Chapter 11 - Talk it out

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"Hey, what are you doing here?"

I tear my eyes from Dom, who's still trying to get away from me to spot Morgan. She breaks away from the group she's with and waves at them as they continue on.

"That's him," I say and nod at Dom.

"Him who?" Morgan asks and looks after him.

"That's the guy from the hotel."

Her eyes go wide and she looks from him to me. "That's the guy? The one with the beard pretending to read and definitely not staring at you?"

I nod. "And I think I want him to be my first."

"Do you know who that is?"

"He said his name was Dominic, and apparently he goes here."

"That," Morgan says with emphasis, "is Dominic 'Brick' Braker, goalie for the UNI Lions."

I feel the color drain from my face. "He's a hockey player?"

Morgan nods.

"Shit. That means JD knows him."

"Yeah. Maybe you should pick someone else. Forget about him."

"I don't think I can." I still haven't told her everything that happened at the hotel.

The crowd is moving and I notice the doors to the classroom are open.

"I have to go," I say. "Talk later?"

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere. My next class is in the afternoon, so I'll be here waiting." She pulls out her computer and takes a seat on one of the low, comfy couches.

"Fine, I'll see you after class. We can grab lunch together."

She just nods and I hurry inside.

When I get out, Morgan is still where I left her.

"Ok, I've been thinking about this," she says as she packs her things.

My eyes stray to the door where Dom was waiting. Or is it Brick?

"What have you been thinking?" I ask as she gets up.

"Oh, he ran out of here a few minutes ago," she says when she sees where my attention is. "What I was thinking is that you should find someone else. I'll help you."

"Why?" We walk toward the cafeteria.

"There are rumors going around about most of the hockey players, including Brick."

"What kind of rumors?" And do I want to hear them?

"Well, for one, he does not do relationships. Unless he keeps them incredibly secret or has someone back home. He does sleep around occasionally, but always with... let's say... more experienced women. There are more rumors, but most I'm not sure how true they are."

"That doesn't sound too bad." Except for the experienced part. But that's easy to fix.

"I'll talk to some friends. I think I might know someone who slept with him last year. In the meantime, you could start looking for someone else."

"I don't think I want anyone else."

"Even if he's slept around?"

"That just means he knows what he's doing."

Morgan laughs. "You are full of surprises."

The sun is warm and comforting as we leave the building.

"All my life, I've been dating boys that my parents would approve of. Boys. They would never approve of Dom, or Brick, or whatever you call him. Because he is not a boy, he's a man."

"Is that why you like him?"

I hesitate. "Maybe. When I was in Boston, I did what I wanted to do. Not what my parents would want or what's expected of me. I wasn't thinking of the consequences or what my parents would think of me. I even forgot that JD was around. And I ended up with him." I bite my lip.

"But?" Morgan prompts me.

"Well, now I don't know if I want him because I want him, or because I associate him with freedom?"

"You should be a therapist. Or a philosopher."

"I just want to figure myself out. I've been pressed into a mold all my life, and it's getting uncomfortable. And I think Dom can help me with my journey of self-discovery." I use air quotes for the last part.

"And you're sure he's interested?"

I slow down. We're approaching the cafeteria, but there are fewer people out here.

"I didn't tell you everything that happened in Boston."

"Ok." We stop and I pull her off the path and onto the grass.

"We didn't just talk at the bar. I went up to his room."

"No? Did you...? What happened?"

"Well, things were going great. There was kissing and touching." I grin. "A bit of spanking." I wink at her and she laughs and shakes her head.


"After he touched me... there, he put on a condom." I lower my voice even more and ignore my red cheeks. "He lay on top of me..."

"Was he not able to get it up?" Morgan looks confused.

"Oh, it was up. It was rock hard. That wasn't the issue."

"Then what?"

"He..." How am I ever going to be able to say this? "He started. Slowly. But then he noticed that I am a virgin."

"Are you telling me that Brick's dick was inside you?"

I nod. "Just a little."

"And you're still a virgin?"

Again, I nod. "Yes."


"Well, he noticed, and he stopped. Then he got upset that I didn't tell him, and I think I should have. I apologized for that today."

Morgan is staring at me with her mouth open.


She shakes out of it. "No, I just can't believe he stopped."

"I didn't want him to. I really didn't want him to stop."

"You still want him after he stopped?" We start walking again.

"He's the only man I've ever wanted this badly. I was starting to think sexual attraction was just a myth."

Morgan looks almost defeated. "I guess you should go for it, then. Just be careful."

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