Chapter 20

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One of the nurses who was scrolling through the net seeing something screamed, “OMG Byeol shi you should see this!” Everyone turned to the nurse who shouted that and went to her to see what’s going on……..

Everyone gathered around the nurse. She increased the volume and it turns out that the incident that happened yesterday was on the news because the live clip went viral.

Everyone seeing Byeol saving the patient started cheering. Byeol blushed at the cheer and said, “Stop it guys.” Eun Jae jokingly said, “Oh come on! You look so cool.”

Everyone agreed with Eun Jae. Byeol sighed and walked away shyly. Yeon Jun seeing the clip was happy but sad about how she got hurt. He decided to follow her.

Yeon Jun saw her buying a drink. He walked towards her  and said, “I have to say, you were quite brave Byeol shi.” Byeol looked at him and said, “Please you also don’t start senior~” Yeon Jun smiled and said, “Well I was just stating the fact, but you know everyone was happy reading the comments because of your act people started appreciating doctors more.”

Byeol smiled hearing that and said, “Oh well that’s a wonderful thing!” Manager Jung rushed towards them and said, “Miss Byeol, the press wants to talk to you.”

Byeol sighed frustratedly and said, “Not that good I guess.” Yeon Jun just patted her back in reply and went towards the ER. Byeol went to the entrance to see a press reporter who had come to take an interview.

Byeol greeted them politely and said, “Good morning, how may I help you?” The interviewer greeted her back and answered, “Hello Kang Byeol shi, we are here to interview you.”

Byeol, still keeping that smile said, “I’m really sorry, it’s the time for my shift and I’m not interested in doing an interview.” The interviewer said, “I understand but can you just answer a few questions like, why did you go to save the patient? Or what were you thinking while saving the patient?”

Byeol tilted her head in confusion and said, “Well I was just doing my duty and I wasn't thinking about -” She was cut off by two ambulances coming.

Seeing Byeol, the caramedic started to tell her the information. The patient went into cardiac arrest, Byeol not wasting any time started to perform CPR and they took the patient into the ER.

Woo Bin who came to the duty was about to rush inside after seeing Byeol take the patient away but was stopped by the press as they asked what the genius was doing here and they started interviewing him, trying to get the news.

Dae Hyun, seeing him distracted by the press, went to them and said, "If you guys excuse us, there are many patients that need our help."

Saying that Dae Hyun dragged Woo Bin away without letting him say anything. The day went by and since Woo Bin's and Byeol's shift was same, Woo Bin always found ways to approach Byeol.

Byeol usually avoided him and ignored him if he approached her.

Today yet again Byeol was avoiding Woo Bin's question about if she is free tonight so they can have dinner together. Byeol as usual ignored him and started to walk out of the GS room.

Woo Bin, having enough of being ignored, held Byeol's hand to stop her from going away.

Getting out of his grip Byeol turned to Woo Bin in anger.

Woo Bin who was pissed as well said, “Since I came here I'm trying to talk to you! Why are you ignoring me?”

Byeol crossed her hands and answered, “Do you really not know or are you just ignorant?”

Woo Bin gave her a confused gaze. Seeing that Byeol sighed and said, “Because I don't want to talk with people who use others for their own benefit so can you stay away from me? I'm trying my best to talk with you normally right now.”

Woo Bin sighed and said, “See trust me Byeol, I didn't know it was your patients!”

Hearing this Byeol looked at him in disbelief and asked, “So are you saying you would be okay to steal someone else's work? And why are you not okay with my credit being stolen?”

Woo Bin sighed and said, “See I know we didn't have the right start,  but I really start to admire you seeing you work at the bridge sight! So please give me a chance!”

Byeol looked at him in shock and said, “You can't be serious right now!”

Woo Bin who was very serious said, “I'm, if you don't believe me tell me a way to prove to you that I'm serious about you!”

Byeol chuckled in disbelief and said, “Do you know how crazy you sound right now? Why do I even have to give you a chance? You are not even guilty about taking someone else's credit! From what I know you just got attracted to me at the first sight and just because of that you expect me to give you a chance? I'm not honored that you have feelings for me so get lost!”

Saying that, Byeol sat down on her desk and decided to complete her study.

Woo Bin in a guilt voice said, “Okay I get it that you hate me, but as a fellow doctor I request you to at least treat me like you would treat a normal team mate. I will not disturb you any longer.” Saying that Woo Bin left the room and went to the ER.

From that day on Woo Bin had become serious and started to really learn new things from the seniors and did not disturb Byeol anymore. It was a relief for Byeol as well as Yeon Jun who was annoyed about Woo Bin trying to get close to Byeol.


The Xx Hospital staff had just become used to the hectic work schedule, but seeing that all the hospital staff was present from the start were confused as there were not any patients at the current moment. They had no idea what today had stored in for them.

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