Chapter 21

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Seeing everyone present from the morning the xx Hospital staff was confused. Yoo Ji Ho looking at everyone asked, "Why is everyone present? There are not even many patients here."

Hearing this everyone at Dol dam looked at her with terror and Nurse Oh looked at her and said, "Never use this phrase at Dol dam ever again!"

Byeol looked at her confused and asked, "Why nurse Oh?" Before Oh Myung Sim could say anything the phone rang.

Nurse Eom picked up the phone and hearing the information she nodded her head. After the call ended she announced, "Five patients are on the way. They collided while riding bicycles at a park. They will come in seven minutes."

Everyone nodded and got ready and did some stretch outs. The patients arrived and the hospital got busy treating them. While they were almost done treating them two more patients came in.

Soon the hospital became the usual Friday. The xx hospital staff who were not even adjusted to their daily schedule were worn out even before the lunch break. They all had just one thought, 'What the hell is this! Why did I sign up for this! Is this even legal?'

The only one who didn't have a problem with this situation was Woo Bin. He was seriously treating all the patients. Byeol had noticed how serious he had turned in the past two days and decided to treat him like she would any other colleague because she could see his sincerity.

They barely hung on till lunch time. Finally getting the lunch break the Xx hospital staff sighed in exhaustion and said, "What is it? Are Friday's usually this hectic? Why are you all present?" Yoo Jin Ho asked.

Nurse Eom sweetly smiled at her and answered, "Yes, you got that right, I'm sure you guys must be tired, but I suggest you guys quickly finish your lunch or else you will miss the timing." They all looked at her in disbelief and with their eyes asked, 'You aren't serious right!?'

Nurse Eom smiled and nodded her head answering, 'I'm dead serious.' Seeing her nod everyone quickly started stuffing their mouths.

Everyone became busy after lunch. More patients came. All the doctors were busy. A new patient arrived. Only Byeol and Woo Bin were available to attend them. Since they needed urgent operation They started preparing and entered the operation theater.

Woo Bin said, "I will be assisting you, I have performed this surgery before as well, if this turns out to be complicated and you need to inform me anytime!"

Byeol replied, "I will, now let's get started. Scalpel." Eun Tak gave her the scalpel and they started the operation. While Woo Bin was assisting Byeol. He was amazed at her speed to do the things. He almost couldn't keep up. He glanced at her for a second and thought, 'What an amazing person you are Byeol, you always find ways to amaze me and make me fall for you harder.'

The operation ended sooner since there were no complications. Woo Bin suggested that he will close the patient up but Byeol declined the offer and said, "No I have to practice so I will be doing it, you can tag out."

Woo Bin nodded seeing Byeol so focused on her work and left for the ER to treat other patients. While Byeol was finished?"

Byeol, knowing who he is asking about replied, "Kind of, I'm just doing what he requested, to treat him like a colleague." Eun Tak nodded his head and they came out of the OT.

The day went on and Friday finally ended around 3 am at night. All the staff let out a sigh of exhaustion and the XX hospital staff were so tired that they started dozing off while sitting looking at them, some chuckled and some smiled.

Kim Sabu looked at Dae Hyun who was the most awake of the four of them and said, "Well it would be better if you guys go back home. Seems like today was very hard on you guys."

Woo Bin who had the night shift as well said, "No I have a night shift so I will stay."

Byeol looked at Yeon Jun who had a night shift today and said, "Well today was your first day surviving the Friday so it's better the four of y'all went home, I will take your night shift so you can go."

Saying that she went to buy a coffee since she had to be on duty. Woo Bin followed her to thank them while Yeon Jun after a minute followed him as well. No one noticed as all of them were catching some sleep or relaxing themselves.

Byeol just brought the drink, she opened the can and was about to drink it, but Woo Bin came and said, "Thank you so much for taking my place and I can buy you dinner as thanks."

Byeol cuts him off and says, "I'm just doing as you requested, I would do that to any other colleague so you don't have to be so thankful plus you are taking my shift instead anyways so this isn't a big of a favor."

Woo Bin was hurt by her bluntness, he knew she had the right, but she doesn't have to always be so rude with him, not liking it he said, "Hey! I know that I requested it but you don't have to rub it on my face! You accepted it because you have forgiven me at some percentage!"

Byeol sighed and looked at him with cold expression and said, "You got me wrong, I'm doing it because you begged me for this chance, and if you don't like it that much then we can be the same as before which I prefer, and please remember just because I'm giving you this chance doesn't mean I will let you try your luck to ask me out, those things are different."

Woo Bin was angered hearing the truth and asked, "Just why would you say that! Then why did you agree on giving me a chance to treat me normally if you didn't have the mind to forgive me or accept my feelings! Do you have the intention of playing with my feelings!?"

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