Chapter 27 - Almost a date?

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"Mom, we're having dinner on Sunday," JD says and rubs his forehead. I tilt my head and glare at JD in an attempt to put a stop to this force feeding. "She's not too skinny, mom. I'm looking at her right now. Besides, I'm going out with the guys."

I roll my eyes at Morgan as we wait for JD to get off the phone. It's Friday, and we haven't been able to meet up before now. JD just came out from his game. A game that I went to. I convinced Morgan to come along. I wouldn't want my mom to accuse me of being out alone too late. Then again, she did make a comment that I need to show JD more support.

I could mostly follow along with the game. Everyone was moving back and forth so much it was easy to lose track of who was who. But it didn't matter. My eyes kept straying to Brick. He seemed to take up the entire goal from where I was sitting.

"Mom, she eats. I don't need to feed her."

"She's really concerned about your eating habits," Morgan says with a raised eyebrow.

"Growing up, family dinners were a big thing." I keep my voice low. "If we wanted to miss a meal, we had to have a very good excuse." JD looks as if he's about to tear his hair out. "I don't really think it's about my weight, or health. I think she just doesn't want us to be lonely or forget we're family."

"That's kind of sweet, actually," Morgan says.

"Mom, we're just getting burgers," JD says.

I lean in to Morgan. "I think I'm having burgers tonight. Do you want to come?"

"Can't. I'm meeting George."

The door opens behind us and more players come out. They're all nicely dressed in suits with ties.

"Fine, I will," JD grumbles and stops in front of me. "Kat, would you like to come out with us for burgers?" He's scowling as if me saying yes is the worst thing in the world.

I beam a smile up at him. "Sure." I can tell he hates that I answered loud enough for mom to hear. But there's not much he can do about it. Now, he has to bring his little sister out with his friends.

"Yes, mom." He stalks away from me, and I laugh a little with Morgan.

"He's not happy about that," Morgan says.

With a shrug, I place my hands in the pockets of my yellow dress. "I was hungry anyway."

"JD, you coming?" Ethan shouts from the cars.

JD ends the phone call with mom. "Kat's coming with." He doesn't look back to see if I'm coming. He just walks over to the group of people that have gathered.

"Are you going to be ok?" I ask Morgan.

She checks her phone. "Yeah, George will be here to pick me up in a minute or two. You go on."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure. I'm going to wait for him out front. There's still people around."

"Ok." She gives me a little wave and heads off around the building. I hurry to JD.

"And Wes can take Jonathan, Ethan and their girlfriends," Liam says.

I sidle up to Ethan. "You have a girlfriend?" I ask.

He nods. "Yup, sorry, I'm off the market." He moves closer to a cute little brunette and puts his arm around her.

"Brick, are you coming with?" JD asks, and I spin around.

I don't know why I didn't realize he would be here. I just saw him inside. He's in a suit that does some magical thing to him. To me. It creates a heat in my lower stomach and I can feel myself getting wet for him.

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