Chapter 14

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It was morning and the storm had calm down. Those who were healthy enough to go back home went home. The whole Doldam staff was having breakfast when Ah Reum said, "Ha! Friday has just started but I feel tried already, I don't know if I can hang on!"

Everyone agreed. Byeol said, "Well we will go through this day quickly! Let's try to save as many patients as we can!"

Everyone nodded not being as energetic as her. The day went on, everyone was super tired, many patients still came that day.

Byeol and Yeon Jun went home together that night as they were called for an extra shift. Byeol to tired to drive said, "Senior, can you drive today? I'm very tired."

Yeon Jun taking the car keys said, "Why not, let's go!" Byeol smiled and sat down after wearing the helmet.

On the way feeling very sleepy she rested her head on Yeon Jun's shoulder. Yeon Jun smiled feeling her but said, "Don't sleep we are almost home!"

To which Byeol said, "Don't worry I'm just resting my eyes!" After a min they reached their building. Byeol was very lazy to get down so she didn't move. Yeon Jun then said, "Byeol get down." Byeol sighed frustrated and got down.

They went up and Byeol lazily walked towards her door, Yeon Jun seeing her like that asked, "Are you feeling well?" Byeol nodded a no and said, "My body is aching from the storm, I don't have energy to even move my legs."

Hearing this Yeon Jun looked at her worried and said, "You should have told us! Why did you not rest? Come with me! Saying that he started to drag her to his house but Byeol said, "It's okay senior, I will have a hot water shower and be okay. You should rest too."

Yeon Jun nodded a no and said, "After freshening up I'm coming to your place, I will make you some food, eat that and taking medicines you can go to sleep."

Byeol sighed and said, "Oh yeah I gotta eat as well, we didn't have lunch! Thank you so much senior!! You are an angel in disguise!" Yeon Jun smiled and ruffling her hair he went inside his apartment.

He took a quick shower and getting ready went to Byeol's apartment and ringing the bell he waited for her to open the door.

Byeol opened the door and said, "Welcome senior! So what are you going to cook for us today?" She said while stretching her body. He straight went to the kitchen. Byeol followed him and started helping him.

Yeon Jun sighed and holding her, he dragged her to the sofa and making her sit said, "For now you just rest, I will do everything. And there is still one thing I'm angry and want to talk about it, but after you eat."

Byeol curiously asked, "What is it senior? What do you want to talk about?" Yeon Jun answered, "All that after dinner! Do you have anything sweet to celebrate your achievement of being able to learn under the genius Kim Sabu?"

At the mention of Kim Sabu Byeol smiled ear to ear and said, "You were right senior, I could not achieve the things I did at Doldam at that hospital. I'm grateful that I can learn under him. About something sweet hmm I might have some chocolates."

Yeon Jun nodded a no and said, "We need something else! It's a big achievement! Wait!" Saying that, Yeon Jun took out his phone and ordered some dessert.

He cooked a simple soup, as Byeol had some left over food, he heated them and cooked some fresh rice.

They sat down to eat and Yeon Jun instructed, "After you are done eating, I want you to lie down and tell me where all does it ache, I will apply some pain relief patches for you!"

Byeol nodded a yes, and they continued eating. After eating the pastry he ordered to celebrate her achievement, Byeol got up and started removing her T-shirt. Seeing that Yeon Jun looked away blushing.

Byeol then said, "Senior, can you apply the pain relief patch on my shoulder and lower back?" Yeon Jun slowly looked at her and seeing she was wearing a tank top he mentally sighed in relief.

He went to the kitchen and brought the first aid box and started applying the pain relief patched where she asked. While applying it he said, "Byeol, what you did was very brave of you, and I'm proud that you saved the patients, but I would really appreciate it if you didn't do anything dangerous like this again. I was really worried about you."

Byeol hearing the concern in his voice said, "I know that was reckless of me, I will keep that in mind senior! Thank you for worrying about me!"

Yeon Jun then pulling the hem of her tank top said, "And shouldn't undress like this in front of any men." Byeol replied, "But you are my senior and a doctor so it's okay."

Yeon Jun sighed at her zero sense of danger and said, "Well don't forget I'm a male, even if I'm your senior, this would be the best time to take advantage of you."

Byeol laughed and said, "I know you would never do that! And don't worry I don't go undressing in front of just anyone! But thank you for the advice, I shall keep mind, that even you are a male and you can attack me." Byeol started laughing.

Yeon Jun glared at her and said, "Tch, I shouldn't be this nice to you! From tomorrow see how badly I treat you!"

Byeol got up as he finished applying the patches and wearing the top again she said, "Senior, thank you so much for helping me! It meant a lot. I'm glad we work together again, when you left I felt lonely."

Yeon Jun smiled and said, "So did I, anyways now you rest I will leave." Byeol smiled and said, "Okay senior! Good night! Sleep well!" Yeon Jun replied, "Good night and call me if you need anything." Saying that he went to his apartment.

PS : And what do you think Yeon Jun dreamt about that night?


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