Chapter 4

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Woo Jin who entered seeing her sit on his desk he knocked on the desk. Byeol quickly got up and looked at him. Woo Jin pointed at a desk and said, "You can use that one, other desks are already taken." Byeol nodded and walked to the desk Woo Jin assigned.

Eun Jae entered and asked, "Oh Soo Woo Jin what are you doing? Want to have a quick lunch everyone is there?" Woo Jin nodded and got up switching off his laptop. He then turned to Byeol and asked, "Oh intern Kang do you want to eat lunch?"

Byeol who was hungry nodded and got up. She looked at Eun Jae who smiled at her. Byeol gave her a small awkward smile and they all went to the lounge.

They entered and saw everyone having chicken. She was about to sit down when Young Mi said, "Oh no!!" Hearing her everyone looked at her and Nurse Oh asked, "What's wrong Young Mi?"

Young Mi made a sad face and replied, "I totally forget that Byeol is here. I didn't order enough for everyone." Hearing this everyone became awkward. Byeol looking at everyone said, "Well I can have ramen instead, it's okay you guys enjoy your food."

She was about to go to the cupboard to take the ramen but Ms. Oh said, "Oh this much chicken is more then enough for everyone, come eat with us Byeol ."

Byeol looked at Ms. Oh and then glanced at Young Mi who had a irritated face. She then nodded and had chicken with them. They were all in the middle of eating when the phone rang. They all got up and got ready to treat the patients.

Seeing that the hospital was quite manager Jung came to Byeol and said, "I have forwarded the list of places that would be available for you to stay. You can go check for them if you want."

Byeol looked at Woo Jin who was her senior to ask for permission. Woo Jin looked at her and said, "Oh if you want to you can go have a look. We can handle it for now."

Byeol nodded and bowed her head and said, "Please call me if you need any help." and left. Since it was around dinner time she decided to have dinner first, because she hadn't had a proper meal in two days. She entered a restaurant and ordered her food. After ordering food she decided to first call the places and check for availability."

She luckily found a place which was only 5 minute drive from the hospital and was a PG building. She then told the owner that she is interested and will come there in half an hour to check the place.

She went to the place and liking the place she decided to stay there. She paid some advance. But before they could talk more she got a message. She read the message and turns out many patients have arrived. She told the owner that she will come to stay there from tonight. The owner understanding that Byeol is a doctor told her that she could do the formalities later when she has time and shift whenever she wants and gave her the keys to the apartment.

Byeol thanked her and returned to Doldam. She entered and saw that the hospital was very crowded. She then went and grabbed her goat fast. She then came and wore her gloves. She then looked around if she could treat any patients.

She saw Kim Sa Bu treating a patient. She looked at how quickly he treated the patient and was amazed at the fact that it mesmerized her, and pushed a button inside her, the button was to reach new heights now she found a new motivation to reach her goal so she can save many patients. Seeing him do this, she wanted to be as fast as him! She went near him and observed him keenly.

Sensing her near him, Kim Sa Bu shouted, "What are you doing here instead of treating the patients!?" Byeol came to her senses and quickly went to treat the patients, while treating them she had a fire in her eyes. Ms. Oh who was with her seeing her expressions knew what's going to happen next.

The day ended at around 2 am. Byeol hearing that she can get off her duty sighed in relief. This was the first time she had worked so much. It was an new experience for her. She was very satisfied with herself today. And she couldn't wait to go home and practice stitches like Kim Sa Bu.

She was about to leave after changing her clothes when MS. Oh stopped her and said, "Intern Min, here have a drink." Byeol turned to her and took it, not wanting to offend her.

Ms. Oh smiled as Byeol took the drink and said, "I'm surprised at how you did today, you know friday's are usually hectic just like today. Since it was your first day here you did better then anyone expected."

Byeol smiled and said, "Well that's why I'm here, to save patients, in fact I had fun. Well thanks fo the drink! I shall go now." Byeol said this and bowed. She wore her helmet and got on her bike and rode off.

Ms. Oh smiled seeing her go and went to Kim Sabu, entering the room she said, "Looks like there will be one more doctor who will be following your footsteps. In fact she says she enjoyed today."

Kim Sabu who was enjoying his music turned to her with a smile and said, "Well it would be a great addition to my dream team. But she is just an intern, let's see how long she has that fire in her." Ms. Oh smiled as well and said, "You are right."

Here Byeol reached home and after freshens up she removed her practice kit and started to practice Kim Sa Bu's way of stitching.

After trying for 20 mins she finally figured out the way he did it and looking at the time she decided to sleep. She took a minor painkiller as her right hand was hurting her and slept. 


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