Chapter 1

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“How many times have we told you to not take such actions!!” An angry senior shouted at their junior.

“But senior-”

The senior puffed angrily and continued, “Don’t you dare speak a word!!! The heads are so angry at me because of you! I almost lost my job because of you!”

Her senior sighed and continued, “Byeol you are just an intern! There is a limit to everything!! If something were to go wrong we all would have to face the consequences, not you!” 

Byeol sighed and said, “I didn’t do anything wrong! I think I made the right decision Dae Hyun senior.”

Dae Hyun looked at her angrily and said, “Are you done? Just because you think you made the right choice doesn’t mean that you did the right thing! You will have to be disciplined! You will work in Doldam hospital for 6 to 12 months! We will call you back when we feel that you have realized your mistakes.”

Byeol smiled hearing this and clapped her hands in happiness and happily asked, “Wait so I’m not being stopped from practicing? That’s great, I don’t care where I work as long as I can save people! So when do I go there?” 

Dae Hyun looked at her in disbelief for a second, but came out of his thoughts and said, “As soon as you can, but from today you are not this hospital’s employee.” 

Byeol removed her coat and said, “Well I hope I get back here, I like the advanced medical equipments you guys use! Bye Senior, thank you for teaching me things see you soon! Take care of yourself.” 

Dae Hyun smiled and said, “Yes, be back soon, even though you take such rash decisions you aren’t a bad intern, I will miss you. You take care of yourself there.” Byeol smiled and bowed to him as a thank you. 

Dae Hyun then went away as he had other things to do. Byeol sighed and went to the GS room so she could pack her things and leave. She was sad and happy at the same time. 

Time skip

Byeol didn’t have much to pack in her apartment as well, so she left that night itself. She rode her bike. On the way it started raining, slowly it started raining heavily.  

She was only five kms away when suddenly a girl came in front of her bike. To save that girl she turned around causing her to slip and fall down. Due to her bag she wasn’t hurt in the back or head but her right hand and leg were scratched and bruised. After the dizziness went away she slowly looked around and saw the girl sitting down and crying. 

She slowly got up and went towards the girl, ignoring the pain she removed her helmet she asked, “Little girl are you hurt somewhere?” 

The little girl who was scared to cause Byeol to fall nodded a no, but scared about what would happen still cried. Byeol understood, “Look here miss, I’m okay, but you tell me, why did you stop me and why are you here in this heavy rain alone?” 

The girl calmed down at Iseul’s soft voice and sobbing pointed at a direction and said, “Save my mom!!” Saying this she started crying again. Byeol turned serious and said, “Let's go take me to your mom dear.” 

The girl guided her to the car which was a min away. Byeol quickly opened the door and checked her pulse. Feeling her pulse not normal she took out her phone and turning on the flash light she started to check of there was some injuries. 

Seeing her bleeding from the forehead and checking for some other injuries Byeol turned to the little girl and asked, “What happened, do you know?” The girl nodded and said, “We were going back home when suddenly mom started shouting that the car was unstable then we crashed into a tree. I didn’t get hurt because mom saved me. Will you be able to save my mom miss?” 

Byeol sighed and said, “Yes, we will quickly take her to the hospital and save her, till I call for help you stay with mom okay?” The girl nodded and Byeol called the ambulance. Then she went and parked her bike in a safe place and quickly returned to the girl. She then checked for any minor injury the girl might have but she didn’t have any. She was luckily saved by her mother.  

The mother was not very serious but her condition wasn’t good as well. Byeol slowly put the lady's head on the car seat and pushed the car seat down slowly to keep her in a comfortable position. She checked her pulse again, feeling her pulse so low she checked her heart rate. 

Byeol got tense as the situation was getting bad. But luckily the ambulance arrived. Byeol quickly told the staff the details. They wanted to contact the family but the mother's phone was broken due to the accident. They rushed towards the Doldam hospital. On the way the patient had a cardiac arrest, Byeol quickly got up and performed CPR after doing it for 5 minutes the patient came back.

Byeol sighed in relief and looked at the girl who was very confused on what’s going on as she was only 5. Byeol smiled and said, “Your mom will be okay, I promised I will save her didn’t I?” 

The little girl nodded sady. They reached Dol Dam hospital and the staff took her inside. Byeol rushed inside and seeing Ms. Oh she said, “There is a possibility of neck injury and seatbelt trauma. She majorily took the hit while saving her daughter.” Ms Oh nodded and asked, “What's your relation with her?” Byeol replied, “I’m just a bypasser, this girl is her daughter.” 

Ms Oh nodded and turned to Woo Jin who said, “She will need an operation, the accident has caused her internal injuries and because of the seatbelt one of her rib cage has a crack.” Ms. Oh turned to the girl and softly in a friendly voice asked, “Little girl do you know your fathers number?” 

The girl looked at Byeol and nodded. Byeol then said, “You should give them your fathers number fast.” The girl then gave them her fathers number. The other nurse got towels for them to dry up. Here getting the consent to operate on the lady, Woo Jin started to operate on her.

Byeol started to remove her bag. She wineced a little, she then removed her  jacket. Dr. Yoon  who was looking at the little girl, turned to Byeol after hearing her wince and gasped. Byeol looked at where Dr. Yoon  was looking and sighed and said, “Looks like I got a little hurt as well.” 

The girl seeing the blood sobbed and said, “I’m sorry unnie, it’s because I came in between.” Byeol nodded a no and said, “You just wanted to save your mom, this is nothing. This unnie will quickly dress me up and I will be okay.” Byeol said while pointing at Dr. Yoon . 

Dr. Yoon  nodded and said, “Yes, don’t worry little girl.” Saying this Dr. Yoon took Byeol to one of the beds. Byeol sitting down said, “I got hurt in my leg as well, but no bone is broken, I don’t think there are any other injuries, I don’t feel dizzy nor like throwing up, nor am I having internal pain anywhere. 

Dr. Yoon nodded in confusion but started disinfecting her wound. She then gave her a tetanus injection and dressed her wounds. 

Byeol turned to the girl and said, “See I’m all okay now.” The girl nodded and sat besides Byeol while she waited for her mother. The girl's father came. 

Hearing everything from her daughter he turned to Byeol and said, “So sorry that you got hurt because of us. And thank you so much for saving my family! Please let me pay for your treatment.” 

Byeol smiled and replied, “It’s okay, it was my duty as a doctor, please be at ease.” The husband bowed down and thanked her again before going to the waiting area.

Dr. Yoon  who was besides her asked, “Ah so you are a doctor as well. Which hospital do you work for?” Byeol smiled and replied, “Doldam.” Hearing this Dr. Yoon  looked at her in confusion. Byeol seeing her like this said, “I’m the new transfer Kang Byeol, nice to meet you.” 

Dr. Yoon  nodded in reply as her confusion was solved and said, “Nice to meet you as well. I'm Yoon A Reum” 

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