Chapter 6

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Nurse Eom then announced, "The patients will be arriving in 3 three minutes!!" Everyone got ready.

Soon the patients arrived, seeing them they internally gasped at how heavily injured they were. All of them took the patients and started treating them.

Kim Sabu started to operate on a patient in the hybrid room, while Eun Jae took a patient in OT 1 and Woo Jin to OT 2.

A patient with the bus pole inside him entered. The pole went through his stomach. Seeing that everyone gasped, no surgeon was available right now and his vitals were dropping fast.

Ah Reum and In Soo were busy keeping the other patients alive, even they couldn't move from their position. Byeol was the only doctor who was available. But no one thought to ask her. Young Mi decided to call and ask Director Park where he is because this was an emergency.

He said that even if he hurried over there it would at least take him twenty to thirty minutes to get there. Everyone was panicking that they did not notice something.

Byeol, seeing the condition of the patient, went to him, wore gloves and started to treat him. First she did intubation so the patients could easily breath. Then she checked his pupils.

Byeol ran around to get all the things. She then started to operate on him. She injected the patient a general anesthesia.

She then quickly started to operate on him. Nurse Eom, seeing that, tried to stop her but Byeol was so focused on saving the patient that she didn't hear a thing. After a few minutes she successfully removed the pole and started to check all the organs. Luckily no vital organs were hurt but the tissues were damaged. She quickly found the major damaged tissue. The blood kept flowing, seeing that and knowing now she can't proceed without anyone's help she screamed, "Someone get me irrigation, a lot of gauze and a Balfour retractor please hurry!!!"

No one moved but Byeol screamed, "Nurse Eom hurry, I can't leave the patient like that!! Or else he will die, I will take the responsibility if something goes wrong so please hurry!!"

Nurse Eom finally moved to get the things Byeol asked. After she got it. Byeol quickly resumed to treat the patient. She used the retractor to open his finding the exact spot smiled in relief and said, "Get me suture." Nurse Eom gave her the suture and Byeol started to stitch up the tissues.

Nurse Eom and another nurse who were with Byeol were shocked to see what was happening in front of them Byeol was actually using Mr. Kim's technique of stitching. Not as fast as him but it was effectively fast.

Mr. Kim who came out of the hybrid room went to Byeol's bed to see what was happening and he was shocked himself to see Byeol had perform the surgery and was using his technique to stich the patient. But there were still more patients left so he went to treat them.

After 5 minutes Byeol finished her surgery and sighed in relief. She then treated the small injuries the patient had. After that she rushed to In Soo and asked, "Where are the others?" In Soo who had no idea what Byeol just did said, "Well they were taken to the OT, what were you doing! Where were you?"

Byeol pointed at the patient she saved and said, "I operated on him." Hearing this In Soo shocked shouted in disbelief, "What!? And why!? what if something goes wrong!!??"

Saying that he rushed to the patient and checked him. Seeing him all good and seeing that his vitals are stable he asked, "Are you telling me that you solely operated on him!?

Byeol nodded a yes in reply. In Soo opened his mouth in shock. Ah Reum who just came back after sending the patient in the OT heard this and was shocked as well.

Everyone looked at her in disbelief as if she was telling a lie. Nurse Eom, seeing them and other nurses who heard this in shock, said, "Yes, I helped her with the surgery. She did it by herself."

Everyone looked at each other and In Soo asked, "Are you sure you are just an intern? The skills you have is of a 4th year resident!"

Byeol bite her lips knowing this is going to go wrong and said, "I'm sorry, I had no choice but to operate on him! If I didn't operate on him he would have died due to internal injury and blood loss in the next 4 minutes."

While everyone was processing what they just heard. Nurse Oh. entered and asked, "What's going on guys?" Ah Reum went to her and said, "Byeol just performed a successful surgery alone. She saved a patient who had a pole go through his stomach alone."

Ms. Oh looked at Byeol in shocked. Byeol looking at their reaction bowed down and said, "I'm sorry it's my fault but please don't send me away as well. I just couldn't see him dying. I know I was wrong and I did ended up doing the thing I was sent here for again, but this was urgent."

Hearing this Nurse Eom asked, "Wait what do you mean?" Byeol confused about the question asked, "About what?" Nurse Eom clarified, "About the reason of your transfer."

Byeol answered, "Because I operated on emergency patients three times. They decided to send me here."

Everyone laughed in disbelief. Director Park who had arrived hearing her say that said, "What she says is true, I had gone to recruit a professor there but found out about her."

Everyone looked at Director Park. Everyone was quite. They had never seen an intern perform such an surgery with so much perfection, that too all alone.

Eun Jae, Woo Jin and Kim Sabu arrived. Seeing them Director Park said, "Kim SaBu, Nurse Oh and Nam Do Il shi, I would like to have a meeting with you, Kang Byeol you come with us too."

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