Chapter 12

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It started raining heavily, due to the heavy rains and strong winds a huge accident happened on the highway. Patients were rushed in and even Byeol and Yeon Jun were called over for duty.

They both rushed downstairs. Yeon Jun, told Byeol who was about to drive, said, "Don't forget to drive carefully, we have five minutes to reach there." Byeol nodded and said, "Don't worry senior trust me I have good experience at driving in such weather."

They both sat down and Byeol started driving. They both reached the hospital and saw ambulances coming. They both went inside taking a patient each.

It was chaotic. On the phone they were informed over ten patients are coming. They went in and informed us how the patients need to be operated urgently.

Woo Jin took one of the patients to the OT and started performing the operation, it was of a 35 M. And Yeon Jun took him to the 2 OT. Moon Jung,  Eun Jae were already treating a patient, while Ah Reum and In Soo were treating the minor hurt patients and checking on others. Even Kim Sabu was operating a patient in a Hybrid room.

Byeol started helping them however she could. Soon more patients came, seeing them, Byeol worried how they would be able to handle this, but director Park came and announced how the patients would be treated. Minor injuries would be taken care outside while heavily injured will be treated in the ER room. Since more patients were coming in everyone agreed and no one caused any scenes.

A call came, Nurse Eom picked up the call and after talking she announced, "More patients are coming! Get everything ready!"

She then went to director Park and said, "Seeing so many patients I think we will need more blood, as the coming patients there are two RH- people and three B- people, we will need blood supply."

Director Park nodded and said, "Don't worry I will call the blood bank and arrange blood. How much do we have with us?" Nurse Eom answered, "RH- is around for one patient I guess and B- was used for the patient inside so I guess very less."

Director Park sighed in frustration and said, "Okay." He then called for blood supplies but they said since the storm has increased they won't be able to make it plus the way they would come had the accident caused it to be jammed. Only a two wheeler vehicle could move around.

Hearing this, Director Park panicked and said, "At least send them half the way we will pick up from where you can't drive. That would be a great help."

They agreed and said they would be delivering the required blood. Just when it felt like things were going well the storm increased and the patients as well. Few weak houses near their area collapsed due to the storm so they were sent to Doldam for treatment.

Suddenly the hospital was filled with around thirty patients. The minor treated ones couldn't be sent home because of the storm. The news said the storm will be stronger and the estimated time for the storm to last was for two more hours, there were even alerts announced for unsafe areas. The situation was getting worse.

The blood bank driver called Doldam to inform that he can't go ahead and they will have to come collect the blood. He will send his location to them so they can easily track each other.

Nurse Eom went to director Park and told him the situation. They wanted to send Nurse Park but he was still in the operation. Byeol hearing this approached them and said, "I have a bike I will go and bring the blood, give me the location."

Nurse Eom and director Park looked at her and director Park asked, "Are you sure you will be able to handle this weather and go alone?" Byeol nodded and said, "Yes sir! Don't worry I will go and bring the blood back safely! I assure you."

The other nurses hearing this said, "But you going alone will be risky, it's better if someone was with you." Byeol nodded a no and said, "No that would just hold me back, as I will have to consider their safety as well. Plus we need more staff here."

Director Park looked around and noticed the situation, nodded and said, "Okay you can go, but promise me that you will take care of your safety as well, we don't want anything to happen to you." Byeol nodded and said, "Send the location to my phone, I will leave immediately."

Saying this she rushed to get her keys and wearing a raincoat and left. Nurse Eom prayed for her safety and got back to work. Kim Sabu, finishing the operation, looked around and said, "Where are the other patients who were on the way?"

Nurse Eom answered, "All the other patients have arrived but two patients aren't here yet, looks like they were stuck somewhere, I tried to call them but they aren't answering."

Kim Sabu nodded and went to treat another patient.

Here Byeol was going to the given location with a little difficulty, the wind was pulling her back, so she had to be careful of stopping and looking ahead for some other vehicles, she had very little time to react.

She stopped her bike after seeing a fallen tree in the way of two ambulances. She got down from her bike and started helping the drivers to push away the tree, the paramedic from the ambulances came to help as well after assuring the patients are stable. They could finally move the tree. Byeol quickly went back to her bike and shouted, "After the patients reach the Doldam hospital make sure to rest there, the storm is going to last for around two more hours! Please be careful on the way!"

They all shouted back, "Okay! Thank you for informing. Are you a doctor?" Byeol before putting on a helmet shouted, "YES!" and starting the bike she went away. The storm's speed increased making it hard for her to see, the raincoat was pretty useless now.

Many things flying in the air hurt her, like small branches and stuff but Byeol didn't pay attention to anything and went to get the blood, she slowed down when she saw the accident cars all around, she carefully made way around them and saw the blood bank van.

Seeing it she smiled in relief. She parked her bike and going towards the van she knocked on the door and said, "I'm here to pick up the blood for Doldam hospital!"

The guy who was scared about the situation nodded and said, "Okay, Wait!" He got down and opened the trunk. There were three bags of blood seeing this Byeol sighed. They both first tied an extra layer of plastic to secure the bags more.

While doing that Byeol said, "Come back with me, it's not safe for you to go back, the hospital is near! The storm would be coming towards us so it's better you come with me!"

The guy who was scared about the situation nodded, as he was new it was his first time experiencing something like that." They both tied the bags to the bike and Byeol said, "Grip on the bags tightly and don't let it go at all cost and please trust me."

The guy nodded. Byeol sat down and gave the other helmet to him. He sat down and held the bags very tightly. Byeol started to drive, first it was slow as they were going around the cars, but the moment the road was clear Byeol started to drive faster, the wind pushing them was making the bike unbalanced. Byeol was having a hard time driving it but she had to reach the hospital as fast as she could, that's all that was on her mind right now.  


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