Chapter 23

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Note : Hello everyone! I just started one of my original book called, "Our Trinket Love" I hope you check it out! It's about two business tycoon's.

They reached the hospital and greeted everyone, the greetings didn't last long as they got emergency patients. They quickly got ready and started helping out others.

While helping a patient change their dressing, Ah Reum asked, "Did you see Woo Bin today?"

Byeol looked at her and asked, "Why do you ask?" Ah Reum answered, "He was behaving very weird today, he even went to Director Park's office to talk about something."

Byeol nodded taking in the information and said, "Oh I see, looks like they can't keep up anymore so they might leave sooner than expected."

Ah Reum nodded and said, "Well I can understand, as not everyone can adapt to such a hectic life like ours." Byeol just nodded as she finished tying the bandage.

All the girls from Dol Dam were about to go for a lunch break when a few trackers came in with two unconscious patients. It turned out that those two accidentally ate an apple which was bitten by a poisonous snake.

Byeol, Ah Reum, Eun Jae, Nurse Oh and Nurse Eom all of them got to work and did their best to save them. Fortunately other trackers got them here in time, so they weren't in such a critical position.

As soon as they were done treating the two patients one of the trackers started to have a seizure. Ah Reum and Nurse Oh started treating him. Soon they were done treating the patients, some had minor injuries like scratches and stuff so they were treated as well and just to make sure no one else was left with poisonous antibodies in their body, they were given some mild antibiotics.

After sometime the male doctors' staff arrived and the female staff decided to have their lunch quickly after giving them the details of their recent patients.

While the ladies went to have lunch in the break room they all started to talk.

Nurse Eom asked, "What do you think? Will the XX hospital staff go back?" Eun Jae answered, "Well that's a possibility! It's understandable as well though, no one can get used to the crazy life we live so easily!"

Nurse Yoon added, "So much for learning! They couldn't even last a week! Byeol was an easier person than them."

Nurse Oh joined, "I know right! Byeol got used to the life here so quickly! Even Yeon Jun!"

All agreed, Byeol just smiled and said, "I think we easily adapted here because our goal was the same! Help as many patients as we can! I'm sure you guys are here as well!"

All smiled hearing her answer, such people like her are rare who want nothing but to save the lives of people, many become doctors seeing the money and reputation.

Eun Jae then said, "Well speaking of Yeon Jun! I heard you both live in the same apartment building, I feel something going on~~~"

Byeol blushed a little and stuttered, "Wh- what would be going on between us? We are just neighbors! Well he is my senior who I respect a lot as well!"

All hearing her statement sighed and Nurse Eom said, "It's always the most academic gifted ones who turn out like this!" Ah Reum added, "I know right, I pity Yeon Jun!"

Byeol looked at them confused for a second, she first thought they were teasing her, but why did it suddenly turn in pity towards Yeon Jun?

Seeing her confused expression everyone in the room giggles and just continues on eating while making small talks.

The day went on, there were many accident patients or ill patients who visited the Dol Dam hospital, it went as hectic as usual. The tiring day was about to end when there was a major accident due to a car's brake failing.

Four patients were sent to Dol Dam for treatment. Before they arrived The XX hospital staff arrived and got ready to treat the patients.

One of the patients was a pregnant woman so she had to be operated carefully or else it would turn into something critical. Kim Sabu was the one to operate on that woman, while others took the rest. Seeing people in blood like they just came out of a blood bath was quite a terrific sight to see, but everyone's goal was to save all the patients.

Almost everyone's operation lasted for more than five hours because the accident was a bad one.

Byeol and Yeon Jun were in the OT currently, they had almost finished the treatment and the critical part was done, even the patient was quite stable. Byeol let out a sigh and said, "Can I have some water please?"

One of the assistants nodded and got some water for Byeol. Seeing her a little more tired than usual Yeon Jun suggested, "You can go if you want to, we will handle it."

Byeol smiled and replied, "That's fine, we all are working an extra shift, I can't be the one to back out, it seems we will be finished in a few anyways."

Byeol a few minutes suddenly started to feel wet between her legs, she then asked, "Can someone tell me what's today's date again?"

A male nurse who was present in the OT answered, "It's ten." Hearing his answer Byeol sighed loudly and said, "Looks like I will have to sub out. Senior, you will be able to handle this right?"

Yeon Jun who was finishing his part said, "Oh yes I can not worry and go get changed and wait for me, we will go home together."

Byeol nodded and said, "Okay!" Saying that she rushed out and straight went to the washroom, it looked like she had her period, Byeol sighed in frustration and said, "I don't understand why am I so regular in this sh!t! How are they always on their freaking time!"

Byeol sighed again after finishing her business and said, "Well at least I completed the operation. Byeol walked out and saw Eun Jae.

Eun Jae turned to Byeol and asked, "Hey! Is everything okay? You look pale." Byeol smiled at Eun Jae's worry and answered, "I just got my periods, nothing else."

Eun Jae nodded understandingly and said, "Oh well you are lucky your shift ends here!" Byeol smiled at that point and replied, "I know right! I'm lucky."

Yeon Jun entered the room after knocking and said, "Let's go home Byeol shi!" Byeol nodded and took her things she left with Yeon Jun.

Eun Jae smiled looking at them and whispered, "They will be a thing pretty soon! I just feel it!" Saying that even she got ready to end her shift.

Here Director Park was in his cabin looking at a paper intensely. He was in shock or rather surprised, the paper contained such information that anyone looking at it would feel the same.

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