Chapter 8

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Yeon Jun who had a straight face turned to Byeol hearing her voice, and giving her a soft smile said, "Oh that would be a great help Byeol shi! Let's go!" They started walking and Byeol asked, "Umm senior, do you have much luggage?"

Yeon Jun nodded a no and said, "I thought it's better to come here first then after finding a place I would ask my mother to send my things, why do you ask?" Byeol smiled and said, "That's a smart decision senior, I asked because I travel with bike. I hope you are comfortable."

Yeon Jun replied, "That won't be a problem for me." Byeol nodded. Since she just had one helmet she gave it to Yeon Jun and sat down. Yeon Jun having the helmet puts it on Byeol's head and before she says something, he said, "Since you only have one, let's drive careful."

Byeol nodded her head and after Yeon Jun was comfortable she started to drive. After they reached the apartment. Byeol guided him to the owners place.

The owner opened the door and seeing Iseul, she smiled sweetly and said, "Oh Byeol please come in." Byeol smiled at the owner's sweet gesture and said, "I will some other time, right now I brought someone who would like to see one of your apartments."

The owner smiled and said, "Oh really? Who is it?" Byeol looked behind and Yeon Jun came to them and said, "Hello, I'm Lee Yeon Jun ." The owner smiled seeing hi face and said, "Omo!! You are such an handsome guy!! I would love to show you the apartments. Let's go." Byeol smiled at the owner's reaction and said, "Then I shall take my leave. Senior if you need something you can call me or come to my unit it's 602."

Yeon Jun nodded and said, "Hmm okay! good night!" Byeol smiled and said, "Good night senior."

The owner then showed Yeon Jun around. He ended up taking the unit 604.

Byeol going home quickly freshen up and decided to do something on her phone first before she starts to practice Kim Sabu's stitching method. It was her goal to improve fast so she could learn under him.

Yeon Jun, after the documents were done entered his house and looked around. He smiled and said, "So I'm finally here." Saying that he freshen up and messaged his mother so he wouldn't wake her up, 'Eomma I found a place to live, I will send you the address tomorrow. Good night.'

He laid down and sighed. He then closed his eyes and saw seeing Byeol's face and whispered, 'She hasn't changed a bit.'

Next Morning

Byeol woke up to at six and started to exercise. She liked to run up and down the stairs as it would work her whole body. After around fifteen minutes Yeon Jun came out to go for a walk and saw Byeol running down stairs.

Yeon Jun smiled and thought, 'She still prefers to work out on the stairs.' He started to go down stairs and mid way he saw Byeol coming up. Byeol bowed and greeted him and said, "Good morning senior! Are you going for a walk?"

Yeon Jun nodded and said, "Yes, good morning, Byeol shi do you know any places that serve good breakfast?" Byeol nodded and said, "Yes I do. So which floor do you live at?" Yeon Jun smiled and said, "Unit 604." Byeol smiled and said, "Oh we live in the same floor." Yeon Jun nodded and said, "Seems like it."

Byeol then said, "Oh how about I take you to the breakfast place after around fourty five minutes?"

Yeon Jun hearing that asked, "Why so much hurry? We have time don't we?" Byeol smiled and said, "I thought so too first, but this is Doldam hospital senior things work differently." Saying this she started to run again. Yeon Jun looked at Byeol going up wondering what she meant by that, then went for his jog, but thinking of the time he has he decided to do a quick run."

Byeol out of breath reached her house and took a bottle from her fridge. She taking a sip realized that Yeon Jun wouldn't have bottled water. She kept the water down and quickly went for the shower.

She then getting ready took few bottles and knocked on his door.

Yeon Jun, who just came out of the shower and had a bathrobe on looked through the peephole to see who it is. Seeing Byeol he quickly opened the door and asked, "Oh Byeol shi, how can I help you."

Byeol looked at Yeon Jun and looking away she said, "I figured out that you would need some water so I got you some bottles." Yeon Jun, noticing Byeol looking away realized he is on a bathrobe and said, "Umm give me a minute."

Byeol nodded and Yeon Jun quickly closing the door sighed loudly and cursed himself for opening the door like that. He quickly wore his clothes and opening the door said, "Please come in Byeol shi."

Byeol nodded and said, "Thank you for having me. Where should I keep the bottles?" Yeon Jun took the bottles and said, "I will keep them please seat." Byeol sat down and Yeon Jun quickly keeping the bottles inside the fridge and said, "Byeol shi sit here and give me five minutes I will be back.

Byeol nodded emabrssed about how she visited too soon making her senior uncomfortable. She sat there in guilt.

Yeon Jun quickly dried his hair and did his morning routine. Coming out he saw Byeol looking down sadly and said, "Don't worry I didn't mind you coming here."

Byeol sighed and said, "Still, I'm sorry for coming here so early." Yeon Jun smiled and said, "That's okay, you can come here anytime you want. Now let's go?"

Byeol standing up said, "Yeah let's go." They went downstairs. Byeol going down asked, "Coming with me right?" Yeon Jun nodded with a smile.

They reached the porridge place. They went inside and saw Woo Jin and Eun Jae. The couple greeted them while these to did the same. They decided to sit together. After ordering their food they sat down.

Eun Jae asked, "Oh Byeol shi, are you showing places to Yeon Jun?" Byeol smiled and answered, "Umm yes, he asked me so I brought him here." Eun Jae then asked, "So Yeon Jun shi did you find a place to stay?"

Yeon Jun smiled and replied, "Yes I did, in fact I live in the same building as Byeol." Eun Jae looked at Byeol and Yeon Jun and smiled thinking something.

Byeol and Eun Jae had grown close during the last week. Eun Jae decided to ignore what the nurses decided as she thought it was unfair. Woo Jin also didn't care about that, because he had been a victim of fake rumors and being boycott by others.

After knowing the truth Eun Jae was happy that she decided to not ignore her. 

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