Chapter 32 - Dinner time

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It took me about two hours to get dressed for Sunday dinner. Because what the fuck do you wear to see the guy who took your virginity, while also seeing your brother who can never find out?

I settled on a flowery pink dress. Because pink is my power color and I love dresses. And if I'm going to stay sane through a dinner with Brick and JD, I need all the help I can get.

I'm still early.

"Hi, Kat," Ethan says. "You must really like me, huh?"

I raise an eyebrow as he leans against the open door. The smell of food wafts out behind him and makes my mouth salivate.

"Well, you keep showing up where I am. But I have to disappoint you. I have a girlfriend now."

"Yes, Ethan," I say and roll my eyes. "I'm only here for you. It has nothing to do with JD. Do you want to tell him, or shall I?"

He goes a little pale. "You're kidding, right?"

I shake my head and push past him. "Of course I'm kidding."

"Phew, for a moment, I thought JD was going to beat me up. And Gina."

"Is your girlfriend coming tonight?"

I head into the living area where JD and Liam are parked on the couch playing a game. Brick is in the kitchen, stirring a pot with his back to me.

"No, it's just us guys." Ethan sits next to JD and gets instantly absorbed in the game. "And you."

"You're early," JD says without taking his eyes off the screen.

"You know just how to make a girl feel welcome." I ignore the guys and turn to the kitchen. "Can I help with anything?" I ask loud enough for JD to hear as I slowly walk over.

"Yeah," Brick says. "You could make the salad."

I step behind the kitchen island, and he turns away from the stove. My breath feels like it got caught in my stomach being this close to him again. He's dressed in a black t-shirt that hugs his biceps and his hair is slightly damp.

"It smells really good," I say and step closer. His scent envelops me as I peer into the sauce. "You smell really good," I add in a low tone.

"Kitten," he groans so quietly I can barely hear him. "You need to behave."

"So, salad?" I ask, and he points to a cutting board. I pick up the knife and start quartering cherry tomatoes. He places a bowl in front of me for the salad and crushes some garlic into a bowl of soft butter.

We work side by side while the guys are yelling at the game behind us.

"How are you feeling?" he asks.

His eyes are firm on the bowl of butter as he adds some chopped green herbs, but I can tell his entire body is waiting for the reply.

"Wonderful," I say with a smile.

"Fuck, kitten. You can't do that."

"What?" I look up from the chopping board.

"Sound so... content. It makes me want to kiss you."

My insides do a cartwheel, and I carefully place the last of the tomatoes in the bowl.

"I don't think now is a good time." I reach for the bell pepper and start slicing it.

"Tell that to my cock."

Brick moves away from me and starts spreading the garlic butter on slices of bread.

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