Chapter 33 - Spilled secrets

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I add a smile and blink when he looks at me. His expression is slightly confused.

"Oh, sure." He gets back to the garlic bread, but not before I see his cheeks redden.

"Thanks," I slide off the stool. "It's in your room?"

He nods and I leave the kitchen while checking the name of the site on my phone. I know Brick's room is the only one downstairs. He sometimes has his door open and you pass it when you enter the house. It's open now, and it feels exciting to enter his room. It's the first time I'm in here.

The room is dark and cozy. There's a large bookcase filled with hardbacks against one wall. I spot the computer on his bed with headphones plugged into it.

I'm only here to check the website. Nothing else. But looking around isn't snooping. He has his own bathroom, and the door is ajar. The bathroom is as spotless as the bedroom.

I sit down on his bed. It's more comfortable than mine, and I wonder what it would be like to sleep in it. Or do other things.

Opening the laptop, the smile dies on my lips.

I blink at the screen in disbelief.

The browser is already open to several tabs. And I'm having a hard time understanding what I'm looking at. My breathing gets labored as I make out the naked bodies.

Well, not completely naked. The woman, who is tied to a bed, has on some black leather straps that hide nothing. Prevent access to nothing.

I swallow hard and glance at the door. I can hear the guys in the living room, so I make sure the headphones are plugged in and press play.

It's like a scene from my books. Heat spreads through my core as the man takes out a leather crop. He trails it over her body before swatting her breasts. It doesn't take long before I understand what's going on.

I pause the video and click on the next tab. It's a woman bent over a man's lap with her asscheeks naked and red. I imagine laying over Brick's lap as he spanks me. Just the thought makes me wet.

I want to know more. I know I'm invading his privacy, but I want to know what he hasn't been telling me.

So I click the next tab, and the next, and the next. It's not all about women being tied up, but it is all things that make me understand why his ex talked about perverted kinks. Those were the words she used. I didn't know what she meant then, but I do now.

I return to the first video and press play again. Red stripes decorate her breasts and she's writhing under his touch. He brings out a toy and I try to control my breathing. I had no idea the scenes from my books were things people actually did. Everyone made it sound like I was crazy for even thinking that.

I watch in fascination as the woman experiences pleasure and pain. Is this what Brick wants? Is it what he does with other women? Jealousy hits me like a knife to the gut. I don't want him to do this to some other woman. I want him to do this to me.

I take a deep breath at the realization just as Brick's ghostly white face appears in the door. He's staring at me with terror in his eyes.

All I can do is look up at him. He's not doing this with anyone else, is he? What if he doesn't want to do this with me? Am I nothing more than an agreement to him?

He takes a few quick steps into the room and slams the laptop shut as if he wants to hide it all from me, as if he could keep me from seeing it.

I open my mouth, but JD appears in the doorway, rolling down his sleeves.

"Are you ready to go?" he asks, as if nothing happened.

I look up at Brick before I slowly get off his bed. He's still holding the computer and refusing to even look in my direction. He almost looks as if he's about to be sick.

"Yeah," I say.

"I'll get the keys from Wes so I can drive you."

He moves back to the living room, and I pass by Brick. As I do, he reaches out a hand to grab my wrist. I stop and my eyes trail all the way up his arm and to his face.

Our eyes meet and I can barely breathe. Would he tie me up if I ask?

But he's looking at me as if I found out a secret. Maybe he's worried I'll tell someone? I don't understand. All of this is confusing. If he wants this, why hasn't he told me? Why isn't he saying something now?

"Let's go," JD says and Brick lets me go.

I hurry out of his room and follow JD to the car.

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