Chapter 18 - Embarrassed

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"Where is he?" I storm past Ethan and into the still messy house.

"Who?" Liam asks and stops with his hands full of empty bottles.

"JD. I have some things to say to him." I look around the room and notice Brick. He's standing by the sink, doing dishes.

"He's not here," Liam says. "He has class. Is something wrong?"

"You," I point my finger at a surprised Brick.

"Me?" he says and wipes his hands and forearms on a dishtowel.

"Yes, you were with him. You let him embarrass me."

"I did?"

I struggle to keep from rolling my eyes. "Yes, you were right there. You could have stopped him."

"From doing what?"

I'm furious about the way JD told me off last night and treated me like a child. The whole way over here, I got more and more worked up and not having JD here to yell at is making me even more frustrated.

"From talking to me like I was a child. What, is he going to stop me from ever talking to a guy again?"

There's a creek behind me and I spin, only to see Liam and Ethan disappear up the stairs.

"What the fuck?" I say. I wasn't going to yell at them.

"It's not my business how your brother speaks to you."

"You were acting like it was last night."

"Maybe you shouldn't throw yourself at other guys and the problem would be solved."

I stare at him. He can't be serious.

"My problem isn't solved," I say in a low voice. "I asked you to solve it, but you refused. And since you don't want to help me, I'm going to have to find someone else."

He crosses his arms in front of him and the muscles in his forearms tense.

"Perhaps I should tell JD about your plans."

He actually looks angry. As if he has anything to be angry about.

"You wouldn't." I smile at him and also cross my arms. "Because if you do, I'd have to tell him how you took me to a hotel room in Boston."

"You wouldn't do that." He steps closer and speaks in a low, almost growling voice.

He's intimidating, but I am full of fury right now, so I pull myself up to my full height. Which still isn't more than to his shoulder.

"Want to try me?" I lift an eyebrow.

His smile softens.

There's a flash of what looks like pride on his face. It leaves me confused. But he doesn't answer, so I assume that means I win.

"Stay out of my sex life if you're not going to help me."

He shakes his head and drops his arms. "Your ideas are insane and I'm not going to break JD's trust like that."

"Fine, then I'll-"

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

I spin so fast I almost topple over when JD comes in. It takes me a few seconds to remember why I came.

"You," I yell, "do not get to treat me like a child."

"What are you talking about?" He seems bored with the conversation and heads over to the couch.

Just a Pucking Grumpy Goalie [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now