Chapter 13

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Here at Doldam hospital the news were saying how the winds in their area are very strong causing Nurse Eom to worry and say, "OMG I hope Byeol will be safe and come back safely." Hearing this In Soo who just took a rest after treating the minor injuries asked, "What do you mean?"

Nurse Eom answered, "Byeol went to take the blood from blood bank, as only a two wheeler could go from the accident place. But seeing the storm and wind I'm worried about her."

In Soo started to worry as well and Ah Reum who heard it said, "That's risky, I hope she gets back safely." As they were talking the two ambulance who were delayed came through. The guys entered and giving the information of the patient. Everyone started to treat the patient, they weren't serious as the previous ones but needed first aid.

After a few minutes seeing the patients getting their treatment one of the guy asked, "Is it okay if we stay here till the storm calms down?"

Nurse Eom nodded and said, "Oh yes please, I will guide you to a place to rest, but what took you so long?" She asked while guiding them to a place to sit.

Yeon Jun who came out of the OT finishing the operation heard their conversation.

One of the guy replied, "Oh a tree feel down blocking our way, a doctor from here helped us push it out of the way and told us to rest here." Nurse Eom gassed and asked, "Wait Byeol, I mean the doctor wasn't hurt right?"

Hearing this Yeon Jun asked, "Wait? What do you mean? Byeol is out in the storm?" Asking that he approached them worried about Byeol.

Nurse Eom nodded and said, "Since only two wheelers could easily pass the accident spot Byeol volunteered to go bring the blood for the patients."

Hearing this Yeon Jun panicked and said, "She went in such a weather alone? It's better I go there as well, does anyone else have a bike?"

Director Park hearing this said, "I don't think it would be a good idea to send you as well, and Byeol said, we need more doctors here instead so let's trust her and treat the patients instead."

Nurse Park came out of the OT and said, "We need more RH- blood!" Director Park asked, "How much more time can the patient hang on without blood?"

Park Nurse answered, "For around twenty minutes max but we need it in ten minutes or else the patients health could get worse!" Saying that nurse Park went inside.

Nurse Eom upon being called to OT 2 went there, only to be asked about more B- blood. Director Park and Yeon Jun were about to go in and help others when....

After balancing the bike and driving through the heavy winds Byeol reached the hospital after twenty minutes.

She picked up one of the bag and the guy behind her helped her with the other and they both took the third bag together it was very heavy. They entered the Doldam entrance and Byeol shouted, "The blood is here!!"

Saying this she kept the bags down and was about to fall down because her knees were weak but Yeon Jun help her and embraced her into a hug and whispered, "Oh I'm so glad you came back safely!"

Hearing her voice nurses rushed to her and started taking the required blood from the bag while one of them went to store the blood.

The guy with Byeol was helped settled down as well.

Yeon Jun seeing her still weak picked her up bridal style and took her to the snacks room as it was the closest. He made her sit down on the sofa and removed her helmet, he then taking a bottle from fridge he offered her water.

Byeol drank some water and sighed in relief, Yeon Jun started checking if she was hurt any where, But only few scratches were there, seeing that he sighed in relief.

Byeol asked, "There were no serious issues caused due to my late arrival right?"

Yeon Jun smiled and nodding a no he said, "No don't worry. For now just catch a breath." Saying that he ruffled her hair and went out.

He went out and sighed a breath of relief, he was scared thinking about her and thought, 'How could she be so careless to go alone! What if I lost her? She seriously needs to think about others around her, I was so worried about her. I will have to make sure she doesn't do anything risky again.'

Now all the patients in the ER were treated just the operation patients were left.

Nurse Eom seeing Yeon Jun went to him and asked, "Is Byeol shi okay?" Yeon Jun nodded and said, "Yes, she is just tired from surviving the storm nothing else."

Nurse Eom hearing this thanked the god. The guy who came with her said, "Well she would be, she kept balancing the bike from the wind and kept the bike moving, it must be a hard job! I can't believe she had the courage to come out there all alone."

The guys from the ambulance nodded and said, "Yes, the way she helped us with the tree as well, she is surely a dedicated doctor! It's good to see such young people, it motives us to work harder as well!" Others nodded as well.

All operations were done and luckily no one died, All were saved on time and thanks to Byeol getting the blood more patients were saved. All the staff inside the OT came out and came to know what Byeol did.

Byeol feeling better came out after around ten minutes and went to the ER only to receive a huge applause. She started to clap as well and looked back to see if someone was there behind her, noticing no one she looked back confused.

Everyone giggled at her cluelessness and Nurse Oh. said, "You are the one we are applauding to, going out on such a stormy night alone to bring blood was very courageous of you! And you handled it well and came back with the blood at the right time saving the patients."

Director Park added, "Yes we are very proud of you!" Everyone nodded agreeing to his statement.

Kim Sabu smiled and announced, "Looks like there is no reason to not take you under me."

Hearing this Byeol clapped her hands in happiness and said, "I can't wait to learn under you Kim Sabu! I will do my best and learn everything from you so I can save as many patients as I can."

Everyone smiled at her excitement. That night every staff spend the night at the hospital as it was heavily raining.

Extra Scene

While Yeon Jun and Byeol were inside the snack room, Nurse Eom and Ah Reum talked. Nurse Eom said, "Do you think Dr. Yeon Jun has a crush on Byeol?"

Ah Reum nodded and said, "Yes! Looks like I wasn't the only one thinking that! When do you think Byeol will realize?"

Nurse Eom was about to reply when Eun Jae joined the conversation and said, "For now she seems pretty clueless, I noticed it when they arrived at the soup restaurant, they even live at the same apartment."

Hearing this Nurse Eom gasped and said, "Eomo! I didn't know that! That's news to me, that's why they would always go and come together when they had same time shifts!"

Nurse Oh joining the conversation added, "Well the feelings doesn't seem one sided, did you noticed? Byel got an extra helmet for him, even though he said his car and things were coming this Sunday."

Everyone smiled hearing this and started fangirling about the new future couple and wished them the best.


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