiles. "It's just a party."

"I know, but it's my first one."

We're walking up to one of the frat houses and I can already hear the music blaring and smell smoke on the breeze. I straighten out my skirt and pull my cardigan close. It's a warm evening, but the dress I'm wearing only has thin straps, and I don't want to show off too much skin.

But looking at Morgan, I don't need to worry. She's wearing a pair of tight black jeans and a top that barely covers her bra.

She looks amazing, though. So confident. I'm more nervous than anything. I have been to parties before, but nothing like this. My parents would have disowned me if they ever found me at a party where there was alcohol.

We reach the driveway and right in front of us, a guy is taking off his shirt and waving it in the air.

"Come on." Morgan grabs my hand and pulls me past the group of guys and into the house.

The music is almost deafening, and it takes me a while to orient myself. There is so much going on.

People are dancing and talking and through a doorway I spot a ping-pong table and a couple making out on a sofa. My cheeks immediately flush as the woman stretches her leg over the guy's lap and his hand goes under her shirt.

Morgan pulls me on towards a group of people. I stand there, taking it all in as she hugs her friends and introduces me. They greet me and I smile and wave awkwardly. I have no idea what their names are, but they offer me a drink and I take it.

The red cup smells like beer, so I take a small sip. It is beer. I don't mind it, but I make a note not to drink too much. I've never been drunk before, and I don't think this is the place to do that for the first time.

Morgan chats with a tall blonde guy and his girlfriend leans in close to me.

"I'm Bella," she says over the music.

"Kat," I say.

"Nice to meet you. So you're Morgan's roomie?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Tim is in her class." She gestures to her boyfriend. "He's also studying electrical engineering. What about you?"

"Nursing." I take another sip of my drink.

"Fun," Bella says. "I'm an arts major. Theater."

Morgan turns back to us. "We'll catch up with you later." She pulls me on and I leave Bella and Tim behind as we move further into the house.

"So?" Morgan asks. "Is it everything you wanted?" She nods to the party.

"It's a lot," I say. "And Bella seems nice."

"She is. You want to dance?"


We walk through the room. The music is getting louder. Ahead of us, people are dancing.

A smile spreads on my lips. I'm actually at a frat party. It's something I've only dreamt about before. And it's finally happening.

I follow Morgan onto the dancefloor and am just about to take another sip when someone snatches the cup out of my hand.

"Outside. Now." JD is glaring at me and my stomach twists. This is not good. He sniffs the contents of the cup.

"JD. Please..."

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