Chapter 11

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Kim Sabu decided to take a test of Byeol, so he went to Bae Moon Jung and asked, "Hey, can I perform any major operations after I performed the last one?"

Bae Moon Jung replied, "Well I will have to check it." Kim Sabu nodded and then sat down so Dr. Bae could examine him. He checked him and said, "Yes you can do it if it's not a long operation, but I still prefer you taking rest."

Kim Sabu smiled and said, "There is no rest in being a doctor Bae Moon Jung. Anyways, thank you. I will take care of myself so don't worry much."

Moon Jung nodded and Kim Sabu exited the room. Yeon Jun entered after Kim Sabu left, him and Bae Moon Jung of course shared a cabin as they were both orthopedics. They became friends, and it looks like Elizabeth and Jessie liked Yeon Jun a lot and even Yeon Jun kind of bonded with them.

It was lunch time, Byeol sat alone having lunch and watched the news again, she didn't have any problem with Woo Bin taking the credits. She was in thoughts whether her senior Dae Hyun sent her here so Woo Bin could take the credits, she was very confused.

She felt betrayed by her senior, seeing Byeol alone Yeon Jun approached her and asked, "Thinking about news?" Byeol had told him the reason for the transfer over the week so he knew. Asking the question, Yeon Jun sat down beside her.

Byeol nodded and answered, "Yes, I'm wondering if this is the actual reason they sent me here, so the director's son could take the credits." Yeon Jun listened to her carefully.

She continued, "I don't mind who the credit goes to as long as the patient is treated, but I'm scared to face the possibility of Dae Hyun senior betraying me like that."

Yeon Jun gave her a sad smile and asked, "Do you want to call him and talk?" Byeol nodded a no and said, "I'm still scared, I saw him as my teacher, only he taught me stuff while others ordered me around, did he really throw me out? Was I not his student?"

Yeon Jun looking at how hurt she was with the possibility of her teacher betraying her, felt sad. He kept a hand on her shoulder and said, "Well look at the positive side, if you succeed you can learn under the known genius Kim Sabu! Would you ever have this chance to learn from him if you weren't sent here."

Byeol smiled hearing him and said, "You are right! Instead of thinking over the past I should look forward to the future. I can't wait to learn from Kim Sabu."

Ms. Oh who was standing a little further from them with Kim Sabu said, "Looks like you will have to accept her as your student Kim Sabu." Kim Sabu chuckled and said, "We shall see about that."

Yeon Jun getting up offered Byeol a hand, Byeol took the hand and got up. Yeon Jun before walking away said, "Keep smiling! I like to see you happy!" and walked away.

Byeol smiled thinking he was cheering her up and went away, while Yeon Jun looked at her back smiling.

While Byeol was going back Manager Jung stopped her and said, "Byeol shi, your parcel arrived." Byeol smiled knowing what's inside and thanking him she said, "Oh can you please keep it with you and remind me about it while I leave?"

Manager Jung nodded and said, "Of course! I will inform you." Byeol nodded and went into the ER. The news were going on about a warning of heavy rain and a possibility of storm. Hearing this everyone got worried and Nurse Eom said, "Heavy rains means there would be a rush of patients. We have to be prepared." All nodded in agreement.

In evening it started raining, the people having the next day shift left before the rain got heavier Byeol and Yeon Jun were going back. Byeol remembering her parcel stopped and opened it. It was a helmet. Byeol handed the new helmet to him and said, "Since we ride together I brought you one as well."

Yeon Jun smiled and took the helmet. They went to their apartment, while walking up Yeon Jun asked, "Want to have dinner at my place?" Hearing this Byeol asked, "Oh looks like you are confident in your cooking skills senior."

Yeon Jun smiled and said, "Be ready to be amazed, I consider myself as a good cook." Byeol smiled and said, "Okay then after I take a quick shower, I will come to help you prepare the food cool?"

Yeon Jun declined the offer saying, "Byeol shi, you just have to come and eat I will do the cooking. But you can come early and give me company." Byeol smiled and said, "Okay then! Meet you in a few   minutes." Saying that Byeol putting in her passcode went inside and so did Yeon Jun.

Byeol quickly went to the bathroom and had a quick shower. She quickly went out and did her skincare routine. She was excited to eat food made by her senior. She wondered what he made. She went to his door and rang the bell waiting for him to open up.

Yeon Jun opened the door and greeted her with a warm smile and said, "Oh come on in." Byeol nodding went in and said, "Thanks for having me." She followed him to the kitchen, she sat at a chair and Yeon Jun conitunued to cut some vegetables.

Yeon Jun noticing her look at him cook seriously said, "I'm not performing an operation that you are observing so seriously." Byeon hearing this lets out a small laugh and said, "No it's just I was amazed by your skills."

Yeon Jun nodded and said, "Well you know goodnews, my mom is coming over this Saturday to deliver me my things." Byeol smiled and said, "Oh that's great! But don't you have a day shift that day? Will she be okay carrying all the things alone?"

Yeon Jun realizing that sighed and said, "Oh yes! I forgot about that! I will have to tell her to come some other day then." Byeol thinking of something said, "If you don't mind I can help her, I have the night shift anyways."

Yeon Jun looked at Byeol and asked, "You sure you want to help?" Byeol smiled and answered, "Of course or else I wouldn't have asked." Yeon Jun smiled and leaning forward he ruffled Byeol hair and said, "That would be a great help! Thank you."

Byeol smiled and said, "No problem!" Yeon Jun cooked some spaghetti for them. Byeol having the first bite said, "Wow senior! This is awesome! I think I should drop by more to have food cooked by you."

Yeon Jun smiled and said, "See, didn't I say you would be amazed!" Byeol pointing the fork at him said, "Yes, you are a better cook then me! I wish I could it everyday!"

Yeon Jun chuckled and said, "Well you are welcomed here anytime! Just come in and say you are hungry and I will be at your service dear."

Byeol smiled and said, "Well that's a very very tempting offer but I will have to reject that. But I will drop by sometimes when I'm too lazy to cook."

They continued to enjoy their dinner while talking about anything.   

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