Chapter 9

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All the four left the restaurant. Byeol got on the bike and waited for Yeon Jun. Seeing the bike Eun Jae said, "Woah!! Byeol shi nice bike!!" Byeol smiled and said, "Thank you Eun Jae senior! I can give you a ride any time you want." Eun Jae smiled and said, "I would love that!"

Byeol then said, "Meet you at the hospital!" Saying this she looked at Yeon Jun who said, "Yes I'm comfortable!" Byeol nodded drove off to Doldam, Eun Jae looked at Woo Jin and said, "Yah your intern gets cooler the more we get to know her."

Woo Jin smiled and said, "I guess. This again proves that we shouldn't judge a person quickly." Eun Jae nodded and said, "I'm glad I decided to follow your decision." Woo Jin smiled and they went to Doldam.

The day started at Doldam. Everyone greeted each other.

The day started lightly. They treated normal patients.

Byeol not seeing Kim Sabu asked Ms. Oh, "Ms. Oh where is Kim Sabu?" Ms. Oh turned to her and replied, "Probably in his office." Byeol nodded and went to him.

Byeol knocked on the door. Kim Sabu looked up and seeing Byeol he said, "Come on in." Byeol nervously went in and said, "Hello sir! If you are free can I talk to you for 3 minutes?"

Kim Sabu smiled and said, "Yes, say." Byeol smiled and said, "Umm I talked with Woo Jin senior, he has no problem. So if you can, please take me under you supervision! I would love to learn from you sir!"

Kim Sabu smiled and thought, 'this one is the fastest to come under me after Seo Jung." He then looked at her and said, "Give me a good reason to teach you."

Byeol smiled and answered, "Well if I learn from you I can save more patients! I became a doctor so I can save as many people as I can, and if you want I will sign a contract saying that I will always work with you and be loyal to you!"

Kim Sabu chuckled and said, "What contract, hmm I will tell you about that at the end of the week. If you keep up with me I will teach you, and if you can't then-"

Byeol smiled and cutting his sentence off said, "I will try harder sir." Kim Sabu smiled at her determination and said, "We shall see about that, you can go now."

Byeol nodded and left his office. She the skipped happily on the way to ER. But seeing that two patients are rushed in she ran to them. A grandmother and her grandson fell off the stairs. The grandson trying to save her grandmother fell down while due to weak legs the grandmother slipped.

Luckily the grandma weren't hurt much, just some minot injuries. But the grandson had a fracture on his hand for 4 weeks.

After that they treated more patients. The day ended. Byeol had a night shift. She was happy because she could practice in the hospital. Yeon Jun then went to Byeol and asked, "Hey! My car is yet to come can I take your bike?" Byeol smiled and said, "Of course senior! Here take the keys!" Saying that she gave him the keys and Yeon Jun went home.

After all the morning shift people left. Byeol went to a OT room and started to practice her stitching. Ms. Oh who was in night duty as well came around after fifteen minutes and saw how Byeol was practicing Kim Sabu's style. She smiled and went back.

Seeing her smile Nurse Joo asked, "Oh Ms. Oh why are you smiling so happily?" Ms. Oh answered, "Well seeing young people strave to do better makes me happy." Young Mi nodded and got back to eating her snacks.

The night turned into day with almost no patients. Byeol who was sitting on a chair in the ER looked at the time and realizing that it's time to clock out she got up and was about to say bye and go home but the phone rang.

Ms. Oh picked up the call and turned out it was a patient who had a very bad fall while cycling. Byeol started to exercise her hands. Only In Soo and Byeol were available that time. Ms. Oh even called Do Il.

And for the other doctors to come there was still time. The patient soon arrived and In Soo started to check her. She had several cuts and rib cage fracture. She even needed ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament). Seeing that Ms. Oh was about to call the OS department who ever could make it early. Luckily Yeon Jun was already on his way so he came sooner.

Do Il came and they got ready for the surgery. Yeon Jun arrived and going in he saw everything was ready. He started the ACL. While Byeol assisted him. They made a good pair, they did everything in harmony. The rib cage luckily hadn't damage any internal organs and would be healed by six weeks of rest.

After that Yeon Jun looked at Byeol and asked, "Wrap this up." Byeol nodded and said, "Suture." Ms. Oh gave her the suture and she started to stitch up the operated area.

Seeing her do it so quickly Do Il looked at her shocked. Byeol the said, "Cut." Ms. Oh who had a smile cuts the wire. After everything was done Byeol left the OT and freshen up to leave the hospital. Seeing her out already Yeon Jun said, "Oh you finished 2 minutes early."

Byeol smiled and said, "Of course! I have been practicing!" Yeon Jun looked at her excited reaction and thought, 'Looks like this place is good for her. She is motivated to learn more.'

He than said, "Well you can clock out. You did good!" Byeol smiled and said, "Okay! Have a great day senior." Saying that she was about to leave but Yeon Jun said, "Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?"

Byeol turned to him and asked, "Huh? What am I forgetting?" Yeon Jun removed her bike keys and threw at her. She caught it and smiled. She did a two finger salute and bided him a bye.

Do Il seeing her go turned to MS. Oh and said, "Did yo see the way she stitched up the patient?" Ms. Oh smiled and said, "I saw her practicing last night. She practiced for almost two hours." Do Il smiled and said, "Looks like Yong Joo will have to accept her." Ms. Oh smiled and said, "Well I'm more excited to see what all things she achieves in the future."

Do Il smiled and said, "Well yeah, it would indeed be a scene to watch." 

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