Chapter 21 - Road trip

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Since we got in early, I wake up early on Sunday morning. Instead of getting up, I get the book I've been reading and stay under the covers. I silently flip the pages and feel all warm and content when Morgan's phone rings.

It startles me enough to almost drop the book on my face.

Morgan moves and groans in her sleep as the phone keeps ringing.

I check the time. It's almost ten on a Sunday morning.

"Morgan?" I say and she raises her head, her eyes still closed.


"You should answer your phone."

She mumbles something indecipherable and feels around for the phone.

Hello?" she says in a sleepy voice. I get back to my book.

"What?" Morgan sounds confused, and I sit up and stretch my neck.

"Wait, what?" She's a bit more awake now. Her eyes are even open. "Are you serious? When?" She's sitting up and I look at her, slightly concerned.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"How are you getting there? Can you pick us up?"

I frown. "Us?"

Morgan listens a bit and narrows her eyes.

"Oh, fuck you," she says, but not angrily. She sounds more exasperated. "No, don't worry about it. I'll see what I can do. Yeah, let me know. Ok. Thanks for the heads up. Bye."

"What is it?" I ask when she gets off the phone and jumps out of bed.

"Get dressed." She laughs and starts tearing clothes out of her closet.

"Why?" I throw the covers back and place a bookmark in the book.

"There's a flash sale at Mani's. A big one. If we don't get there by the time they open, we'll be missing out on the deal of a lifetime."

"What's Mani's?"

She stops to stare at me for a couple of seconds. Then she dives into her closet again.

"I can't believe you don't know what Mani's is." She emerges with a pair of jeans and a top. "It's this amazing store about an hour and a half away. They sell designer items. But not just the latest ones. They also sell stuff that's last season, or vintage. I have no idea what black magic they use, but the prices there are amazing. And three times a year they do flash sales. There is no warning, and no advertising. You have to be in the know in order to find out about it." She gestures toward my closet and I get up and look for something to wear.

"And they're doing a flash sale today?"

"Yes. They'll open the door this afternoon and the word just got out. That was a friend letting me know."

"I take it you think we should go?" I find a flowery dress and take it out.

She stops right in front of me in her bra and a pair of jeans.

"Kat. I have a special savings account that's just for the flash sale at Mani's. Every year it's been my goal to go. And it's finally happening. I'm going to need you to get dressed faster. I want to be there before the doors open."

"How are we getting there?" I exchange my pajamas for the dress and start brushing my hair.

"That's something we still have to figure out. We might have to borrow a car."

"Do you know someone with a car?"

"I'm thinking."

Morgan interrupts her make-up and makes a few phone calls. I listen while I do my own face. She's not having any luck.

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