Chapter 19

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Hearing his suggestion, Byeol, Yeon Jun and Dae Hyun turned to him. Woo Bin, seeing their attention on him, continued, "My shift is over anyways, plus I have a car so I can take her home."

Byeol who had a straight face said, "No thank you I can manage it on my own." Saying that she was about to leave when Yeon Jun stopped her.....

Woo Bin who came near them said, "Why would you reject my offer? It's not like I'm going to eat you?"

Byeol hearing him say that answered, "Of course you can't, I'm sure you are full by eating my achievements." Woo Bin hearing her came back was about to say something when

Yeon Jun not wanting Byeol to feel more stressed, said, "Well no, I can drop you home, I came a little early anyways. Let's go?"

Byeol nodded and went with him ignoring the two people left behind.

Woo Bin seeing them go said, "Hmm looks like I was a little too late here. Dae Hyun senior, was Byeol always this festy?"

Dae Hyun smirked and answered, "Otherwise how do you think she did the operations?" Woo Bin hearing his somment smiled and asked, "So by any chance are they dating?" Dae Hyun looked at him weirdly thinking just why would Woo Bin ask that and said, "I don't know." Woo Bin nodded, Dae Hyun then went away.

Seeing Manager Jung Woo Bin went to him and asked, "Well hello, I would like to ask you, are Dr. Byeol and Dr. Yeon Jun dating?"

Manager Jung was confused at the question though about it for a second and said, "Well I don't think so, they seem close as they were acquaintances before and they live in the same building but that's that I guess, I know nothing else."

Woo Bin smiled at all the information he got and said, "I see thank you." Manager Jung after spilling out the beans asked, "Oh but why did you ask that?" Woo Bin smiled and answered, "Well they just had that vibe around them."

Manager Jung nodded his head showing that he understood what Woo Bin wanted to say and said, "I understand, well who knows what will happen, after all they are young and beautiful." Saying that he looked towards Woo Bin but saw he was long gone. Manager Jung just shrugged his shoulders and went to work.

Byeol while Yeon Jun drove, said, "Thank you senior, I wouldn't want to go with him." Yeon Jun nodded in reply and said, "Well I wouldn't let you go anyways."

Byeol blushed lightly and thinking she shouldn't take it another way said, "Well You understand me the best senior! You are the best."

Yeon Jun playfully smiled and said, "That I'm, anyways we reached home, get down, let's meet tomorrow?"

Byeol nodded and said, "Thank you for dropping me home, let's meet tomorrow, drive safe." Yeon Jun smiled and went back to the hospital.

Byeol went to her apartment happily and reaching her apartment she saw a bag. Seeing a sticky note she read it, "Heat it before you eat. Yeon Jun."

Reading the note Byeol smiled ear to ear, seeing him care so much for her she felt happy, no one has gone this far for her. Being treated felt that she was very special.

She happily took the lunch box and went in, she then msged him saying that she reached home after freshening up she heated the food and kept it on the table she sent a photo to Yeon Jun saying that she will enjoy the delicious meal made by him.

Yeon Jun, finally receiving the text about the food, smiled and replied, "Enjoy your meal! I'm open for reviews. How are you feeling now? After eating, take painkillers if you have pain." Byeol giggled and replied, "How can I review the best? It's awesome! Yes sir! I will take my medicines anything else?"

Yeon Jun chuckled and replied, "Try to not get yourself hurt so often, it makes me worry about you. Good night!"

Byeol reading the text smiled softly and talked with herself, "Sometimes senior is such a flirt. But for some reason I don't hate it."

The next morning Byeol reached the hospital by walking. Everyone greeted her tiredly from the night shift. Whil Byeol greeted them cheerfully. Eun Jae lent in and gave a side hug to Byeol and said, "Keep smiling, your smile recharges me."

Byeol giggled and said, "Okay senior!" Ah Reum added, "I know right, having a maknae is so refreshing!" Everyone agreed, Nurse oh asked, "Byeol shi how are you now?" Byeol answered, "I'm good now, it doesn't even hurt."

Yeon Jun who went to get some coffee came back, seeing Byeol he smiled and walked beside her.

Byeol sensing someone besides her looks and seeing Yeon Jun she said, "Good morning senior!" Yeon Jun nodded and said, "Good morning."

In Soo , who came back after freshening up seeing Byeol, asked, "Oh Byeol shi how are you feeling now?" Byeol smiled and replied, "Oh I'm feeling better! Thanks for asking!"

Eun Jae was not on the shift, so getting to know what happened at night said, "Byeol shi, you are very courageous, but you should take care of yourself." Everyone agreed to Eun Jae. Byeol pouted and said, "Well I couldn't just stand there letting the old guy hurt the patient."

Nurse Oh sighed and said, "Kim Sabu, how do you end up rubbing off such things on your students? All your students are ready to go any length to save the patients."

Everyone turned back to see Kim Sabu standing at the door frame. He was about to say something when Byeol, trying to defend him said, "Well it might be that because of our same passion that we are his students?"

Hearing this Kim Sabu smiled and Nurse Oh shakes her head sideways. She knew Kim Sabu had one unique set of students. But it was because of them that the dream Kim Sabu saw was about to be completed.

Since it was only around 8 am not many patients were there, so they could just sit around and chat for sometime or get a rest.

One of the nurses who was scrolling through the net seeing something screamed, "OMG Byeol shi you should see this!" Everyone turned to the nurse who shouted that and went to her to see what's going on........

Extra Scene

The first person Byeol quickly became friends with was Ah Reum. They both would just sit in silence but it was never an awkward one. Ah Reum made sure Byeol was comfortable and knew what to do if she was finding anything hard, it was Ah Reum's warm nature that made Byeol go towards her. And Ah Reum liked to see a young face after such a long time.

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